
Full Name
Carol Stabile
First Name
Last Name
Administrative Faculty
Officer of Administration
Dean, Clark Honors College
Additional Title
108 Chapman Hall, 1293 University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403
Office Hours
Mondays, 3-5 PM and by appointment
Clark Honors College
College of Arts and Sciences
Teaching Level
Media history
Profile Section



Academic Areas:

Media history

Teaching Philosophy:

Like my research, my teaching has always been interdisciplinary, incorporating literature and methods across the humanities and social sciences. As a media studies scholar, my pedagogical approach has had to be dynamic and attentive to changes across media production and scholarship alike. I am particularly interested in the challenges associated with preparing our students for workplaces (corporate, non-profit, and academic alike) that are themselves dynamic. As a historian of media, I believe that studying the past can help us learn from the limitations and mistakes of older media. As someone committed to change, I find the new media environments in which we live and work to be full of pedagogical, intellectual, and political possibilities and my teaching seeks to convey that spirit of creativity and innovation.

Opportunities for Students:

If you are interested in media history, media activism, or digital publishing, please get in touch with me to find out about internships and experiential learning opportunities.  

Academic Background:

PhD: English, Brown University

BA: Mt. Holyoke College

I have taught at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; the University of Pittsburgh; and the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee before coming to UO in 2008. I have served as the director of the Women’s Studies Program at the University of Pittsburgh, director of the Center for the Study of Women in Society at UO, and the College of Arts and Sciences Deans Office. I am currently serving as Dean of the Robert D. Clark Honors College.

Research interests:

Media history; Cold War television and the FBI; feminist media and digital publishing

Selected Publications:


The Broadcast 41: Women and the Anti-Communist Blacklist (2018) London: Goldsmiths Press

White Victims, Black Villains: Gender, Race, and Crime News in US Culture (2006) London and New York: Routledge

Prime Time Animation: Television Animation and American Culture (2003) Co-editor with Mark Harrison, London: Routledge

Turning the Century: Essays in Media and Cultural Studies, Editor (2000) New York: Westview Press

Feminism and the Technological Fix (1994) Manchester and New York: Manchester University Press and St. Martin's Press


“‘The FBI has no Politics’: COMINFIL Radio-TV and the Cold War Suppression of Dissent,” with Lauren Tokos and Miriam Yousaf, Communication, Culture, and Critique, forthcoming, March 2025

“Introduction,” Co-Editor with Rebecca Wanzo, “After(Life) Narratives of #MeToo,” Special issue of Biography: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly, Vol. 45, No. 4, 2022 


Member for

11 years 3 months