rhirth |
rhirth@uoregon.edu |
rhonda |
Rhonda |
Smith |
Senior Instructor I |
rhonda@uoregon.edu |
677 E. 12th Ave., Ste. 400 |
541-346-7802 |
rhondaz |
Rhonda |
Zimlich |
Pro Tem Instructor |
rhondaz@uoregon.edu |
329 PLC |
S20: MW 10-11:30am (remote); email to schedule Zoom mtg. |
541-346-3965 |
rhonka |
Rita |
Honka |
Senior Instructor II of Dance |
rhonka@uoregon.edu |
Dance, Music |
166 Gerlinger Annex |
541-346-3379 |
rhoselto |
Rob |
Hoselton |
Senior Research Assistant I |
rhoselto@uoregon.edu |
Education Research and Outreach |
235 Lokey Education Bldg |
541-346-2535 |
rhunter |
Rebekah |
Hunter |
Graduate Student |
rhunter@uoregon.edu |
340K McKenzie |
M 12-2 ABA |
541-346-6168 |
rhurd |
Becky |
Hurd |
Instructor |
rhurd@uoregon.edu |
riannam |
Rianna |
Mariman |
PhD Student |
riannam@uoregon.edu |
Linguistics |
265 Straub Hall |
Mon 9:30-11:30 |
ric |
Ric |
Stephens |
Instructor |
ric@uoregon.edu |
119 Hendricks Hall |
503-501-7397 |
ricardov |
Ricardo |
Valenica |
Graduate Teaching Fellow |
ricardov@uoregon.edu |
RichardEaton |
Richard |
Eaton |
Executive Coach |
reaton@leapfroginnovations.com |
Lundquist College of Business |
richmond |
Geraldine |
Richmond |
Professor, Presidential Chair |
richmond@uoregon.edu |
Chemistry and Biochemistry |
212 Willamette Hall, 1253 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1205 |
541-346-4635 |
rika |
Rika |
Ikei |
Senior Instructor II, Japanese Language |
rika@uoregon.edu |
East Asian Languages, School of Global Studies and Languages |
408 Friendly Hall, 1248 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1205 |
M 14:00-16:00, W 9:30-10:30, or by appointment |
riki |
Riki |
Saltzman |
Lecturer, Folklore and Public Culture |
riki@uoregon.edu |
Folklore Program |
rillig |
Robert |
Illig |
Associate Professor |
rillig@uoregon.edu |
320D Knight Law Center |
541-346-1723 |
ripl |
Ries |
Plescher |
ripl@uoregon.edu |
Earth Sciences |
Cascade 325A |
ripo |
Riya |
Ponraj |
ripo@uoregon.edu |
rirvin |
Renee |
Irvin |
Professor |
rirvin@uoregon.edu |
206 Johnson Hall |
541-346-2155 |
ris |
Rosa |
Smith |
English Graduate Student / GE |
ris@uoregon.edu |
English |
261 PLC |
541-346-0529 |
risas |
Risa |
Saavedra |
Department Reception |
risas@uoregon.edu |
Art, Product Design, School of Art + Design |
254 Lawrence Hall |
541-346-3610 |
rishav |
Rishav |
Chatterjee |
Graduate Employee |
rishav@uoregon.edu |
History |
340J Mckenzie Hall |
rivanoff |
Rebecca |
Ivanoff |
Assistant Dean for Career Planning and Professional Development |
rivanoff@uoregon.edu |
220D School Of Law |
541-346-0543 |
rjacobs2 |
Rachel |
Jacobson |
Doctoral Student |
rjacobs2@uoregon.edu |
Psychology |
339 Straub |
rjasti |
Ramesh |
Jasti |
Professor |
rjasti@uoregon.edu |
Chemistry and Biochemistry |
355 D Klamath Hall, 1253 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1253 |
541-346-2508 |
rjd |
Russell |
Donnelly |
Professor, 1930-2015 |
rjd@uoregon.edu |
77 Willamette Hall |
(541) 346-4226 |
rjennin2 |
Ronald |
Jennings |
Adjunct Instructor of French, German, International Studies |
rjennin2@uoregon.edu |
346 PLC |
Spring 2015: |
rjude |
Ron |
Jude |
Professor |
rjude@uoregon.edu |
Art |
198 Lawrence Hall |
541-346-1430 |
rkajikaw |
Reid |
Kajikawa |
Pro Tem Instructor |
rkajikaw@uoregon.edu |
Law |
Knight Law Center |
rkasperi |
Rugile |
Kasperiunaite |
Ph.D. |
rkasperi@uoregon.edu |
Philosophy |
221 Susan Campbell Hall |
Tuesdays 3-5 PM |
rkeatin7 |
Rebecca |
Keating |
M.A. |
rkeatin7@uoregon.edu |
211 Susan Campbell Hall |
Tuesday 2-3, Friday 2-3 |
rkeller2 |
Rebecca |
Keller |
Graduate Employee |
rkeller2@uoregon.edu |
41 Frohnmayer Music Bldg |
rking |
Ray |
King |
Professor Emerit of Accounting |
rking@uoregon.edu |
Accounting, Lundquist College of Business |
423 Lillis Hall |
541-346-3357 |
rkitson |
Ryan |
Kitson |
Pro Tem Instructor, Art |
rkitson@uoregon.edu |
rklaiss |
Rachael |
Klaiss |
Graduate Student |
rklaiss@uoregon.edu |
OMQ, Physics |
74 Willamette Hall |
541-346-4770 |
rkoehle2 |
Richard |
Koehler |
Pro Tem Instructor, Product Design |
rkoehle2@uoregon.edu |
rkovatch |
Ryan |
Kovatch |
Student |
rkovatch@uoregon.edu |
Computer Science |
rkq |
Rachel |
Quick |
Doctoral Student |
rkq@uoregon.edu |
126 Franklin Bldg. |
rkraus |
Richard |
Kraus |
Professor Emeritus |
rkraus@uoregon.edu |
Asian Studies, Political Science |
rkyr |
Robert |
Kyr |
Professor of Composition and Theory |
rkyr@uoregon.edu |
Music |
263 Frohnmayer Music Bldg |
541-346-3766 |
rlambert |
Rose |
Lambert-Sluder |
English Graduate Student / GTF |
rlambert@uoregon.edu |
355 PLC |
Spring term W 12:45-2:15, R 11:30-1:30 |
541.346.0049 |
rlassila |
Robert |
Lassila |
Graduate Employee |
rlassila@uoregon.edu |
39 Frohnmayer Music Bldg |
541-346-3761 |
rlatimer |
Rachael |
Latimer |
Data Analyst |
rlatimer@uoregon.edu |
130 HEDCO Education Bldg. |
541-346-8297 |
rlb |
rlb@uoregon.edu |
054 PLC |
541-346-1767 |
rldavis |
Robert |
Davis |
Professor of Spanish |
rldavis@uoregon.edu |
College of Arts and Sciences, Language Teaching Studies, School of Global Studies and Languages, Spanish, Spanish Heritage Language Program, French, Italian, Portuguese, Romance Languages |
209 Friendly Hall, 1233 University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1233 |
Book a visit here: https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/bookingsrldavisofficehours@uoregon.edu/bookings/ |
541-346-0956 |
rlee3 |
Rachael |
Lee |
Environmental Studies Graduate Student/ GE |
rlee3@uoregon.edu |
English, Environmental Studies |
269 PLC |
541-346-0050 |
rleonar7 |
Ryan |
Leonard |
DevOps Programmer |
rleonar7@uoregon.edu |
CASIT, Dev Services, Information Services |
441D McKenzie Hall |
541-346-1718 |
rleonard |
Roger |
Leonard |
Chemistry Teaching Labs Coordinator |
rleonard@uoregon.edu |
541-346-2795 |
rleriche |
rleriche@uoregon.edu |
rlewinsk |
Roland |
Lewinski |
Undergraduate Advisor |
rlewinsk@uoregon.edu |
Asian Studies |
rlewis9 |
Rebecca |
Lewis |
Associate Professor |
rlewis9@uoregon.edu |
247A Hendricks Hall |
By appointment |
541-346-4432 |