farhad |
Farhad |
Bahram |
Instructor |
farhad@uoregon.edu |
Millrace 1, #103 |
541-346-3610 |
kbai |
Kehang |
Bai |
Graduate Student |
kbai@uoregon.edu |
Institute for Fundamental Science, Physics |
410 Willamette Hall |
541-346-4770 |
sunnybai |
Sunny |
Bai |
Assistant Professor |
sunnybai@uoregon.edu |
Psychology |
971-352-4016 |
xuanyub |
Xuanyu |
Bai |
PhD Candidate, Finance |
xuanyub@uoregon.edu |
Finance, Lundquist College of Business |
Anstett 291C |
541-346-8886 |
jbaig |
Jamila |
Baig |
ESSP/Geography PhD Candidate |
jbaig@uoregon.edu |
Climate Studies, Environmental Studies |
105 Condon Hall |
541-346-5426 |
jakkib |
Jakki |
Bailey |
Assistant Professor of Media Studies |
jakkib@uoregon.edu |
SOJC, SOJC-Immersive Media Master's, SOJC-Media Studies Master's, SOJC-Media Studies Undergrad |
2800 NE Liberty St. |
503-412-3663 |
nbailey9 |
Nala |
Bailey |
MA Student |
nbailey9@uoregon.edu |
409 Friendly Hall |
bbaines |
Brock |
Baines |
ABD Ph.D. |
bbaines@uoregon.edu |
hbair |
Heather |
Bair |
Costume Shop Manager |
hbair@uoregon.edu |
Theatre Arts |
123A MTC (Miller Theatre Complex) |
bbaird |
Barbara |
Baird |
Senior Instructor of Organ and Harpsichord |
bbaird@uoregon.edu |
162B Frohnmayer Music Bldg |
541-346-3791 |
cbaird |
Christy |
Baird |
EI/ECSE Specialist |
cbaird@uoregon.edu |
1500 W. 12th Ave. |
541-515-2674 |
abaker11 |
Ally |
Baker |
English Graduate Student / GE |
abaker11@uoregon.edu |
35 PLC |
541-346-0272 |
gabaker |
Gail |
Baker |
Pro Tem Instructor |
gabaker@uoregon.edu |
SOJC, SOJC-Strategic Communication |
2800 NE Liberty St. |
503-412-3659 |
kerib |
Keri |
Baker |
Student Services Coordinator |
kerib@uoregon.edu |
College of Education, Educational Foundations |
124 Lokey Education Bldg |
541-346-3404 |
lukebake |
Luke |
Baker |
PhD student |
lukebake@uoregon.edu |
Mathematics |
314H Fenton Hall |
541-346-0077 |
sbaker |
Scott |
Baker |
Associate Director |
sbaker@uoregon.edu |
Education Research and Outreach |
1600 Millrace Dr Ste 206 |
541-346-6593 |
lbak |
Laura |
Bakkensen |
Mikesell Professor in Environmental and Natural Resource Economics |
lbak@uoregon.edu |
Economics |
Winter 2025: Wednesdays 10am - Noon |
bako |
Abigail |
Bako |
Doctoral Student |
bako@uoregon.edu |
Political Science |
810 PLC |
Winter 2025: Monday 3-5 |
jagdeep |
Jagdeep |
Bala |
Co-Director of Undergraduate Studies in Psychology |
jagdeep@uoregon.edu |
Multidisciplinary Science, Psychology |
225 Straub Hall, 1227 University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1227 |
541-346-4953 |
aoifeb |
Aoife |
Balaji |
Creative Writing Graduate Student/ ENG GE |
aoifeb@uoregon.edu |
255 PLC |
Spring Term: W 9am-12pm |
balbuena |
Monique |
Balbuena |
Associate Professor of Comparative Literature |
balbuena@uoregon.edu |
Comparative Literature |
345 PLC, 1249 University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403 |
baldwin |
Dare |
Baldwin |
Full Professor |
baldwin@uoregon.edu |
Psychology |
467 Straub Hall, 1227 University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1227 |
Winter 2025: Wednesdays 1-3pm Chapman 210 and Fridays 9-11am Straub 467 |
541-346-4964 |
ebaldwin |
Ellen R. |
Baldwin |
Executive Support Specialist 2 |
ebaldwin@uoregon.edu |
College of Arts and Sciences |
401 Tykeson Hall |
541-346-3336 |
jlb1 |
Jesse |
Baldwin |
Complex Facilities Manager |
jlb1@uoregon.edu |
Lundquist College of Business |
311 Chiles Hall |
541-346-4794 |
jbaldwi2 |
Joe |
Baldwin |
Pro Tem Instructor |
jbaldwi2@uoregon.edu |
nbaldwin |
Noriko |
Baldwin |
EI/ECSE Specialist |
nbaldwin@uoregon.edu |
Education Research and Outreach |
1500 W. 12th Ave. |
503-856-6098 |
jillian |
Jillian |
Balfour |
Technology Access & Support Specialist |
jillian@uoregon.edu |
053 PLC |
541-346-1735 |
nihalbal |
Nihal |
Balivada |
nihalbal@uoregon.edu |
Computer Science |
335 Deschutes |
aball4 |
Anna |
Ball |
Creative Writing Graduate Student / GE |
aball4@uoregon.edu |
455 PLC |
541-346-6218 |
dball |
Devon |
Ball |
Graduate Student, Physics Department |
dball@uoregon.edu |
Physics |
218 Willamette Hall |
541-346-4770 |
mpball |
Madeline |
Ball |
Ph.D. Student |
mpball@uoregon.edu |
Earth Sciences |
149 Cascade Annex |
mball |
Madison |
Ball |
M.S. |
mball@uoregon.edu |
mball2 |
Matthew |
Ball |
Graduate Student |
mball2@uoregon.edu |
Institute for Fundamental Science, Physics |
315 Willamette Hall |
541-346-4770 |
cballard |
Catherine |
Ballard |
Instructor |
cballard@uoregon.edu |
Arts & Admin |
251E Lawrence Hall |
541-346-3639 |
felixb |
Felix |
Ballerstedt |
Instructor |
felixb@uoregon.edu |
Jballet |
John |
Balletti |
ASU-8 Student Lead |
jballett@uoregon.edu |
Mathematics |
202 Fenton Hall, 120 Deschutes Hall |
SPRING 2024 -- MW: 9:00am-12:00pm, TTH: 9:00am-12:00pm & 2:00pm-5:00pm |
balmain |
Nate |
Balmain |
GE |
balmain@uoregon.edu |
Computer Science |
224 Deschutes |
fbalogun |
Fatai |
Balogun |
Ph.D. |
fbalogun@uoregon.edu |
222A Pacific Hall |
kbalogun |
Oluwakemi "Kemi" |
Balogun |
Associate Professor |
kbalogun@uoregon.edu |
African Studies, Black Studies, IRES, School of Global Studies and Languages, Sociology, Women's Gender and Sexuality Studies |
Fall 2024: Mondays & Tuesdays 10 - 11am and by appointment |
sharib |
Shari |
Balouchi |
Marketing and Communications Lead, Student Success |
sharib@uoregon.edu |
Lundquist College of Business |
541-346-1645 |
balskus |
Elizabeth F. |
Balskus |
Ph.D. |
balskus@uoregon.edu |
rbalstad |
Ray |
Balstad |
Graduate Program Coordinator |
rbalstad@uoregon.edu |
African Studies, Asian Studies, Chinese, College of Arts and Sciences, East Asian Languages, Food Studies, French, German & Scandinavian, Global Studies, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Middle East and North African Studies, OCIAS, Portuguese, Romance Languages, Russian East European and Eurasian Studies, School of Global Studies and Languages, Spanish, Spanish Heritage Language Program, Yamada Language Center |
114D Friendly Hall |
MTWRF 8:30am - 4:30pm |
541-346-2703 |
cbameald |
Charlie |
Bame-Aldred |
Pro Tem Instructor |
cbameald@uoregon.edu |
Accounting, Lundquist College of Business, Operations and Business Analytics |
Anstett 293 |
541-346-4976 |
sbamonto |
Suzanne |
Bamonto |
Senior Lecturer II |
sbamonto@uoregon.edu |
College of Education, School Psychology |
503-412-0461 |
Banavar |
Jayanth |
Banavar |
Professor |
Banavar@uoregon.edu |
Institute for Fundamental Science, Physics |
177 Willamette Hall |
541-346-3214 |
kbane |
Kaitlin |
Bane |
Doctoral Student |
kbane@uoregon.edu |
SOJC Eugene |
kbangle |
Karen M. |
Bangle |
Research Services Manager |
kbangle@uoregon.edu |
College of Arts and Sciences |
401 Tykeson Hall |
541-346-3350 |
bbanks |
Beck |
Banks |
Pro Tem Instructor |
bbanks@uoregon.edu |
210 Allen Hall |
mbanks |
Megan |
Banks |
PPPM, Sustainable City Year Program Director |
mbanks@uoregon.edu |
PPPM, Sustainable Cities |
238 Hendricks Hall |
541-346-6395 |
obarahon |
Omar |
Barahona Barahona |
Graduate Employee, PhD Student |
obarahon@uoregon.edu |
Romance Languages, School of Global Studies and Languages, Spanish |
Friendly 27 |
By appointment |