
Full Name
Allie Ivey
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Allie Ivey taught upper elementary school and middle school humanities for over a decade in northern Nevada and southern California and served as a technology integration specialist for two years within a small school district in rural Nevada. Within higher education, she has worked with both pre-service and in-service teachers in Oregon and Nevada for six years focusing on equity oriented technology integration,  anti-racist and anti-bias pedagogies, ESOL instruction, and humanizing school discipline practices. She currently serves as the Clinical Director for the UOTeach program wherein she organizes, supports, and tracks the assessments for teacher licensure. She also serves as the Elementary Placement Coordinator  working closely with local school districts, cooperating teachers, and UOTeach students working toward their elementary endorsement. During this upcoming school year she will be teaching EDST 635: Representing Social Studies Concepts as well as the newly reimagined ESOL online practicum course.

Allie is a doctoral candidate in the Critical and Sociocultural Studies in Education program at the University of Oregon. Her dissertation centers on the raced and gendered discipline practices in schools as well as understanding how teacher professional development grounded in storied notions of self and futurity can impact teacher pedagogy.


2012, Master of Education, Urban Teaching, University of California, Los Angeles

2006, Bachelor of Science, Elementary Education, University of Nevada, Reno

Honors and Awards

2019-2020; 2020-2021                          University of Oregon, General University Scholarship

2019                                                     Community Partnership Award, Looking Glass Riverfront School and Career Center

2018-2019; 2020-2021                          Silvy Kraus Presidential Fellowship, College of Education, University of Oregon

2018-2019; 2019-2020                          Graduate Educator Excellence Award, University of Oregon

2017-                                                    Raymund Fellowship, University of Oregon


Goode, J., Ivey, A., RunningHawk Johnson, S., Ryoo, J (2020). Rac(e)ing to computer science for all: How teachers learn about equity in professional development. Computer Science Education Journal.

Runninghawk Johnson, S., Ivey, A., Snyder, J., Skorodinsky, M., & Goode, J. (2020). Intersectional perspectives on teaching: Women of color, equity, and computer science.  In 2020 Research on Equity and Sustained Participation in Engineering, Computing, and Technology (RESPECT), Portland, OR, USA, 2020, pp. 1-4.

Reardon, K & Ivey, A. (in press). Problematizing the binary: A poststructural understanding of dis/ability in schools. In Tilega, C. & Stokoe, E. (Eds.) Discursive Psychology & Disability. Palgrave Macmillan.

Graham, M.,  Ivey, A. DeRosia, N., and Skorodinsky, M. (in press). Education for whom? The writing on the wall. Equity and Excellence in Education.

Graham, M.C., Ivey, A., DeRosia, N. & Skorodinsky, M. (2020) Education for whom? The writing is on the walls, Equity & Excellence in Education, DOI: 10.1080/10665684.2020.1791765


Allie’s research interests include: pre-service teacher education and teacher professional development, humanizing school discipline practices, anti-racist pedagogies, storytelling, visionary fiction, and the impact of future time perspectives on teacher practice.


Member for

4 years 7 months