hadila |
Hadil |
Abuhmaid |
Doctoral Student |
hadila@uoregon.edu |
210 Allen Hall |
541-346-1110 |
hadleyu |
Hadley |
Underwood |
Law and Conflict Studies Program Manager |
hadleyu@uoregon.edu |
Law, Law-CRES, Law-LLM |
Knight Law Center, 4th Floor |
hagopian |
Sarah |
Hagopian |
Faculty Support Specialist |
hagopian@uoregon.edu |
Law |
541-346-1563 |
hahmad |
Hanan |
Elsherif |
Arabic Coordinator, Arabic Studies |
hahmad@uoregon.edu |
Arabic Studies |
338 Susan Campbell Hall |
Tuesdays and Thursdays 2:15pm-3:15pm |
541-346-4980 |
hailayr |
Hailay |
Reda |
Graduate Student |
hailayr@uoregon.edu |
Anthropology |
313 Condon Hall |
By appointment over zoom |
541-346-5109 |
hailin |
Hailin |
Wang |
Professor |
hailin@uoregon.edu |
OMQ, Physics |
274 Willamette Hall, 1274 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1205 |
541-346-4758 |
hajoneis |
Hajo |
Neis |
Associate Professor Emeritus |
hajoneis@uoregon.edu |
Architecture |
70 NW Couch St., 459 White Stag Bldg |
503-412-3731 |
hakeema |
hakeema@uoregon.edu |
haley |
Michael |
Haley |
Professor |
haley@uoregon.edu |
Chemistry and Biochemistry |
385 Onyx Bridge, 1253 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1205 |
541-346-0456 |
hali3 |
Hiba |
Ali |
Assistant Professor |
hali3@uoregon.edu |
Art |
hallett |
Lauren |
Hallett |
Associate Professor of Environmental Studies and Biology |
hallett@uoregon.edu |
Biology, Environmental Studies |
220C Pacific Hall |
M/W 11am-12:50pm |
541-346-3346 |
halley |
Henry |
Alley |
Professor Emeritus of Literature |
halley@uoregon.edu |
Clark Honors College |
541-346-2513 |
halliwil |
John |
Halliwill |
Professor |
halliwil@uoregon.edu |
Human Physiology |
181 Esslinger Hall, 1240 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1240 |
541-346-7591 |
hamer4 |
Holly |
Amer |
Graduate Student Researcher |
hamer4@uoregon.edu |
Environmental Studies |
Columbia 247 |
425-770-9672 |
hanes |
Jeff |
Hanes |
Professor Emeritus |
hanes@uoregon.edu |
Asian Studies, History |
340X McKenzie Hall, 1288 University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1205 |
541-346-4837 |
hanhardt |
Arthur |
Hanhardt |
Professor Emeritus |
hanhardt@uoregon.edu |
Political Science |
hank |
Hank |
Childs |
Interim Executive Director for the School of Computer and Data Sciences |
hank@uoregon.edu |
Computer Science, Data Science, School of Computer and Data Sciences |
301 Deschutes Hall |
541-346-3414 |
hanming |
Hanming |
Liu |
PhD candidate (Lipshitz) |
hanming@uoregon.edu |
Mathematics |
305 Fenton Hall |
541-346-0236 |
hannahyo |
Hannah |
Young |
Graduate Employee |
hannahyo@uoregon.edu |
Human Physiology |
hannal |
Hanna |
LaPointe |
Faculty Support Coordinator |
hannal@uoregon.edu |
Economics, General Social Sciences, Political Science, Sociology |
435 PLC |
541-346-2577 |
hanness |
Hannes |
Sobottka |
Graduate Student |
hanness@uoregon.edu |
155 Willamette Hall |
hanqw |
Hanqing |
Wang |
Doctoral Student |
hanqw@uoregon.edu |
Economics |
823 PLC |
Fall 2024: Tuesday and Thursday 4:00-5:00 |
hanssenr |
Rosy |
Hanssen |
Business Operations Manager |
hanssenr@uoregon.edu |
haopengy |
Haopeng |
Yuan |
Doctoral Student |
haopengy@uoregon.edu |
312 Allen Hall |
haowang |
Hao |
Wang |
Courtesy Research Associate Professor |
haowang@uoregon.edu |
Mathematics |
541-346-5628 |
haoyuxu |
Haoyu |
Xu |
PhD Student, Operations and Business Analytics |
haoyuxu@uoregon.edu |
Lundquist College of Business, Operations and Business Analytics |
harbaugh |
William |
Harbaugh |
Professor |
harbaugh@uoregon.edu |
College Scholars, Economics, SAIL |
W24: Thursday 1:00-3:00 |
541-346-1244 |
hardwick |
John |
Hardwick |
Senior Research Associate Emeritus |
hardwick@uoregon.edu |
Chemistry and Biochemistry |
151A Klamath Hall, 1253 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1253 |
541-346-4753 |
harinder |
Harinder |
Khalsa |
Senior Instructor II of Italian/YLC Self Study Language Program Coordinator |
harinder@uoregon.edu |
College of Arts and Sciences, School of Global Studies and Languages, Romance Languages, Italian, Yamada Language Center |
161 McKenzie Hall, 1233 University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1233 |
MW 13:00-13:45 PM or by appointment |
harker |
Hayden |
Harker |
Senior Instructor |
harker@uoregon.edu |
Mathematics |
215 Fenton Hall, 1222 University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1222 |
541-346-5630 |
harms |
Mike |
Harms |
Associate Professor |
harms@uoregon.edu |
Chemistry and Biochemistry |
340A Willamette Hall, 5289 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-5289 |
541-346-9002 |
harnett |
Howard |
Arnett |
Professor of Practice |
harnett@uoregon.edu |
Law, Law-JD |
409F Knight Law Center |
541-346-0187 |
harperj |
James |
Harper |
Associate Professor |
harperj@uoregon.edu |
240 Lawrence Hall |
541-346-5027 |
harriets |
Harriet |
Smith |
Academic Affairs Assistant |
harriets@uoregon.edu |
Knight Law Center, 3rd Floor |
harrism |
Mark |
Harris |
M.A. CADCI, MAC (candidate) |
harrism@uoregon.edu |
MW 1:30-2:30 |
harriss |
Harris |
Smith |
ABD Ph.D. |
harriss@uoregon.edu |
11 Susan Campbell Hall |
harrow |
Holly |
Arrow |
Professor Emerit Psychology |
harrow@uoregon.edu |
Psychology, SAIL |
harsh |
Katie |
Harsh |
TSD Coordinator |
harsh@uoregon.edu |
Information Services |
541-346-8363 |
harshas |
harshas@uoregon.edu |
235 Deschutes Hall |
hartz |
Jill |
Hartz |
Executive Director of the JSMA |
hartz@uoregon.edu |
1430 Johnson Hall |
541-346-0972 |
harwood3 |
Joe |
Harwood |
Part-time Instructor |
harwood3@uoregon.edu |
323 Allen Hall |
haskins |
Shaun |
Haskins |
N/a |
haskins@uoregon.edu |
210 Lawrence Hall |
541-346-1435 |
hatchmo |
Monica J. |
Hatch |
Instructor |
hatchmo@uoregon.edu |
American English Institute |
220 Agate Hall |
541-346-3945 |
hather |
Hammad |
Ather |
Computer Science PhD student |
hather@uoregon.edu |
Computer Science |
207 Deschutes Hall |
3127300413 |
hatsues |
hatsues@uoregon.edu |
401 Tykeson Hall |
541-346-3175 |
havishak |
Havisha |
Khurana |
Master's Student |
havishak@uoregon.edu |
hayag |
Grace |
Haya |
Career Advisor |
hayag@uoregon.edu |
Lundquist College of Business |
haydock |
Roger |
Haydock |
Professor Emeritus |
haydock@uoregon.edu |
Physics |
302 Willamette Hall |
hbair |
Heather |
Bair |
Costume Shop Manager |
hbair@uoregon.edu |
Theatre Arts |
123A MTC (Miller Theatre Complex) |
hbarndt |
Hunter |
Barndt |
Graduate Student |
hbarndt@uoregon.edu |
Physics |