kakhavan |
kakhavan@uoregon.edu |
kalanig |
Kalani |
Gilman |
Lead Front Office Assistant |
csdsciadmin@uoregon.edu |
Mathematics, Computer Science |
120 Deschutes Hall |
Monday 1:30-3:30, Tuesday 1:30-5, Thursday 1:30-4, Friday 2-4 |
kaleese |
Corrinne |
Kaleese |
EI/ECSE Specialst |
kaleese@uoregon.edu |
Education Research and Outreach |
1500 W. 12th Ave. |
541-914-9975 |
kalnbach |
Chuck |
Kalnbach |
Emerit Senior Instructor II of Management |
kalnbach@uoregon.edu |
Lundquist College of Business, Management |
430 Lillis Hall |
541-346-6164 |
kamurphy |
Kimberly |
Murphy |
Research Analyst 2 |
kamurphy@uoregon.edu |
Education Research and Outreach |
145A Clinical Services Bldg |
541-346-2580 |
kandreas |
Keaton |
Andreas |
Senior Associate Director, Executive Admissions |
kandreas@uoregon.edu |
Lundquist College of Business |
503-412-0474 |
kandyce |
Kandyce |
Kelley |
Research Assistant |
kelleyk@cbirt.org |
Psychology |
Rainier Bldg., CBIRT, Suite 220 |
kantor |
William |
Kantor |
Professor Emeritus |
kantor@uoregon.edu |
Mathematics |
kaplan |
Sharon |
Kaplan |
Graduate Specialist |
kaplan@uoregon.edu |
Economics, Political Science, Sociology |
175 PLC |
541-346-1261 |
karalie |
Karalie |
Adams |
Instructor |
karalie@uoregon.edu |
Portland Center |
karduna |
Andy |
Karduna |
Professor and Department Head |
karduna@uoregon.edu |
Human Physiology |
304 Gerlinger Hall, 1240 University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1240 |
541-346-0438 |
karenan |
Karena |
Norton |
Early Childhood Assistant |
karenan@uoregon.edu |
Education Research and Outreach |
karenc |
Karen |
Crivello |
Office Specialist 2 |
karenc@uoregon.edu |
Education Research and Outreach |
135N Lokey Education Bldg |
541-346-2332 |
karenjj |
Karen |
Johnson |
Assistant Dean, Public Relations |
karenjj@uoregon.edu |
264 Lawrence Hall |
541-346-3603 |
karenl |
Karen |
Lee |
Pro Tem Instructor, Product Design |
karenl@uoregon.edu |
karenmc |
Karen |
McIntyre |
Assistant Professor of Journalism |
karenmc@uoregon.edu |
SOJC, SOJC-Journalism, SOJC-Journalism Master's |
233 Allen Hall |
541-346-3702 |
karid |
Kari |
Day |
Pro Tem Instructor of Accounting |
karid@uoregon.edu |
391 Anstett Hall |
541-346-8010 |
karig |
Accounting Technician |
karig@uoregon.edu |
College of Arts and Sciences |
Straub Hall 130 |
541-346-2427 |
karikarn |
Karikarn |
Chansiri |
Doctoral Student |
karikarn@uoregon.edu |
SOJC Eugene |
karilh |
Kari |
Hagemeyer |
EI/ECSE Specialist |
karilh@uoregon.edu |
Education Research and Outreach |
1500 W. 12th Ave. |
802-738-0516 |
karinw |
Karin Sprei |
Watson |
M.A. |
karinw@uoregon.edu |
karlif |
Karli |
Farrimond |
Executive Support Coordinator |
karlif@uoregon.edu |
Biology, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Multidisciplinary Science, Physics |
77 Klamath |
541-346-1584 |
karlo |
Karl |
Owens |
Operating Systems and Network Analyst |
karlo@uoregon.edu |
Lundquist College of Business |
320 C Lillis Hall |
541-346-8550 |
karlsrud |
Kim |
Karlsrud |
Visiting Assistant Professor |
karlsrud@uoregon.edu |
Landscape Arch |
306 Lawrence Hall |
4243418000 |
karlyn |
Kathleen |
Karlyn |
Professor Emerita |
karlyn@uoregon.edu |
English |
karstenr |
Karsten |
Rasmussen |
Pro Tem Instructor |
karsten.h.rasmussen@ojd.state.or.us |
Knight Law Center |
541-346-3837 |
karviso |
Kaylee |
Arviso |
Office Coordinator | Executive Assistant |
karviso@uoregon.edu |
541-346-3453 |
kaslam |
Khurram |
Aslam |
Post Doc fellow |
kaslam@uoregon.edu |
kassia |
Kassia |
Dellabough |
Senior Instructor |
kassia@uoregon.edu |
105 Lawrence Hall |
541-346-8272 |
katec |
Kate |
Conley |
Director, Communications |
katec@uoregon.edu |
121 Lawrence Hall |
541-346-1880 |
katelind |
Katelin |
Donaldson |
Graduate Student, Physics Department |
katelind@uoregon.edu |
Physics |
217 Willamette Hall |
541-346-4770 |
kathiec |
Kathie |
Carpenter |
Professor |
kathiec@uoregon.edu |
Global Studies, School of Global Studies and Languages |
356 PLC, 5206 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-5206 |
Thursday 1-3 PM or contact by email: kathiec@uoregon.edu |
541-346-3898 |
kathikoe |
Katharina |
Koerber |
Visiting Professor of Practice |
kathikoe@uoregon.edu |
Architecture, Interior Architecture Program |
kathy |
Kathy |
Lynn |
Research Assistant |
kathy@uoregon.edu |
Native American Studies, SAIL |
243 Columbia Hall, 5223 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-5295 |
541-346-5777 |
kathyl |
Kathy |
Trafton |
Ph.D. |
kathyl@uoregon.edu |
katiejol |
Katie Jo |
LaRiviere |
English Graduate Student / GE |
katiejol@uoregon.edu |
234 PLC |
541-346-0054 |
katiem |
Katie |
Mason |
Clinical Supervisor |
katiem@uoregon.edu |
Communication Disorders and Sciences |
267 HEDCO Education Bldg |
541-346-2457 |
katinasaintmarie |
Katina |
Saint Marie |
Faculty |
katinasaintmarie@gmail.com |
327 PLC |
Spring term T 9:30-12:30 |
(541) 346-1510 |
katinasm |
Katina |
Saint Marie |
Pro Tem Instructor |
katinasm@uoregon.edu |
327 PLC |
541-346-9342 |
katrinal |
Katrina |
Loganimoce |
Admissions Coordinator, Oregon Executive MBA |
katrinal@uoregon.edu |
Lundquist College of Business |
38 NW Davis St., Ste 200 |
503-412-3791 |
kaushals |
Kaushal |
Sapkota |
PhD Student |
kaushals@uoregon.edu |
Hendricks Hall 1B, 1209 University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, USA 97403-1209 |
Mondays and Wednesdays, 2 pm to 4 pm |
kautumn |
Kaisa |
Autumn |
PhD student |
kautumn@uoregon.edu |
Earth Sciences |
CAS 125E |
9712766288 |
kava |
Katie |
VanOort |
Masters Student and Graduate Employee |
kava@uoregon.edu |
French, Romance Languages, School of Global Studies and Languages |
Friendly 30 |
Wednesdays and Thursdays 12-1pm |
kayint |
Kayin |
Talton |
Visiting Professor of Practice |
kayint@uoregon.edu |
kayleel |
Kaylee |
Lewis |
MA Student |
kayleel@uoregon.edu |
kayw |
Kayla |
Wright |
Postdoctoral Scholar |
kayw@uoregon.edu |
Mathematics |
102 McArthur Court |
541-346-5631 |
kbahnsen |
Kata |
Bahnsen-Reinhardt |
Associate Director, Graduate Student Experience |
kbahnsen@uoregon.edu |
Lundquist College of Business |
302G Peterson Hall |
541-346-8843 |
kbai |
Kehang |
Bai |
Graduate Student |
kbai@uoregon.edu |
Institute for Fundamental Science, Physics |
410 Willamette Hall |
541-346-4770 |
kbalogun |
Oluwakemi "Kemi" |
Balogun |
Associate Professor |
kbalogun@uoregon.edu |
African Studies, Black Studies, IRES, School of Global Studies and Languages, Sociology, Women's Gender and Sexuality Studies |
Fall 2024: Mondays & Tuesdays 10 - 11am and by appointment |
kbane |
Kaitlin |
Bane |
Doctoral Student |
kbane@uoregon.edu |
SOJC Eugene |