
Full Name
Daniel Steinhart
First Name
Daniel Gómez
Last Name
Associate Professor
102 PLC
Cinema Studies
Global Hollywood history, production studies, film aesthetics, US independent film, and contemporary global art cinema
Profile Section

M.A./Ph.D., Cinema & Media Studies, UCLA
B.A., Film Studies, Wesleyan University


I’m interested in the art and industry of cinema and media. More specifically, my research and teaching focus on global Hollywood, production studies, film aesthetics, independent film, and contemporary global art cinema. My book Runaway Hollywood: Internationalizing Postwar Production and Location Shooting examines how Hollywood created a globalized production industry from the late 1940s to the early 1960s. It also analyzes the artistic choices that arose when Hollywood filmmakers confronted the challenges of foreign location shooting. I’m currently at work on a follow-up book that explores the history of Hollywood productions in Mexico from the mid 1940s to the late 1960s. I have a background in moving-image programming and film journalism. Both pursuits have taken me to international film festivals, which for me remain important places to keep up with new developments in cinema and media.


“Film It in France, Build It in Burbank: How To the Victor Paved the Way for Postwar Runaway Productions.” Film History 33 no. 1 (Spring 2021): 142-168.

“New Forms: The Currents Program at the 2020 New York Film Festival.” Film Criticism 45 (2021).

Runaway Hollywood: Internationalizing Postwar Production and Location Shooting (Oakland: University of California Press, 2019).

“Postwar Hollywood, 1945-1967: Foreign Location Shooting.” In Hollywood on Location: An Industry History, ed. Joshua Gleich and Lawrence Webb (New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 2019). 

“The Making of Hollywood Production: Televising and Visualizing Global Filmmaking in 1960s Promotional Featurettes.” Cinema Journal 57 no. 4 (Summer 2018): 96-119.


CINE 260M: Media Aesthetics

CINE 330: Film Festivals

CINE 340: Production Studies

CINE 399: US Independent Cinema

CINE 440/550: Contemporary Global Art Cinema


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6 years 9 months