
Full Name
Elizabeth Day
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Research Assistant Professor
College of Education
Programs, Research and Outreach
HEDCO Institute
Profile Section

Professor Day is a Research Assistant Professor with the HEDCO Institute for Evidence-Based Educational Practice in the College of Education. Her research focuses on bridging research, practice, and policy, with a particular focus on child and adolescent well-being and social policy at the state level. Prior to joining the HEDCO team, Professor Day served as Associate Director for Policy and Training Initiatives at the Bronfenbrenner Center for Translational Research at Cornell University where she launched an annual event bringing together Cornell faculty with New York state policymakers. She also directed Cornell’s Translational Research Summer Institute, which brings scholars from across the globe together to learn about translational research. Professor Day was also a Postdoctoral Fellow with Cornell Project 2Gen and was awarded Cornell’s inaugural Outstanding Postdoctoral Fellow Award for Community Learning and Engagement in 2018. Prior to Cornell, she served as a Congressional Fellow in the United States Senate where she worked on legislative portfolios covering education, child health, and child welfare.


Ph.D., 2016, Purdue University
Human Development and Family Studies

M.S., 2014, Purdue University
Human Development and Family Studies

B.S., 2009, Purdue University
Youth, Adult, and Family Services

Honors and Awards

Faculty Fellow in Engaged Scholarship           2020–2021
Engaged Cornell Initiative
Mentor: Laura Tach

Outstanding White Paper: NASPAA Data Science Curriculum for Public Service      2019
National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration
Co-authors: Maria Fitzpatrick and Thomas O’Toole

Finger Lakes Region Fellow     2018–2020
Scholars Strategy Network
Mentors: Jamila Michener and Laura Tach

Outstanding Postdoctoral Fellow for Community Learning and Engagement          2018
Office of Postdoctoral Studies, Cornell University


Day, E., Mihalec Adkins, B.P., Morrissey, B.P., Vescia, F., & Tach, L. “I was a soccer mom – high or not”: The intersecting roles of parenting and recovery. Family Relations.

Bogenschneider, K., Day, E., & Bogenschneider, B. (2022). How and why polarization varies in state legislatures: Invoking the voice of policymakers. Perspectives on Politics.

Day, E., Tach, L., Fuzzell, L., Mathios, E., & Kallaher, A. (2021). The consequences of postnatal parental opioid misuse on child well-being: A scoping review. Journal of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/1067828X.2021.1971130

Day, E., Tach, L., & Mihalec Adkins, B.P. (2021). State child welfare policies and the measurement of child maltreatment in the United States. Child Maltreatment. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1177/10775595211006464 

Bogenschneider, K., Day, E., & Bogenschneider, B. (2020). A window into youth and family policy: State policymaker views on polarization and research utilization. American Psychologist. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1037/amp0000681

Day, E., Garcia, J., Mathios, E., & Morrissey, M.B. (2020). Benefits of the Strengthening Families Program during family drug treatment court. Journal of Extension, 58(5), Article 19. https://tigerprints.clemson.edu/joe/vol58/iss5/19

Day, E., & Dotterer, A.M. (2020). Does school choice have implications for parents’ social capital and adolescents’ academic outcomes? Social Psychology of Education, 3, 815–836. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11218-020-09560-4

Mihalec-Adkins, B. P., Christ, S. L., & Day, E. (2020). An exploration of placement-related psychosocial influences on school engagement among adolescents in foster care. Children & Youth Services Review, 108, Article 104616 . https://doi.org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2019.104616


Professor Day’s current research focus is on understanding best practices for getting youth and family research into the hands of education practitioners and policymakers. In collaboration with the HEDCO Institute team, Professor Day supports evidence syntheses that address pressing questions from educators and education stakeholders. In collaboration with Adam Levine (Johns Hopkins University) and funding from the W.T. Grant Foundation, Professor Day is conducting a study of the use of research evidence by county legislators in New York.


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