akuznia |
Allyson |
Kuznia |
Doctoral Student |
akuznia@uoregon.edu |
Psychology |
427 Straub Hall |
akwok |
Alison |
Kwok |
Professor |
akwok@uoregon.edu |
Architecture |
100 Pacific Hall |
541-346-2126 |
akwon7 |
Annie |
Kwon |
Pro tem instructor |
akwon7@uoregon.edu |
aladi |
Arwa |
Adib |
Doctoral Student |
aladi@uoregon.edu |
Psychology |
alai |
Alaí |
Reyes-Santos |
Professor of Practice |
alai@uoregon.edu |
Law, Law-CRES |
Fall 2020: MW 12-1 PM & By Appt. Email To Schedule Appts. https://calendly.com/alaireyessantos |
541-346-0928 |
alanda |
Abraham |
Landa |
Graduate Employee |
alanda@uoregon.edu |
Music |
3 Collier House |
541-346-3761 |
alangfo2 |
Andrew |
Langford |
Instructor |
alangfo2@uoregon.edu |
346 Susan Campbell Hall |
Thursdays 1:00pm-2:00pm and 5:00pm-6:00pm |
541-346-5984 |
alanr |
Alan |
Reynolds |
ABD Ph.D. |
alanr@uoregon.edu |
alarkin |
Anne |
Larkin |
Coordinator, Development |
alarkin@uoregon.edu |
Lundquist College of Business |
340 Lillis Hall |
541-346-3370 |
alaynap |
Alayna |
Park |
Assistant Professor |
alaynap@uoregon.edu |
Psychology |
288 Straub Hall |
541-346-9798 |
alayne |
W Alayne |
Switzer |
Grant & Research Administrator |
alayne@uoregon.edu |
College of Arts and Sciences |
227 Oregon Hall |
541-346-3439 |
albert |
Albert A. |
Johnstone |
Courtesy Professor |
albert@uoregon.edu |
aldanaro |
Maria Licia |
Aldana Rogers |
Spanish Instructor |
aldanaro@uoregon.edu |
Romance Languages, School of Global Studies and Languages, Spanish |
20 Friendly Hall |
Mondays 10:00-11:50 by ZOOM and by Appointment |
541-346-4497 |
aleblond |
aleblond@uoregon.edu |
27 Friendly Hall |
541-346-4090 |
alemons |
Avery |
Lemons |
Outreach and Events Manager |
alemons@uoregon.edu |
2800 NE Liberty St. |
503-412-0467 |
alen |
Alen |
Mahic |
Pro Tem Research Assistant |
alen@uoregon.edu |
ESBL, 101 Pacific Hall |
alenaf |
Alena |
Friedrich |
Doctoral Student |
alenaf@uoregon.edu |
Economics |
420 PLC |
Winter 2025: Mondays 3 pm - 5 pm |
alerch |
alerch@uoregon.edu |
alerner |
Allan |
Lerner |
Petrology Lab Manager and Research Assistant |
alerner@uoregon.edu |
224 Cascade Hall |
alesak |
Andrew |
Lesak |
Graduate Student |
alesak@uoregon.edu |
OMQ, Physics |
215 Willamette Hall |
541-346-4770 |
alevy2 |
Amber |
Levy |
Ms. |
alevy2@uoregon.edu |
Center for Translational Neuroscience |
alewis21 |
Angelique |
Lewis |
Accounting Technician |
alewis21@uoregon.edu |
541-346-2056 |
alexalga |
Alexandre |
Albert-Galtier |
Associate Professor Emeritus of French |
alexalga@uoregon.edu |
French, Romance Languages |
322 Friendly Hall, 1233 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1205 |
541-346-4026 |
alexiane |
Alexiane |
Peysson |
Graduate Employee French Department |
alexiane@uoregon.edu |
French |
Friendly Hall Room 30 |
Monday: 1:00 - 2:00 pm and Thursday: 4:00 - 5:00 pm |
6262058894 |
alexisg |
Alexis |
Griffin |
Pro Tem Instructor |
alexisg@uoregon.edu |
130 Pacific Hall |
alexmcd |
Alex |
McDonough |
Postdoctoral Scholar |
alexmcd@uoregon.edu |
Mathematics |
102 McArthur Court |
M 10-11 am, T 2-3 pm, Th 11:30am-12:30pm |
541-346-5640 |
alexnc |
Alex |
Cipolle |
Writer and Media Relations Specialist |
alexnc@uoregon.edu |
121 Lawrence Hall |
alexzm |
Alex |
Morrison |
Pro Tem Instructor |
alexzm@uoregon.edu |
SOJC Eugene |
541-346-3561 |
alfine |
Abigail |
Fine |
Assistant Professor of Musicology |
alfine@uoregon.edu |
Music |
208 Collier House |
541-346-5742 |
alhar |
Amanda |
Harrington |
Graduate Employee |
alhar@uoregon.edu |
ali5 |
Alex |
Li |
Doctoral Student |
ali5@uoregon.edu |
Political Science |
Winter 2025: Monday 12:00pm-1:00pm |
alicee |
Alice |
Evans |
Research Dissemination Specialist |
alicee@uoregon.edu |
349 Hendricks Hall |
541-346-5077 |
aliciad |
Alicia A. |
De Gonzalez |
Div Personnel&Budget Spec-SSci |
aliciad@uoregon.edu |
College of Arts and Sciences |
401 Tykeson Hall |
541-346-3315 |
alicspel |
Alic |
Spellman |
Post Doc |
alicspel@uoregon.edu |
Physics |
alidab |
Alida |
Bevirt |
Studio Technician, Jewelry & Metalsmithing |
alidab@uoregon.edu |
Art |
Northsite C |
alimalik |
Ali |
Malik |
Assistant Professor |
alimalik@uoregon.edu |
Global Studies, School of Global Studies and Languages |
208 Friendly |
Fall 2024: By appointment |
alint |
Alina |
Turygina |
GE Russian Instructor |
alint@uoregon.edu |
Russian East European and Eurasian Studies, School of Global Studies and Languages |
Friendly 30 |
Mon & Wed 2-3 pm |
+1-(541)-636-88-01 |
alisaf |
Alisa |
Freedman |
Professor, Japanese Literature, Cultural Studies, and Gender |
alisaf@uoregon.edu |
Asian Studies, Comics and Cartoon Studies, East Asian Languages, School of Global Studies and Languages, Translation Studies |
404 Friendly Hall, 1248 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1205 |
Fridays, 10:30-12:00 on Zoom (Please email for an appointment.) |
541-979-7794 |
alisan |
Aliza |
Lisan |
GE |
alisan@uoregon.edu |
Computer Science |
alissap |
Alissa |
Phillips |
Instructor |
alissap@uoregon.edu |
Cinema Studies |
261 Knight Library |
310-490-5589 |
aliu10 |
Annie |
Liu |
Graduate Employee |
aliu10@uoregon.edu |
3 Collier House |
541-346-3761 |
alixr |
Alix |
Roederer-Morin |
Folklore Graduate Student/ENG GE |
alixr@uoregon.edu |
English, Folklore Program |
allisonv |
Allison |
VanSciver |
Creative Lead and Senior Graphic Designer |
allisonv@uoregon.edu |
127 Franklin Blvd., Rm 127 |
5413460213 |
allissav |
Allissa |
Van Steenis |
Laboratory Manager |
allissav@uoregon.edu |
Center for Translational Neuroscience |
LISB 428 |
allsopp |
Lauren |
Allsopp |
Instructor |
allsopp@uoregon.edu |
265 Lawrence Hall |
541-346-2982 |
allysona |
Allyson |
Alvarado |
MA Student |
allysona@uoregon.edu |
alm |
Amy |
Sisco |
Student Services Support Specialist |
alm@uoregon.edu |
201 Knight Law Center |
541-346-1553 |
along9 |
Autumn |
Long |
English Graduate Student/ GE |
along9@uoregon.edu |
English |
Oregon Hall, Suite 300W |
alonsod |
Alonso |
Delfin Ares de Parga |
PhD student (Phillips) |
alonsod@uoregon.edu |
5 University Hall |
541-346-0999 |
aloverin |
Autum |
Loverin |
Academic Program Coordinator |
aloverin@uoregon.edu |
College of Education, Communication Disorders and Sciences |
241 HEDCO Education Bldg. |
541-346-2480 |