Eric holds a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology with English and a Master of Philosophy (MPhil) in Communication Studies. Before pursuing doctoral studies, he was a communication consultant in Ghana. His professional experience straddles in-house departments of communication, advertising agencies, PR firms, the private sector, Ghana's public sector, and the World Bank system in Ghana. He has over 20 years of high-quality professional experience under his belt. Eric's practical experience includes public relations, advertising, brand management, and strategic change communication. He has taught at various institutions of higher learning in Ghana and has authored publications on communication, sales, and marketing. He intends to study various trends, issues, and problems in corporate social responsibility/sustainability, public relations, advertising, and brand management.
- Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.) degree in Communication Studies, University of Ghana School of Information and Communication Studies
- Bachelor of Arts (Honors) degree in Sociology with English, University of Ghana
- Accredited Member, Institute of Public Relations (Ghana)
- Associate Member, Chartered Institute of Marketing (Ghana)
Eric’s research seeks to empower people to achieve their fullest potential in a sustainable manner while embracing and celebrating their social identities. His research is positioned at the crucial intersection of corporate activism, critical public relations, corporate social responsibility/sustainability, and culture. His current research focuses on situations where branding, corporate activism, environmental conservation, and socioeconomic development collide with intersectional social justice issues such as gender, race, ethnicity, class, sexuality, ability, citizenship and other axes of inequality and oppression.
Eric has presented at major international communication conferences and published in communication journals. Eric aims to be recognized as a leading media/communication scholar and consultant of African origin, with a specialization in corporate political activity, critical public relations, feminist media theory, participatory and dialogic communication, and social identity. He hopes to help unlock the challenges to Africa’s development by undertaking relevant research and publication, teaching, community service, consulting, and active scholarship that speaks to felt development problems.
- University of Oregon School of Journalism and Communication Dissertation Research Fellowship (2019-2020)
- Graduate Teaching Fellowship (2016-2020), University of Oregon School of Journalism and Communication
- Columbia Scholarship (2016-2020), University of Oregon School of Journalism and Communication
- Promising Scholar Award (2016-17), University of Oregon School of Journalism and Communication
- Full Colors Award: University of Ghana Amalgamated Sports Clubs (1994)
- Award for Distinctive Contribution to the Welfare of the Mensah Sarbah Hall, University of Ghana (1994)
- Corporate Socio-political Involvement
- Brand Responsibility
- Corporate Social Responsibility/Sustainability
- Public Relations and Advertising
- Communication for Development & Social Change
- Gender and Feminist Studies
- Strategic Communication Research
- Global Brand Strategy
- International and Multicultural Advertising
- Media Ethics
- Media Production
Adae, E.K. (2019). Public Relations Capitalism: Promotional Culture, Publics and Commercial
Democracy, by Anne Cronin. Mass Communication and Society, DOI: 10.1080/15205436.2019.1565516
Adae, E.K. (2009). Internal communication and organizational change: A study of Cal Bank Ghana Ltd.
Master’s Thesis. University of Ghana, Legon.
Hinson, R., Adae, E.K., Ocloo, M., & Darkwa, L. (2007). Becoming a Sales Star. Accra, Ghana: SEDCO-Longmans.
Adae, E.K. (1994). To be or not to be a settled prostitute in the face of sexually transmitted diseases: A
sociological exploration of the Accra New Town Professional Prostitutes Association. Bachelor’s Degree
Long Essay, University of Ghana, Legon.