jalonzo |
Julie |
Alonzo |
Co-Director |
jalonzo@uoregon.edu |
College of Education, Education Policy and Leadership, Education Research and Outreach, Educational Leadership |
102T Lokey Education Bldg |
541-346-1649 |
jallen3 |
Jim |
Allen |
OPLSS Local Coordinator |
jallen@cs.uoregon.edu |
jalinw |
Jalin |
Weaver |
Graduate Employee |
jalinw@uoregon.edu |
30 Friendly Hall |
Thursdays and Fridays 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm or by appointment |
jalent |
Jalen |
Thompson |
Instructor |
jalent@uoregon.edu |
English |
323 PLC |
541-346-0528 |
jalbert |
jalbert@uoregon.edu |
202D Agate Hall |
541-346-2778 |
jalandau |
Aaron |
Landau |
Pro Tem Instructor |
jalandau@uoregon.edu |
jakkib |
Jakki |
Bailey |
Assistant Professor of Media Studies |
jakkib@uoregon.edu |
SOJC, SOJC-Immersive Media Master's, SOJC-Media Studies Master's, SOJC-Media Studies Undergrad |
2800 NE Liberty St. |
503-412-3663 |
jaimeken |
Jaime |
Kennedy |
Archaeological Research Director, MNCH |
jaimeken@uoregon.edu |
Museum of Natural And Cultural History |
541-346-3033 |
jaichung |
Jaichung |
Lee |
Doctoral Student |
jaichung@uoregon.edu |
Economics |
507 PLC |
Winter 2025: Wednesday 2:00 PM |
jah |
Jill Ann |
Harrison |
Associate Professor |
jah@uoregon.edu |
Sociology |
604 PLC, 1291 University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1205 |
Fall 2024: Sabbatical |
541-346-5177 |
jagrontv |
Jennifer |
Agront Vale |
Speech Language Pathologist |
jagrontv@uoregon.edu |
541-600-5959 |
jagdeep |
Jagdeep |
Bala |
Co-Director of Undergraduate Studies in Psychology |
jagdeep@uoregon.edu |
Multidisciplinary Science, Psychology |
225 Straub Hall, 1227 University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1227 |
541-346-4953 |
jafaj |
Fatemeh |
Jafariaghdam Mehrabani |
PHD student |
jafaj@uoregon.edu |
French, Italian, School of Global Studies and Languages |
Friendly, room 30 |
Wednesdays 12:30 to 14: 30 |
jaepple |
Juan |
Epple |
Professor Emeritus of Spanish |
jaepple@uoregon.edu |
210 Friendly Hall |
541-346-4028 |
jaecih |
Jaeci |
Hall |
PhD Student |
jaecih@uoregon.edu |
372 Straub Hall |
541-346-0730 |
jadetruo |
Jade |
Truong |
Graduate Employee |
jadetruo@uoregon.edu |
Human Physiology |
112 Pacific Hall |
jadef |
Jade |
Fraley |
Academic and Operations Coordinator, ASU #3 |
jadef@uoregon.edu |
College of Arts and Sciences, Arabic Studies, Classics, Comics and Cartoon Studies, Comparative Literature, Digital Humanities, Disability Studies, English, Folklore Program, Humanities Program, Medieval Studies, Philosophy, Religious Studies |
118 PLC |
M/T/Th 8:30a-3:30p (in person) | W 8:30a-12:00p (in person) and 1:00p-4:30p (remote) | F 8:30a-3:30p (Remote) |
5413460934 |
jacquesr |
Jacques |
Reddinger |
Graduate Student |
jacquesr@uoregon.edu |
Materials Science Institute, OMQ, Physics |
215 Willamette Hall |
541-346-4770 |
jacks1 |
Jackson |
Smith |
Visiting Assistant Professor |
jacks1@uoregon.edu |
History |
323 McKenzie Hall |
jach |
Jasmine |
Chorley Foster |
Pro Tem Instructor |
jach@uoregon.edu |
Political Science |
924 PLC |
jacek |
jacek@uoregon.edu |
103 Pacific Hall |
541-346-1420 |
jabelman |
Jacques |
Abelman |
Assistant Professor |
jabelman@uoregon.edu |
Food Studies |
211 Lawrence Hall |
Wednesday and Friday 11am - 12pm | By appointment. |
541-346-3884 |
jabdenou |
Jesse |
Abdenour |
Associate Professor |
jabdenou@uoregon.edu |
SOJC, SOJC-Journalism, SOJC-Journalism Master's, SOJC-Media Studies Master's, SOJC-Media Studies PhD |
1715 Franklin Bldg, Rm 137 |
541-346-7640 |
jabaxter |
Juliet |
Baxter |
Emerita Associate Professor |
jabaxter@uoregon.edu |
Critical and Sociocultural Studies in Education |
125C Lokey Education Bldg |
541-346-2190 |
izemke |
Ian |
Zemke |
Assistant Professor |
izemke@uoregon.edu |
Mathematics |
315 Fenton Hall |
541-346-5612 |
ixchel |
Ixchel |
Verdugo |
Academic Advisor |
ixchel@uoregon.edu |
CMAE, 135 Oregon Hall |
541-346-3479 |
iwilfong |
Isaac |
Wilfong |
Master's Student |
iwilfong@uoregon.edu |
Economics |
iwashing |
Ian |
Washington |
Education Support/Trades Maintenance |
iwashing@uoregon.edu |
541-346-7217 |
iwachino |
Ian |
Wachino |
Masters student |
iwachino@uoregon.edu |
325A Cascade |
ivyk |
Ivy |
Kruse |
EI/ECSE Specialist |
ivyk@uoregon.edu |
Education Research and Outreach |
1500 W. 12th Ave. |
541-870-0290 |
ives |
Colin |
Ives |
Associate Professor |
ives@uoregon.edu |
Art, Comics and Cartoon Studies, Food Studies |
122 Millrace 2 |
541-346-0072 |
ivanduse |
Ian |
Van Dusen |
Master's Student |
ivanduse@uoregon.edu |
105 Condon |
541-346-4564 |
iurrea |
Ian |
Urrea |
Graduate Employee |
iurrea@uoregon.edu |
History |
340F McKenzie Hall |
itsutsui |
Ilona |
Tsutsui |
Law Collections & Electronic Resources Librarian |
itsutsui@uoregon.edu |
Law |
275C Knight Law Center |
541-346-1657 |
itoland |
Irina |
Toland |
Graduate Employee |
itoland@uoregon.edu |
Political Science |
806 PLC |
Fall 2024: Thursday 10:30 - 11:30 am |
541-346-4864 |
itm |
Ian |
Mc Donald |
Pro Tem Instructor |
itm@uoregon.edu |
198 Lawrence Hall |
541-346-3610 |
iteeuwen |
Iris |
Teeuwen |
Folklore Graduate Student |
iteeuwen@uoregon.edu |
261 PLC |
S20 T 1-4 via Zoom |
541-346-0529 |
isong |
Insang |
Song |
PhD Candidate |
isong@uoregon.edu |
160 Condon |
541-346-0785 |
isiral |
Ismet |
Siral |
Postdoctoral Research Scholar |
isiral@uoregon.edu |
Institute for Fundamental Science |
CERN, Switzerland |
ishryock |
Ian |
Shryock |
Doctoral Student |
ishryock@uoregon.edu |
Psychology |
462 Straub Hall |
ishner |
Idit |
Shner |
Philip H. Knight Chair and Professor of Saxophone and Jazz Studies |
ishner@uoregon.edu |
Music |
356 Frohnmayer Music Bldg |
541-346-3775 |
ishiekh |
Irum |
Shiekh |
Pro Tem Instructor |
ishiekh@uoregon.edu |
541-346-0900 |
ishac |
Isha |
Chhabra |
Doctoral Student |
ishac@uoregon.edu |
Psychology |
isenberg |
James |
Isenberg |
Professor Emeritus |
isenberg@uoregon.edu |
Institute for Fundamental Science, Mathematics, Physics |
isaunder |
isaunder@uoregon.edu |
isato |
Ian |
Sato |
Ph.D. |
isato@uoregon.edu |
isamm |
Daniel |
Moore |
Graduate Student |
isamm@uoregon.edu |
OMQ, Physics |
219 Willamette Hall |
541-346-4770 |
isami |
Isami |
Ching |
Senior Instructor |
isami@uoregon.edu |
Art |
Millrace 2 |
irwinjr |
Julie |
Irwin |
Professor of Marketing | Miner Chair |
irwinjr@uoregon.edu |
Lundquist College of Business, Marketing |
irogers |
Isabelle |
Rogers |
Graduate Student, PhD, Spanish |
irogers@uoregon.edu |
Romance Languages, School of Global Studies and Languages, Spanish, College of Arts and Sciences |
Friendly Hall 13 (Basement) 2024-2025 |
SPAN 102, Winter 2025: Mondays-Tuesdays 1-2pm, Friendly Hall 13 |