
Full Name
Brandon Harris
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Last Name
Doctoral Student
312 Allen Hall
Profile Section

My name is Brandon and I'm a trained digital labor and platform scholar with a strategic communication research background. Currently, I'm a PhD candidate at the University of Oregon’s School of Journalism and Communication, but have consulted for other companies as a freelancer. My research on digital platforms identifies opportunities to improve platform affordances and policies to work toward a more equitable and inclusive user experience.


Queens University of Charlotte, Knight School of Communication. MA in Media Communication, 2017


Queens University of Charlotte, BA in Communication and English Literature, 2014


Brandon C. Harris 





Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Harris, B., Hansen, J., Can, O., Rahmen, W., Foxman, M., Cote, A., & Fickle, T. (in 

revision). “Starting from scratch to looking really clean and professional”: How students’ productive labor legitimizes collegiate esports. Critical Studies of Media Communication.

Cote, A. C., Harris, B. (2021). The cruel optimism of ‘good crunch’: How game 

industry discourses perpetuate unsustainable labor practices. New Media & Society.

Cote, A., & Harris, B. (2021). “Weekends became something other people did”:

Understanding and intervening in the habitus of video game crunch. Convergence, 27(1).

Harris, B. (2019). We’ll do it live! Unpacking the community-building labor of twitch

streamers. Electronic Journal of Communication, 29, 3 & 4.

Elias, T., Blaine, M., Morrison, D., & Harris, B. (2019). Media Use, Cross-National Samples,

and the Theory of Planned Behavior: Implications for Climate Change Advocacy Intentions. International Journal of Communication, 13, 25.


Edited Book Chapters

Guldin, R., & Harris, B. (Forthcoming, 2021). “‘Who wouldn’t want to summon dragons and 

trolls?’: Constructing communities at Friday Night Magic” in Jones, Shelly (Ed.) Essays on Magic The Gathering.

Harris, B. (Forthcoming). “Reconciling Goodwill After Selling Out” in: What’s Brewing?

Essays on Beer Culture. McFarland & Co.


Refereed Presentations

Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers

Can, O., Rahman, W., Hansen, J., Harris, B., Fickle, T., Cote A., Foxman, M. (2021). Cognitive 

Capitalism in Collegiate Esports. Paper presented at the 71st Annual International Communication Association Conference, Virtual, May, 2021. 

Cote, A., Hansen, J., Harris, B., Rahman, W., Can, O., Fickle, T., Foxman, M. (2021). Taking 

Care of Toxicity: Challenges and Strategies for Inclusion in Collegiate Esports Programs. Paper presented at the 71st Annual International Communication Association Conference, Virtual, May, 2021. 

Foxman, M., Fickle, T., Harris B. (2021). Out of Bounds: Reconceiving the Institution of 

Esports. Paper presented at the 71st Annual International Communication Association Conference, Virtual, May, 2021. 

Harris, B., Hansen, J., Can, O. Rahman, W., Fickle, T., Cote A., Foxman, M. (2021). The 

legitimizing labor of collegiate esports students: Critical insights for continued institutionalization. Paper presented at the 71st Annual International Communication Association Conference, Virtual, May, 2021.  

Harris, B. (2021). Dueling professions: Differentiating full-time streamers from esports athletes.

Paper presented at the Game Studies Division at the annual conference of the Society for Cinema and Media Studies, virtual conference in March, 2021).

Harris, B., Hansen, J., Can, O., Rahman, W., Foxman, M., Cote, A., & Fickle, T. (2020). All play 

& all work: ​The entrepreneurial mindset of collegiate esports participants. Paper presented at the University of California’s Esports Conference, Zoom, October, 2020.

Can, O., Harris, B., Rahman, W., Hansen, J., Foxman, M., Wear, H., Cote, A., & Fickle, T. 

(2020). A collegiate esports ecosystem: Exploring possibilities & challenges for universities and businesses. Paper presented at the Gaming & Esports Summit Economics & Business Conference, Zoom, September 2020.

Cote, A., & Harris, B. (2020). Weekends became something other people did”: Understanding

and intervening in the habitus of video game crunch. Paper presented to the Game Studies Division at the annual conference of the International Communication Association in Gold Coast, Australia, May 2020.

Foxman, M., Cote, A., Wear, H., Harris, B., Hansen, J., Can, O., & Ur Rahman, W. (2020). For

the win: Critical concerns of collegiate esports players. Paper presented to the Game Studies Division at the annual conference of the International Communication Association in Gold Coast, Australia, May 2020.

Foxman, M., Partin, W., & Harris, B. (2020). Recasting Twitch: Games, platforms and new

frontiers in journalism. Paper presented to the Journalism Studies Division at the annual conference of the International Communication Association in Gold Coast, Australia, May 2020.

Harris, B. (2020). Dueling professions: Differentiating full-time streamers from esports athletes.

Paper accepted, not presented though, at the Game Studies Division at the annual conference of the Society for Cinema and Media Studies in Denver, April 2020).

Harris, B. (2019). Community without boundaries: Managing followers while live

streaming. Paper accepted, not presented though, at the Game Studies Division of the International Communication Association conference, Washington D.C., May 2019.

Elias, T., Blaine, M., Morrison, D., & Harris, B. (2018). Latitudes, attitudes, and climate change

agency. Paper presented at the ComSHER Division of the Annual Convention of the Association for Education and Journalism and Mass Communication, Washington D.C., August 2018.

Harris, B. (2018). The Super Bowl, Goose Island, and Dilly Dilly: A Political Economic

Analysis of Super Bowl Commercials. Paper presented at the What Is Universe National Convention, Portland, OR, April 2018.

Harris, B. (2018). Do They Even Care? Understanding Consumer Attitudes on Instagram.

Paper presented at the Popular Culture Association National Convention, Indianapolis, IN, March 2018.

Harris, B., (2017). High-End or Zombie Brands? Assessing Brewery Media Strategies on

Instagram.  Paper presented at the Popular Culture Association National Convention, San Diego, CA, April 2017.

Harris, B., (2016). Craft Beer & California Dreaming: Recipe for a new Beerscape.  Paper

presented at the Popular Culture Association National Convention, Seattle, WA, March 2016.


Invited Talks and Seminars

Cote, A., & Harris, B. (2020, Dec. 11). Gamework on the page: Text-Based Research Methods 

for Studying Game Production Cultures. Researching Game-making: Skills, Cultures, and Politics Workshop. Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia.


Research Awards

2020 Lokey Summer Research Scholarship

Awarded $3,000 for my ongoing dissertation research as well as 

funding accompanying conference presentations.


2021 Twitch Research Fellowship Finalist

Awarded $5,000 for my research on influential live streamers that 

cultivate massive audiences, and how these audiences act as brand communities. By interviewing streamers, my research can identify features and policies at Twitch that need improvement. 


Teaching Experience

2017-2020               Instructor of Record— Gateway to Media, University of Oregon

Facilitated four sections of Gateway lab, responsible for teaching digital production, editing, and journalism skills, and assisted the lead professors during larger lectures (Fall ‘17- Fall ‘20, 6 terms)

2019-2020               Graduate Employee— Creative Strategist, University of Oregon

Assisted Deb Morrison in creative strategist course, supervised creative projects and student portfolios (Fall ‘19- Spring ’20, 3 terms)

2020-2021 Graduate Employee-- Writing for Communicators, Uni. of Oregon

Supervising students and coaching them through the revision process to 

make them better writers. (Winter ‘20, Spring ‘21, Fall ‘21, 3 terms)

2018-2021               Guest Lecturer

Community-Building Power of Memes

Part of introductory Communication & Society-style courses.  Applying theories like the public sphere and lessons from the Frankfurt School to the contemporary system of memes to show students how memes require a communal, shared sense of humor to retain their meaning.

Reference: Dr. Charles Deitz, 

Authenticity, Strategy, & Influence

Lecture to advertising students on the strategies and techniques that social media influencers use to create massive followings, as well as opportunities for brands.  Analyzing SMIs to generate ideas and critical thinking about some of the most innovative forms of advertising to date.

Reference: Dr. Deb Morrison, 


Research Experience

2020 Research Assistant, University of Columbia TOW Center

Assisted Dr. Maxwell Foxman with a live streaming and journalism 

project designed to educate journalists on live streaming practices, then collaborate with them to develop a robust training program

2019-2020 Research Assistant, University of Oregon

Founding member of the Esports and Gaming Research Lab at UO. Leading a team of four PhD students and collaborating with an interdisciplinary group of Assistant Professors to investigate the institutionalization of collegiate esports programs.

2018-2019               Research Assistant, University of Oregon

Worked with Dr. Amanda Cote editing her book manuscript, Gaming Sexism, regarding women playing video games, the stigma against them, and strategies women used to play enjoyably

2018-2019               Research Assistant, University of Oregon

Worked with Dr. Kyu Ho Youm on his research about global freedoms of press and their impact on successful democracies. 

2017-2018               Research Assistant, University of Oregon

Assisted associate professor Dr. Troy Elias prepare a paper for Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC)

2015-2016                   Research Assistant, Queens University of Charlotte

                                 Queens University of Charlotte, NC

                                 Assisted Dr. Mohammed el-Nawawy review literature for two projects


Additional Work Experience


2019-2020                   Strategic Communication Consultant

Freelance consultant-researcher, developed a directory of potential talent acquisition portfolio of Twitch streamers, YouTube content creators, and other social media influencers for Theorycraft Advising.  Reference: Laura Gaba Flanagan,

2017-2016               Documentary Producer

Planned, wrote, developed, filmed, edited, and produced two chapters of the Souls of Queens series, examining how race impacts student narratives

2016-2016               Strategic Communication Consultant

Critiqued past SGK Charlotte Facebook content and used narrative theory to devise a strategic communication plan to produce more engaging content

2016- Present         Strategic Communication Consultant

Contributed to the design and execution of initial marketing campaign for monthly subscription-based start-up company, SnapWag & Shake It Pup

2016- 2015              Documentary Producer

Filmed, produced, and edited a social justice documentary, Souls of Our Students: Queens University of Charlotte to capture the student body’s collective reaction to Keith Lamont Scott’s death and the events that directly followed. Developed media production skills, and planned a student viewing event to facilitate critical dialogue in the student community

2016-2015               Organization Advisor

Advised student social justice group, The Justice League, on how to increase their reach and impact on campus, planned multiple events for 2017 to ensure the group’s longevity. Developed events to promote discussions of racial inequality and social justice on campus and in the greater Charlotte community

2015-2014               Department Manager

Managed the eBay and Craigslist department for start-up social-commerce company, JLS Trading Company, that resold goods on multiple online platforms. Utilized SEO marketing to increase the listing’s visibility, and drafted rhetorical copy to increase the likelihood of sale

2014-2013               Marketing Intern

Force Management is a B2B sales consultant company that empowers sales teams to increase profitability. Leveraged SEO techniques to increase the company’s digital following on their blog, Facebook, Twitter, and other accounts



Dr. Amanda Cote, University of Oregon,

Dr. Chris Chavez, University of Oregon,

Dr. Maxwell Foxman, University of Oregon, 

Dr. Deb Morrison, University of Oregon, 

Lauren Gaba Flanagan, Theorycraft Advising, 


Member for

6 years 3 months