
Full Name
Billie Jo Rodriguez
First Name
Billie Jo
Last Name
School Psychology Program Director
Additional Title
Senior Lecturer
340 HEDCO Education Bldg
Applied Behavior Analysis
College of Education
School Psychology
Special Education
Teaching Level
Multi-Tiered Systems of Supports, Functional Behavior Assessment and Support Planning
Profile Section

Billie Jo is a Nationally Certified School Psychologist and a Board Certified Behavior Analyst. She has over 15 years working to support students with diverse social and academic behavior needs through individual consultation as well as systems consultation. Billie Jo has experience as a positive behavior support specialist at Clackamas Education Service District and previously served as a faculty member in Educational Psychology at the University of Texas at San Antonio where she coordinated a certificate program in Applied Behavior Analysis. Billie Jo works as a school psychologist and district Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports Coach in Springfield Public Schools. Billie Jo co-authored An educator’s guide to schoolwide positive behavioral interventions and supports: Integrating all three tiers, has approximately 30 scholarly publications related to behavioral assessment and consultation in schools. Billie Jo regularly serves as a field-based site supervisor for practicum students and interns in school psychology and behavior analysis, regularly contributes to professional learning by presenting at local, national, and international conferences in education, and has served in district and state leadership roles related to PBIS and school psychology. In her current role as lecturer, Billie Jo teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in special education and school psychology related to behavior assessment and intervention, classroom behavior management, and consultation. She serves on editorial review boards for professional journals and provides supervision for graduate students in field experiences.

Doctor of Philosophy, June 2010, University of Oregon
Major: School Psychology
Master of Science, June 2008, University of Oregon
Major: Special Education
Bachelor of Science, Summa Cum Laude, May 2005, University of Central Arkansas 
Major: Psychology
Minor: Interdisciplinary studies
Honors and Awards
2014 EDP Nomination for President’s Distinguished Achievement for Teaching Excellence                  
Award (tenure track)
2013 Selected as a scholar for School Psychology Research Collaboration Conference 
2012 UTSA Honors Alliance Excellence in Teaching Award
2008 Dynamic Indicators for Basic Early Literacy Skills Dissertation Research Funding $4,300.00
Campbell, A., Rodriguez, B. J., Schrauben, K. (2019). Tier two basics. In K. Radley & E. Dart (Eds.) Handbook of Behavioral Interventions in Schools: Multi-Tiered Systems of Supports. Oxford University Press.
Zaheer, I., Maggin, D., McDaniel, S., McIntosh, K., Rodriguez, B. J., & Fogt, J. (2019). Implementation of Promising Practices that Support Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders. Behavioral Disorders, 44(2), 117-128.
Harlacher, J. & Rodriguez, B. J. (2018). An educator’s guide to schoolwide positive behavioral interventions and supports: Integrating all three tiers. Marzano Research: Bloomington, IN.
Castro-Villarreal, F. & Rodriguez, B. J. (2017). Using consultee centered consultation with teachers in a contemporary school setting to inform culturally responsive practice. Contemporary School Psychology, DOI 10.1007/s40688-017-0135-0 
Rodriguez, B. J., Loman, S., & Borgmeier, C. (2015). Tier 2 Interventions in Positive Behavior Support: A Survey of School Implementation. Preventing School Failure: Alternative Education for Children and Youth. Available online prior to print. DOI: 10.1080/1045988X.2015.1025354 
Rodriguez, B. J., Campbell, A., Falcon, S., & Borgmeier, C. (2015). Examination of critical features and lessons learned for implementation of a tier 2 intervention system for social behavior. Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation, 25, 224-251.
Longoria, J.* & Rodriguez, B. J. (2015). Addressing Disruptive Behavior with Response to Intervention Practices: A Case-Study Approach to Improving Behavior in Student ADHD Populations. Research and Practice in the Schools: The Official Journal of the Texas Association of School Psychologists.
Anderson, C. A., Rodriguez, B. J., & Campbell, A. (2015). Functional behavior assessment in schools: Current status and future directions. Journal of Behavioral Education, 24, 338-371.
Castro-Villarreal, F., Rodriguez, B. J., Sullivan, J., Guerra, N., *Garza, S., & *Harris, E. (2015). Integrating the scientist practitioner model into master’s level school psychology training. School Psychology Training Forum, 33, 7-25.
Stormont, M., Rodriguez, B. J., & Reinke, W. (2015). Teaching students with behavior problems to take a break. Interventions in School and Clinic. DOI: 10.1177/1053451215606696 
Loman, S., Rodriguez, B. J., & Borgmeier, C. (2014). Critical evidence-based features of function-based interventions: From research to practice. Research to Practice in Schools: The Official Journal of the Texas Association of School Psychologists.
Billie Jo’s research interests are in the application of behavior analysis and positive behavior supports to educational contexts with individual problem solving and school-wide systems of academic and behavior supports. Billie Jo is interested in the use of coaching, consultation, and professional development strategies to support the transfer of behavioral technology from research to the educational systems that encourage enhanced educator efficacy and improved student outcomes across Multi-Tiered Systems of Support.

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6 years 2 months