
Curriculum Vitae
Full Name
Annie Ring
First Name
Last Name
Graduate Student
Additional Title
Hypatia Social Media Editor/Managing Editor Assistant
11C Susan Campbell Hall
Office Hours
Thursdays 11am-1pm
Teaching Level
Beata Stawarska, Camisha Russell, Bonnie Mann, and Charise Cheney
Feminist Philosophy, Philosophy of Race, Continental Philosophy, Philosophy of Language and Mythology, Environmental Philosophy, Social and Political Philosophy
Profile Section
Honors and Awards

Fellowships, Awards, Prizes, and Grants

·      2022-2023 University of Oregon Starr Scholarship Fund, funding amount: $3,600

·      2022 Baird Society Resident Scholar, Smithsonian Libraries and Archives, Special Collections, “Whiteness as Cleanliness: A Genealogical Investigation into Cleanliness Practices Shaped By Race, Class, and Gender Discrimination” (Delayed due to COVID-19, tentative forthcoming residence: June-August 2023), funding amount: $10,500

·      2021-2022 Paideia Prize for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, University of Oregon, Philosophy Undergraduate Studies Committee, funding amount: $300

·      2022 American Philosophical Association, “Mentoring the Mentors Workshop” participant, Andrew W. Mellon Foundation funding amount: $850

·      2022 Center for the Study of Women in Society Travel Grant, funding amount: $300

·      2021 Best Graduate Student Essay International Association for Environmental Philosophy, “Soap and the Skin Microbiome: Towards an Environmental Ethic of Cleanliness Practices,” funding amount: $300

·      2021-2022 Undergraduate Education and Student Success UO Common Reading Award, awarded for developing and teaching the teaching guide for Robin Wall Kimmerer’s Braiding Sweetgrass, funding amount: $250

·      2021-2022 Joseph K. Starr Scholarship, University of Oregon, funding amount: $3,000

·      2021 Philosophy Matters Prize, “Fanon & Soap Advertising: Colonial Mythologies of Cleanliness,” funding amount: $300

·      2021 Center for the Study of Women in Society Graduate Student Research Grant, University of Oregon, funding amount: $3,000

·      2021 Understories Writers’ Workshop awardee, Andrew W. Mellon Foundation & University of Oregon Center for Environmental Futures

·      2021 WriteNow Summer Session Scholarship recipient, University of Oregon Graduate School

·      2018-2019 First Year Fellowship, University of Oregon Graduate School, funding amount worth $46,660

·      2019 Creating Change Scholarship, University of Oregon LGBTESS

·      2016-2018 Peter Tripp Scholarship, Gonzaga University, funding amount worth $15,045                        

·      2017 and 2018 CURCI Scholarship, Gonzaga University, funding amount: $1,000

·      2017 Graduate Student Council Travel Grant, Gonzaga University, funding amount: $500

·      2015 Graduated Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa from University of Denver

·      2011-2013, 2014-2015 Dean’s List, University of Denver

·      2011-2012 Hornbeck Scholar, University of Denver



Invited Articles:

·      Under review for a special issue: co-authored with Beata Stawarska, “Black Speaking Subjects: Frantz Fanon’s Critique of Coloniality of Language in Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s Phenomenology.” Histoire Épistemologie Langage (History Epistemology Language).

·      In production: "Colonialism and Cleanliness: A Feminist and Anticolonial Critique of the Whiteness as Cleanliness Praxis." Center for the Study of Women in Society 2022 Annual Review.

·      “Nature as Interlocutor: Dialogues with Our Landscapes.” EPIS Journal of Psychoanalysis, Phenomenology & Critical Theory 1 (2018): 43–67.


Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles:

·      Under review: “A Critique of the Whiteness as Cleanliness Mythology”

·      In production: "Fanon & Soap Advertising: The Colonial Mythology of Cleanliness." CLR James Journal 2022.

·      In production: "The Art of Interpreting Landscapes: Nature Teaching Itself Through Its Own Expression." Analecta Hermeneutica 2022.



·      Contributing author, "Chapter 2: Conceptualizing the diverse values of nature and their contributions to people," In: Methodological Assessment Report of the Diverse Values and Valuation of Nature of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), Bonn, Germany, 2022,


Blog Posts:

·      “A Critique of the Colonial Cleanliness Crusade,” American Philosophical Association, Women in Philosophy Blog Post, November 3 2021,


Book Reviews:

·      Book review of Philosophy in the American West: A Geography of Thought, ed. Josh Hayes, Gerard Kuperus, and Brian Treanor, Environmental Philosophy, Fall 2021.


Datasets, Assessment Reports, and Literature Reviews:

·      Literature Review project member and researcher, Ch. 2 Systematic review of Indigenous and local knowledge and philosophies, IPBES values assessment 2.2, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4396278

·      Literature Review project member and researcher, Ch. 2 Systematic review of value types in academic literature, IPBES values assessment 2.3, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4396289

CV Summary

Here is a tailored resume for jobs outside of the academy.


Member for

6 years 7 months