B.S., Biochemistry, Pacific University, 2006
Ph.D., Organic Chemistry, University of Oregon, 2011
Sigma Xi Undergraduate Research Award, 2006
NSF GK-12 Fellow, 2008 - 2010
ACS DOC Travel Award for Outstanding Undergraduate Faculty 2013
Benson-Starkovich Faculty Development Grant 2017
NSF S-STEM Mentor, 2021
Lane Community College, Instructor, 2010
Pacific Lutheran University, Resident Assistant Professor, 2011 - 2021
Unversity of Oregon, Instructor, 2021 - Present
I grew up in Siletz and attended Toledo High School. I then undertook my undergraduate education at Pacific University in Forest Grove and my final doctoral education took place right here in Eugene. Upon graduating, I took a position up in Washington at Pacific Lutheran University. I am passionate about chemistry, chemical education, my family and all things outdoors. I look forward to working with you!