
Full Name
Andrzej Proskurowski
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Professor Emeritus
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143 Deschutes Hall
Computer Science
Algorithmic Graph Theory, Models of Communication Networks
Profile Section
  • MS, 1967, Warsaw University of Technology
  • PhD, 1974, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm
Educated at Warsaw University of Technology, Stanford University, and the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, where he earned his doctorate in 1974, Dr. Proskurowski has been on Computer Science faculty at the University of Oregon since 1975. Here, he divides his time in suitable proportions between teaching, research, and other activities befitting a faculty member of an AAU institution in the beautiful Pacific Northwest.
Dr. Proskurowski is an associate editor of the international journals Networks (Wiley) and Frontiers of Computer Science (Springer), served on the editorial board of Applicationes Matematicae and also as guest editor of several special volumes of Discrete Applied Mathematics and Parallel Processing Letters. He has served as an organizer and a member of Program Committees of several international workshops and conferences on combinatorics, graph theory, algorithms, and networking.
Research Interests
Dr. Proskurowski's research has been supported by grants from the Office of Naval Research, the National Science Foundation, and the National Academy of Sciences. As a Fulbright scholar, he has lectured in Finland. Supported by national research foundations he has collaborated abroad with researchers in Australia, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Iceland, Israel, Italy, Mexico, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Spain, Sweden and United Kingdom.
Dr. Proskurowski's current research is in the area of graph theoretical and combinatorial algorithms. His main interest remains within the width parameters of graphs, especially as pertaining to embeddings and the design of efficient algorithms. Another sub-area of interest is that of modeling the topology of the Internet using graph-theoretical tools. This includes questions about centrality and monitoring of links and sites. Dr. Proskurowski's recent research involves also models of scheduling via coloring and labeling of graphs and hypergraphs.

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7 years 9 months