kkeaotam |
Katie |
Rispoli Keaotamai |
Pro Tem Instructor |
kkeaotam@uoregon.edu |
eritchi2 |
Evan |
Ritchie |
Graduate Student, Physics Department |
eritchi2@uoregon.edu |
OMQ, Physics |
217 Willamette Hall |
541-346-4770 |
mrivera5 |
Mariana |
Rivera |
Graduate Student |
mrivera5@uoregon.edu |
Winter '22: Tues. 2 - 3 pm, Thurs. 10 - 11 am, via Zoom. |
541-346-0900 |
kiyar |
Kiya |
Riverman |
Postdoctoral Scholar |
kiyar@uoregon.edu |
lrobb |
Lydia |
Robb |
Classics Graduate Student |
lrobb@uoregon.edu |
336 Susan Campbell Hall |
aor |
Andrew |
Robbins |
Doctoral Student |
aor@uoregon.edu |
335 Hendricks Hall |
Winter 2019: Wednesdays 1:30-3:30pm and by appointment |
danetter |
Danette |
Roberson |
Academic Program Coordinator |
danetter@uoregon.edu |
College of Education, Counseling Psychology |
240 Hedco Education Bldg |
541-346-9148 |
hollyr |
Holly |
Roberts |
Associate Director of Programming |
hollyr@uoregon.edu |
Music |
975 E 18th, Rm 203 |
541-346-1148 |
lucindar |
Lucy |
Roberts |
Graduate Student |
lucindar@uoregon.edu |
Geography |
Condon 163 |
robertsn |
Nancy |
Roberts |
Office Specialist 1 |
robertsn@uoregon.edu |
Education Research and Outreach |
541-346-7325 |
billr |
William |
Roberts |
Professor Emeritus |
roberts@uoneuro.uoregon.edu |
Biology |
oyr |
Ocea |
Roberts Thompson |
Master's Student |
oyr@uoregon.edu |
Economics |
merrynr |
Merryn |
Roberts-Huntley |
Pro Tem Instructor |
merrynr@uoregon.edu |
SPM Program |
541-346-8251 |
lancer |
Lance |
Robertson |
Part-time Instructor |
lancer@uoregon.edu |
SOJC, SOJC-Journalism, SOJC-Public Relations |
323 Allen Hall |
541-346-2227 |
arobinso |
Amanda |
Robinson |
PhD Student |
arobinso@uoregon.edu |
German & Scandinavian, School of Global Studies and Languages |
310 Friendly Hall |
541-346-4051 |
crobins2 |
Collin |
Robinson |
Graduate Teaching Fellow |
crobins2@uoregon.edu |
Allen 210 |
robinson |
Deanna |
Robinson |
Professor Emerita |
robinson@uoregon.edu |
Asian Studies |
moralesj |
Jackie |
Robinson |
Outreach and Administrative Manager |
moralesj@uoregon.edu |
Anstett 391A |
krobin14 |
Kayla |
Robinson |
Undergraduate/Graduate Coordinator |
krobin14@uoregon.edu |
161 Straub Hall |
541-346-3613 |
mrobin15 |
Marc |
Robinson |
Visiting Fellow in Equity, Justice and Inclusion |
mrobin15@uoregon.edu |
Professor Robinson is teaching virtually Fall Term 2022 |
rrobins3 |
Rachel |
Robinson |
Graduate Employee |
rrobins@uoregon.edu |
Human Physiology |
181 Esslinger |
541-346-4107 |
robr |
Rob |
Robinson |
Analyst Programmer 2 |
robr@uoregon.edu |
175F Lokey Ed Bldg |
scottrob |
Scott |
Robinson |
Assistant Professor of Accounting |
scottrob@uoregon.edu |
Accounting, Lundquist College of Business |
541-346-3411 |
krobison |
Katie |
Robison |
Undergraduate Coordinator |
krobison@uoregon.edu |
Economics, General Social Sciences, Political Science, Sociology |
175 PLC |
541-346-0205 |
rachelr |
Rachel |
Rochester |
Instructor |
rachelr@uoregon.edu |
College of Education, Family and Human Services |
301C Tykeson Hall |
541-346-1542 |
srockcas |
Siobhan |
Rockcastle |
Associate Professor |
srockcas@uoregon.edu |
Architecture, Interior Architecture Program |
164 Onyx Bridge |
wrockett |
Gordon |
Rockett |
Professor Emeritus |
wrockett@uoregon.edu |
English |
jrocklin |
Joan |
Rocklin |
Clinical Professor |
jrocklin@uoregon.edu |
Law, Law-JD |
310 Knight Law Center |
541-346-3869 |
rrocklin |
Robert |
Rocklin |
Pro Tem Instructor |
rrocklin@uoregon.edu |
Law |
jrockwel |
Julia |
Rockwell |
EI/ECSE Specialst |
jrockwel@uoregon.edu |
Education Research and Outreach |
1500 W. 12th Ave. |
541-953-9057 |
rebekah |
Rebekah |
Rodabaugh |
Early Childhood Associate Teac |
rebekah@uoregon.edu |
Education Research and Outreach |
1500 W. 12th Ave. |
541-625-0259 |
lhenrik2 |
Lindsey |
Rodgers |
Instructor of Musicology and Organ |
lhenrik2@uoregon.edu |
Music |
201 Collier House |
541-346-5589 |
ser |
Stephen |
Rodgers |
Edmund A. Cykler Chair in Music |
ser@uoregon.edu |
Music |
220 Frohnmayer Music Bldg |
541-346-5589 |
rodley |
Tricia |
Rodley |
Senior Instructor I, Career Faculty |
rodley@uoregon.edu |
Theatre Arts |
10A Mac Court |
Fall 2024: Wednesday and Thursday from 11:00 am-12:00 pm (or email for appointment) |
541-346-6174 |
rrodman |
Rachel |
Rodman |
ProTem Instructor |
rrodman@uoregon.edu |
310 Chapman Hall |
arodrig1 |
Aaron A. |
Rodriguez |
ABD Ph.D. |
arodrig1@uoregon.edu |
arodrig |
Alejandra |
Rodriguez |
Pro Tem Instructor of Marketing |
arodrig@uoregon.edu |
Lundquist College of Business, Marketing |
293 Anstett Hall #53 |
541-346-5105 |
billiejo |
Billie Jo |
Rodriguez |
School Psychology Program Director |
billiejo@uoregon.edu |
Applied Behavior Analysis, College of Education, School Psychology, Special Education |
340 HEDCO Education Bldg |
erodrig7 |
Eric |
Rodriguez |
Ph.D. |
erodrig7@uoregon.edu |
geovanna |
Geovanna |
Rodriguez |
Assistant Professor |
geovanna@uoregon.edu |
College of Education, School Psychology |
378 HEDCO Education Bldg. |
541-346-2145 |
hectorr |
Hector |
Rodriguez |
hectorr@uoregon.edu |
Architecture |
Pacific 130 |
lrodrig5 |
Luis |
Rodriguez |
Creative Writing Graduate Student |
lrodrig5@uoregon.edu |
randallr |
Randall |
Rodriguez |
Graduate Student |
randallr@uoregon.edu |
221 Susan Campbell Hall |
Spring 2023: Tuesdays 2-4 pm on Zoom https://uoregon.zoom.us/j/93596143231?pwd=dHZPaW52UjVGODRLcjZTVDdxdWZIdz09 |
541-346-7352 |
arodri18 |
Alex |
Rodriquez |
CRWR Graduate Student / ENG GE |
arodri18@uoregon.edu |
English |
371 PLC |
alixr |
Alix |
Roederer-Morin |
Folklore Graduate Student/ENG GE |
alixr@uoregon.edu |
English, Folklore Program |
jroering |
Josh |
Roering |
Professor |
jroering@uoregon.edu |
Earth Sciences |
325C Cascade Hall, 1272 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1205 |
Thurs, 3:30-5pm |
541-346-5574 |
nroese |
Nathan |
Roese |
Pro Tem Instructor, Product Design |
nroese@uoregon.edu |
Product Design |
croethle |
Christopher |
Roethle |
Instructor Pro-Tem |
croethle@uoregon.edu |
English |
19 PLC |
Fall 2024: Mondays and Fridays 1-2:30pm, and gladly by appointment |
541-346-3924 |
arogers2 |
Annie |
Rogers |
Operations Support Specialist ASU 6 |
arogers2@uoregon.edu |
Biology |
77 Klamath Hall |
541-346-4527 |
irogers |
Isabelle |
Rogers |
Graduate Student, PhD, Spanish |
irogers@uoregon.edu |
Romance Languages, School of Global Studies and Languages, Spanish, College of Arts and Sciences |
Friendly Hall 13 (Basement) 2024-2025 |
SPAN 102, Winter 2025: Mondays-Tuesdays 1-2pm, Friendly Hall 13 |