ellemccal |
Elle |
McCall |
Pro Tem Instructor and Deputy District Attorney |
Elle.McCall@co.lane.or.us |
mccammon |
Scott |
McCammon |
Software Project Manager |
mccammon@uoregon.edu |
Education Research and Outreach |
1600 Millrace Dr., Ste 213 |
541-346-1633 |
aism |
Aislinn |
McCann |
Graduate Student |
aism@uoregon.edu |
Physics |
cmccann2 |
Clare F. |
McCann |
PTm Rsch Asst Proj Coord DSNL |
cmccann2@uoregon.edu |
150 LISB |
mccart |
Melissa |
McCart |
Director CBIRT, Research Assistant Professor |
mccart@uoregon.edu |
Psychology |
220B Rainier Bldg. |
541-346-0597 |
jennecam |
Jenneca |
McCarter |
Graduate Student |
jennecam@uoregon.edu |
Anthropology |
365/366 Condon Hall |
Wednesday, 1-2:50pm. No office hours during FINALS week. |
541-346-5109 |
martim |
Marti |
McCausland |
Assistant Director, Center for Career Planning & Professional Development |
martim@uoregon.edu |
Law |
541-346-1072 |
mcclain2 |
Karen |
McClain |
Undergraduate Coordinator |
mcclain2@uoregon.edu |
118 PLC |
Winter 2024: MON - working remote 7:30-4:30; TUES-FRI 7:30-4:30; LUNCH M-F 12-1:00 |
541-346-1500 |
nikkim |
Nikki |
McClaran |
Assistant Professor, Public Relations Program |
nikkim@uoregon.edu |
SOJC, SOJC-Public Relations |
311C Allen Hall |
541-346-380 |
gmcclel2 |
Gavin |
McClelland |
Pro Tem Instructor |
gmcclel2@uoregon.edu |
Wednesday, 10am - 12pm |
hmcclure |
Heather |
McClure |
Bilingual Assistant Research Professor |
hmcclure@uoregon.edu |
College of Education, Education Policy and Leadership, Education Research and Outreach, Educational Leadership |
1600 Millrace Dr., Ste 307 |
541-346-8904 |
lmccoid |
Laura |
McCoid |
Oregon CIS Director |
lmccoid@uoregon.edu |
Education Research and Outreach |
328 E Broadway |
541-346-2337 |
mccole |
John |
McCole |
Associate Professor |
mccole@uoregon.edu |
History |
303 McKenzie Hall, 1288 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1205 |
Spring 2023 W 2-4 in McKenzie 303, or email me for a Zoom link |
541-346-5906 |
gmccomas |
Garrett |
McComas |
Graduate Teaching Fellow |
gmccomas@uoregon.edu |
336 Susan Campbell Hall |
nmccom |
Natalya |
McComas |
EI/ECSE Specialist |
nmccom@uoregon.edu |
Education Research and Outreach |
1500 W. 12th Ave. |
541-854-5614 |
kmccomb |
Kayla |
McComb |
Doctoral Student |
kmccomb@uoregon.edu |
Psychology |
470 Straub Hall |
smcconk3 |
Spencer |
McConkie |
Graduate Employee |
smcconk3@uoregon.edu |
History |
ambermcc |
Amber |
McConnell |
Instructor |
ambermcc@uoregon.edu |
Chemistry and Biochemistry |
160B Klamath |
541-346-0403 |
sandym |
Sandy |
McConnell |
Office Specialist |
sandym@uoregon.edu |
210 Lawrence Hall |
541-346-0731 |
jmcc |
James |
Mcconville |
English Graduate Student/ GE |
jmcc@uoregon.edu |
English |
tmccork2 |
Tina |
McCorkindale |
Pro Tem Instructor |
tmccork2@uoregon.edu |
SOJC, SOJC-Multimedia Journalism, SOJC-Strategic Communication |
222 Allen Hall |
johnmccormack |
John |
McCormack |
Pro Tem Instructor |
john@kolitchromano.com |
503 994-1650 |
davidmc |
David |
McCormick |
Professor |
davidmc@uoregon.edu |
Biology, Neuroscience |
213B Huestis Hall |
541-346-5169 |
mccrea |
Shaun |
McCrea |
Pro Tem Instructor |
mccrea@uoregon.edu |
Law |
Knight Law Center |
cmccurd5 |
Carrie |
McCurdy |
Associate Professor |
cmccurd5@uoregon.edu |
Food Studies, Human Physiology |
112 Pacific Hall, 1240 University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1240 |
541-346-5069 |
mccusker |
Patrick |
McCusker |
Development |
mccusker@uoregon.edu |
164 Lawrence Hall |
541-346-0607 |
juliamcd |
Julia |
McDaniel |
English Graduate Student/ GE |
juliamcd@uoregon.edu |
English |
mcdan |
David |
McDaniels |
Professor emeritus |
mcdan@uoregon.edu |
Physics |
gmcdona6 |
George |
McDonald |
Postdoctoral Scholar |
gmcdona6@uoregon.edu |
206 Volcanology |
janemcd |
Jane |
McDonald |
Clinical Supervisor |
janemcd@uoregon.edu |
276 HEDCO Education Bldg. |
541-346-2123 |
judimac |
Judi |
McDonald |
Faculty Support Specialist, ASU 6 |
judimac@uoregon.edu |
Biology |
120 Willamette Hall |
M-TH: 8:15a - 5:15p; F: Remote |
541-346-4846 |
tomm |
Tom |
McDonnell |
Professor of Practice |
tomm@uoregon.edu |
SOJC, SOJC-Advertising, SOJC-Advertising and Brand Responsibility |
200 Allen Hall |
541-346-2087 |
alexmcd |
Alex |
McDonough |
Postdoctoral Scholar |
alexmcd@uoregon.edu |
Mathematics |
102 McArthur Court |
M 10-11 am, T 2-3 pm, Th 11:30am-12:30pm |
541-346-5640 |
kmcdonou |
Katelyn |
McDonough |
Assistant Professor |
kmcdonou@uoregon.edu |
Anthropology |
253 Condon Hall |
M/W 4pm-5pm in Condon 253 |
541-346-9639 |
smcdoug2 |
Sarah |
McDougald |
Doctoral Student - On Leave |
smcdoug2@uoregon.edu |
Psychology |
chloemcd |
Chloe |
McDowell |
Academic Advisor |
chloemcd@uoregon.edu |
Lundquist College of Business |
541-346-1216 |
kumikom |
Kumiko |
McDowell |
PhD candidate |
kumikom@uoregon.edu |
East Asian Languages |
121 Knight Library |
541-346-1855 |
pmcd |
Patricia |
McDowell |
Professor Emeritus, Geography |
pmcd@uoregon.edu |
Environmental Studies, Geography |
275 Condon Hall, 1251 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1251 |
M 2-3pm |
541-346-4567 |
kmcdunn |
Kit |
McDunn |
Comparative Literature Graduate Student/ ENG GE |
kmcdunn@uoregon.edu |
Comparative Literature, English |
313B Villard Hall |
Winter Term: Wednesday 12pm-3pm |
541-346-0934 |
dmcewen |
Denise |
McEwen |
Early Childhood Associate Teacher |
dmcewen@uoregon.edu |
Education Research and Outreach |
1500 W 12th Ave |
330-806-3066 |
lmcfarla |
Laurel |
McFarland |
Pro Tem Instructor |
lmcfarla@uoregon.edu |
Law |
Knight Law Center |
541-346-3971 |
andrealm |
Andrea |
McFarlane |
Business Manager, SOJC Portland |
andrealm@uoregon.edu |
350B Turnbull Center, SOJC Portland |
503-412-3662 |
juliusm |
Julius |
McGee |
Associate Professor |
juliusm@uoregon.edu |
Black Studies, Sociology |
631 PLC |
Winter 2025: Tuesday Wednesday 1:00-2:00 |
541-346-5514 |
annem |
Anne |
McGinley |
Administrative Program Assistant |
annem@uoregon.edu |
Materials Science Institute |
450B Willamette Hall |
8:30a-12p, 1p-5p M-Th |
541-346-1922 |
lauramcg |
Laura |
McGinnis |
Pro Tem Instructor |
lauramcg@uoregon.edu |
10A Johnson Hall |
Mondays, 2-3pm, after class, and by appointment |
541-346-8377 |
bmcgough |
Bruce |
McGough |
Professor |
bmcgough@uoregon.edu |
Economics |
446 PLC, 1285 University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1285 |
Winter 2023: Zoom hours Wednesday 9-11, Friday 9-10 |
541-346-6458 |
ecmcg |
Emily |
McGovern |
Postdoctoral Scholar |
ecmcg@uoregon.edu |
Mathematics |
102 McArthur Court |
541-346-5649 |
mcgovern |
Shane |
McGovern |
Database Administrator/Development |
mcgovern@uoregon.edu |
Education Research and Outreach |
237 Lokey Education Bldg |
541-346-8231 |
jmcgov |
Jennifer |
McGovney |
Business Manager |
jmcgov@uoregon.edu |
College of Education |
102A Lokey Education Bldg |
541-346-2453 |
mcgovney |
Timothy |
McGovney |
Associate Director, Academic Support Unit 8 |
mcgovney@uoregon.edu |
Computer Science, Data Science, Earth Sciences, Mathematics |
201A McKenzie Hall |
541-346-8313 |