
Full Name
Brigid Flannery
First Name
Last Name
Associate Professor
135K Lokey Education Bldg
College of Education
Programs, Research and Outreach
Educational and Community Supports
Profile Section

**Professor Flannery is retired.**

K. Brigid Flannery, PhD, has spent most of her career as a Career Non Tenure Track faculty member at the University of Oregon as a member of Educational and Community Supports and Department of Special Education and Clinical Sciences.  She served in many leadership roles including Special Education Program Director, Interim Department Head, and Associate Dean of Academic Affairs for the College of Education. She is the Associate Director of Educational and Community Supports.

Flannery is nationally recognized for her work in the design and implementation of SWPBS in high schools. Flannery has a long history of work with adolescents as teaching faculty and through her many grant projects. She is continuing to research the implementation of PBIS in high schools (Tier I & Tier 2) as well as the retention of freshmen in high schools. Her previous research focused on the transition of youth with disabilities, especially through skills training in partnership with Oregon community colleges. 

She has served as the PI on over 16 funded federal and state grants and contracts focused on the success of secondary aged students in transition or early adulthood. Flannery’s projects have resulted in peer-reviewed articles, chapters, user-manuals, and presentations at state and national conferences.

Flannery has also been active in the Special Education major as an instructor in the area of severe disabilities and also in transition. She has been advisor for masters’ and doctoral students, serving on over 40 dissertation committees.


PhD, 1992, University of Oregon
Major Special Education/Developmental Disabilities
Major Professor: Dr. Robert Horner

MEd 1978, University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana
Major: Special Education; SeverE Disabilities
Major Professor: Dr. Barbara Wilcox

BA 1975, Marian College, Indianapolis, Indiana
Major: Elementary Education; Special Education

Honors and Awards

2018       UO 2018 Outstanding Accomplishment NTTF Researcher Award

2009      Distinguished Alumni, University of Illinois, College of Education

1998     All Means All School-To Work Project Award, A Collaborative Project of the Institute on Community Integration at the University of Minnesota and the Minnesota Department to Children, Families, & Learning.

1998      Administrator of the Year, Oregon Association of Vocational and Special Needs Personnel.

1996     Coalition of Parent Education Exemplary Service Award, Oregon’s Parent Training and Information Center.


Kittelman, A., Monzalve, M. M., Flannery, K. B., & Hershfeldt, P. (2018). Adaptation of check in/check out to meet the needs of high school students. The High School Journal102, 14-17.

McGrath Kato, M, Flannery, B, Triplett, D, & Saeturn, S. (2018). Investing in Freshmen: Providing preventative support to 9th graders. In Flannery, K. B., Hershfeldt, P. Freeman. J. (Eds.) Lessons learned on implementation of PBIS in high schools: Current trends and future directions (pp 54-69). Retrieved from 

Lombardi A. R., Kern, L., Flannery K. B., Doren, B. (2017). Is college and career readiness adequately addressed in annual and postsecondary goals? Journal of Disability Policy Studies, 1-12, 28(3) 150-16. doi: 0.1177/1044207317716147

Flannery, K. B., & Kato, M. M (2017). Implementation of SWPBIS in high school: Why is it different? Preventing School Failure: Alternative Education for Children and Youth, 61:1, 69-79, doi:10.1080/1045988X.2016.1196644

Swain-Bradway, J., Pinkney, C. & Flannery, K. B. (2015) Implementing SWPBIS in High Schools: Contextual Factors and Stages of Implementation. Teaching Exceptional Children. 47 (5), 245–255. doi: 10.1080/1045988X.2016.1196644

Flannery, K. B., Lombardi, A., & Kato M. M. (2015). The impact of professional development on the quality of the transition components of IEPs. Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals, 38(1) 14–24. doi: 10.1177/2165143413489727

Flannery, K. B., Fenning, P., Kato, M. M., & McIntosh, K. (2013, November 4). Effects of School-Wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports and Fidelity of Implementation on Problem Behavior in High Schools. School Psychology Quarterly. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1037/spq0000039

Flannery, K. B., Frank, J. L., McGrath Kato, M., Doren, B., & Fenning, P. (2013). Implementing Schoolwide Positive Behavior Support in high school settings: Analysis of eight high schools. The High School Journal, 96(4), 267-282. doi: 10.1353/hsj.2013.001


Dr. Flannery’S research focuses on improving secondary and postsecondary outcomes for students at risk and/or with disabilities. Her current research is in the area of SWPBIS in high schools (Tier I & II) and retention of freshmen in high school. She has current grant funding to explore the implementation of Check-in and Check-out in high schools.


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6 years 2 months