
Curriculum Vitae
Full Name
Cecilia Enjuto Rangel
First Name
Last Name
Enjuto Rangel
(she, her, ella)
Associate Professor of Spanish
Additional Title
Director of Undergraduate Studies
323 Friendly Hall, 1233 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1233
Office Hours
Thursdays 9:45am-11:45am
Romance Languages
School of Global Studies and Languages
Affiliated Departments
Comparative Literature
Latin American Studies
Profile Section

B.A. 1998 Universidad de Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras M.A. 2002, Ph.D. 2005 Yale University

Research and teaching interests

19th and 20th century Spanish and Latin American Poetry and Poetics; Film Studies; Transatlantic Studies; Comparative literature; Gender Studies; Memory Studies: Spanish Civil War and Exile Studies

Courses Taught

RL 623 Graduate Seminar: Myths and Stories: Poetry and Poetic Theory (from Medieval times to the 21stcentury) (co-taught with Leah Middlebrook)

RL 620 Graduate Seminar: Introduction to Theory and Graduate Studies in Romance Languages

Sp. 607 Graduate Seminar on Professionalization and Dissertation Writing

Sp. 607 Graduate Seminar on Desire in Spanish and Latin American 19thcentury literatures

Sp. 607 Graduate Seminar on Women in Spanish and Latin American 19thcentury literatures

Sp.437/537 Graduate Seminar on the Spanish Civil War and Transatlantic Studies

Sp.480/580 Graduate Seminar on The City in Spanish and Latin American Poetry 

Sp. 407/507 Graduate Seminar on Spanish and Latin American Contemporary Poetics

Sp. 448 Seminar on Puerto Rico and Its Diaspora

Sp. 407 Seminar on Transatlantic Feminisms

Sp. 407 Seminar on Children in Spanish and Latin American Literature and Film 

Sp. 407 Seminar on the Literature and Film of the Spanish Civil War


Sp. 407 Seminar on Latin American and Spanish Avant-gardes


Sp. 399 Children Literature for the Bilingual Classroom

Sp.351 Introduction to Spanish and Latin American Theater

Sp.333 Introduction to Spanish and Latin American Narrative

Sp.350 Introduction to Spanish and Latin American Poetry

Sp. 319 Introduction to 19thand 20thcentury Latin American Literature

Sp. 318 Introduction to Pre-Hispanic and Colonial literatures in Latin America

Sp. 317 Introduction to 19thand 20thcentury Spanish Peninsular Literature

Sp. 343 Introduction to 19thand 20thcentury Spanish and Latin American Literatures

Book Projects


Authored Book

Cities in Ruins: The Politics of Modern Poetics (West Lafayette: Purdue University Press. Purdue Studies in Romance Literatures, Vol. 50, 2010). 

The Politics of Memory and the Child in Iberian and Latin American Film (Book under review)

Edited Volume

Transatlantic Studies: Latin America, Iberia, and Africa. Introduction and edition with Sebastiaan Faber, Robert Newcomb and Pedro García-Caro. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press. 2019.

Cuba y España: Encuentros Transatlánticos. Ed. Cecilia Enjuto Rangel. Periphērica. Vol. 2, Issue 1. December 2022.https://journals.oregondigital.org/index.php/peripherica/issue/view/564You

Edited Volumes (In Progress)

La verdad sobre el caso de José Antonio Primo de Rivera. Federico Enjuto Ferrán. Introduction and edition with Pedro García Caro. (In progress) (Edition of a historical memoir of the investigative judge in the trial of José Antonio Primo de Rivera during the Spanish Civil War.)


Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals and Peer-Reviewed Edited Collections

Enjuto Rangel, Cecilia. “Economic, Political and Ecological Disasters: The Metropolis and its Ruins in Latin American Poetry in the 1960's and 1970's.” “Metropolis and Ruins” in Volume Four of the five-part Cambridge University Press book series Transitions in Latin American Literature. Eds. Amanda Holmes and Par Kumaraswami. Series Editor. Mónica Szurmuk. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (2023)

“Introducción. Cuba y España: los rastros de una poética transatlántica”. Cuba y España: Encuentros Transatlánticos. Ed. Cecilia Enjuto Rangel. Periphērica. Vol. 2, Issue 1. December 2022.https://journals.oregondigital.org/index.php/peripherica/article/view/4979

“Nicolás Guillén y la guerra civil española.” Cuba y España: Encuentros Transatlánticos. Ed. Cecilia Enjuto Rangel. Periphērica. Vol. 2, Issue 1. December 2022.https://journals.oregondigital.org/index.php/peripherica/article/view/4642

‘Spectrality in Pa negre/Black Bread (Villaronga, 2010): Queer aesthetics and its politics of memory’, Studies in Spanish & Latin American Cinemas, 18:3, pp. 317–33. (2021)

“Introduction: Transatlantic Studies: Staking Out the Field.” (with Sebastiaan Faber, Robert Newcomb and Pedro García-Caro). Transatlantic Studies: Latin America, Iberia and Africa. Eds. Cecilia Enjuto Rangel, Sebastiaan Faber, Robert Newcomb and Pedro García-Caro. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press. 2019. pp. 1-20.

“Children’s Gaze in Contemporary Cinema: A Transatlantic Poetics of Exile and Historical Memory.” Transatlantic Studies: Latin America, Iberia and Africa. Eds. Cecilia Enjuto Rangel, Sebastiaan Faber, Robert Newcomb and Pedro García-Caro. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press. 2019. pp. 193-205.

“Epilogue: The Future -If There is One- is Transatlantic.” with Sebastiaan Faber, Robert Newcomb and Pedro García-Caro). Transatlantic Studies: Latin America, Iberia and Africa. Eds. Cecilia Enjuto Rangel, Sebastiaan Faber, Robert Newcomb and Pedro García-Caro. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press. 2019. pp. 443-448.

‘From Romanticism to Modernismo’. Cambridge Companion to Latin American Poetry. Ed. Stephen Hart. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2018.

“La política transatlántica de solidaridad de Vicente Huidobro y la poética de la Guerra civil española.” La futuridad absoluta de Huidobro. Ed. Luis Correa Díaz and Scott Weintraub. North Carolina State University: Editorial A Contracorriente. 2018. 

“Weaving National and Gender Politics: A Transatlantic Reading of Rosalía de Castro and Julia de Burgos’s Poetic Projects” CENTRO Journal of the Center of Puerto Rican Studies. Special Issue on Julia de Burgos. Ed. Lena Burgos. Vol. 26, No. 2, Fall 2014.

“La poética de la traducción: Briceida Cuevas Cob.” (un ensayo introductorio a la obra poética de Briceida Cuevas Cob, y a sus poemas en maya, castellano e inglés). Cuadernos de ALDEEU, Volumen 25, Primavera 2013. pp. 279-300.

La mirada nostálgica del exilio en En el balcón vacío (1962).” (book article) Exilio y cosmopolitismo en el arte y la literatura hispánica. Ed. Araceli Tinajero. Madrid: Verbum, 2013.

“Góngora, Unamuno y el 27 en clave transatlántica.” Reyes, Borges, Ramón: La vida literaria en Madrid de los años 20. Ed. Julio Ortega. Monterrey: Cátedra Alfonso Reyes, Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey and Brown University, 2011.pp. 157-170.

“Tres generaciones del exilio: la memoria guardada.” L’exil espagnol dans les Amériques. Ed. Carmen Vásquez. Amiens: Centre d’Études Hispaniques D’Amiens (CEHA), 2011. pp.41-50.

“Huidobro’s Voices in the Transatlantic Poetics of the Spanish Civil War.” (book article) Rereading Huidobro:  21stCentury Approaches. Eds. Scott Weintraub and Luis Correa Díaz. University of Minnesota Press, 2010. pp.14-35. http://hispanicissues.umn.edu/Spring2010.html

“Baudelaire y Cernuda: un recorrido por las ruinas de la ciudad moderna.” (book article) Escribir la ciudad. Eds. Maribel Ortiz and Vanessa Vilches. San Juan, Puerto Rico: Fragmento Imán, 2009. pp.113-130.

“La guerra civil española: entre fantasmas, monstruos y faunos.” "España en armas: Cultura de guerras / Guerra de culturas". Vanderbilt e-Journal of Luso-Hispanic Studies. Guest Ed. Antonio Gómez López-Quiñones. Vol.5. 2009.  http://ejournals.library.vanderbilt.edu/lusohispanic/viewissue.php

“Entre ruinas y escombros de Itálica a Madrid: la poética transatlántica de Neruda.” (book article) Alma América. In honorem Victorino Polo. Eds. Vicente Cervera Salinas y María Dolores Adsuar. Murcia: Universidad de Murcia, 2008.pp. 232-250.

“Broken Presents: The Modern City in Ruins in Baudelaire, Cernuda and Paz.” Comparative Literature. Spring 2007, pp.140-157.

“Cities in Ruins: The Recuperation of the Baroque in T.S.Eliot and Octavio Paz.” How Far is America From Here? Proceedings of the International American Studies Association (IASA) Leiden 2003. Paul Giles, Theo D’Haen, Djelal Kadir, and Lois Parkinson Zamora, eds. Amsterdam, New York: Rodopi Publishers, 2005. pp. 283-296.

“Reaching the Past through Cities in Ruins: Itálica and Machu Picchu.” Colorado Review of Hispanic Studies. Vol. 2, Fall 2004, pp.43-60.

“Petrified Pasts: Octavio Paz and the Representation of Ruins.” Ciberletras. July 2004. http://www.lehman.cuny.edu/ciberletras/

Other publications

Enjuto Rangel C. (2021) Neruda, Pablo. In: Tambling J. (eds) The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Urban Literary Studies. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-62592-8_154-1

______________. (2021) Cities in Ruins. In: Tambling J. (eds) The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Urban Literary Studies. Palgrave-Macmillan, Cham. 


Author entries, “Delmira Agustini” and “Julia de Burgos.” Little Black Book of Books. Ed. Lucy Daniel. London: Cassell, 2007, pp.104 and 374.

Faber, Sebastiaan (2015). Co-authored with James D. Fernández, Palmar Álvarez Blanco, Cristina Moreiras-Menor, Cecilia Enjuto-Rangel, Simon Doubleday, Luis Moreno-Caballud, and Benita Sampedro. "Forum: For Whom Do We Write? A Discussion about Format, Purpose, and Audience," Bulletin for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies: Vol. 40: Iss. 1, Article 8. 

Enjuto-Rangel, Cecilia. “Ley de la Memoria Histórica (Ley 52/2007 de. 26 de diciembre)” y “Memoria Histórica.” Entradas para el Co-diccionario del Anarchivo audiovisual de prácticas de lo común en comunidades autogestionadas en territorio español. Ed. Palmar Álvarez Blanco. (Open Access- virtual research and teaching tool- open Nov. 2019)

Book Reviews

Ritos de pasaje. Kadiri Vaquer Fernández. San Juan, Puerto Rico: la secta de los perros, 2019. Review for Chasqui.https://chasquirll.org (2021) 

Poemas de un bárbaro (1987-2013). Jesús Sepúlveda. Santiago de Chile, Contragolpe Ediciones, 2013, 261 pp. Review for Mapocho, Revista de Humanidades, N. 76, Segundo semestre. 2014.pp. 291-295 https://www.revistacronopio.com/literatura-cronopio-689/

Fugitive from Spanish Fascism. A Memoir by Miguel Domínguez Soler. Translated and with an Introduction by Richard Baker. University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point: Cornerstone Press, 2010. Review for The Volunteer. (2012)

Binding Violence. Literary Visions of Political Origins. Moira Fradinger. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2010. Review for MLN (Modern Language Notes) 2011.

La poesía en la literatura española y latinoamericana de Garcilaso de la Vega a José Emilio Pacheco. Daniel Torres. Madrid: Editorial Pliegos, 2007.  Review for Bulletin of Spanish Studies, Fall 2010.

“The Political, Aesthetic, and Ethical Responses to Ruins in Latin America.” Telling Ruins in Latin America. Eds. Michael Lazzara and Vicky Unruh. New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2009.     Review for A Contracorriente, Vol.8, No.1. Fall 2010 http://www.ncsu.edu/acontracorriente/

“Crossing the river, Cruzando el río: Twenty Mexican Poets” (Review of The River Is Wide, El río es ancho. Twenty Mexican Poets, A Bilingual Anthology. Marlon L. Fick, ed. and tr.).  A Contracorriente. Vol. 4, No. 3, Spring 2007.

“Entre dichos y desdichas: Diario de un poeta recién divorciado de Luis Correa Díaz” Anales de la literatura chilena. 7 (2006) 260-263.


“Entre dichos y desdichas: Diario de un poeta recién divorciado de Luis Correa Díaz” Anales de la literatura chilena. 7 (2006) 260-263.

“Crossing the river, Cruzando el río: Twenty Mexican Poets” (Review of The River Is Wide, El río es ancho. Twenty Mexican Poets, A Bilingual Anthology. Marlon L. Fick, ed. and tr.).  A Contracorriente. Vol. 4, No. 3, Spring 2007.

La poesía en la literatura española y latinoamericana de Garcilaso de la Vega a José Emilio Pacheco. Daniel Torres. Madrid: Editorial Pliegos, 2007.  Review for Bulletin of Spanish Studies, Fall 2010.

“The Political, Aesthetic, and Ethical Responses to Ruins in Latin America.” Telling Ruins in Latin America. Eds. Michael Lazzara and Vicky Unruh. New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2009.     Review for A Contracorriente, Vol.8, No.1. Fall 2010 http://www.ncsu.edu/acontracorriente/

Binding Violence. Literary Visions of Political Origins. Moira Fradinger. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2010. Review for MLN (Modern Language Notes) 2011.

Fugitive from Spanish Fascism. A Memoir by Miguel Domínguez Soler. Translated and with an Introduction by Richard Baker. University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point: Cornerstone Press, 2010. Review for The Volunteer. (2012)

Poemas de un bárbaro (1987-2013). Jesús Sepúlveda. Santiago de Chile, Contragolpe Ediciones, 2013, 261 pp. Review for Mapocho, Revista de Humanidades, N. 76, Segundo semestre. 2014. pp. 291-295

Works in progress

The Politics of Memory and the Child in Iberian and Latin American Film (Book manuscript in progress)

“Spectrality in Pa negre’s Queer Aesthetics and Its Politics of Memory” 

“Los paisajes poéticos de Chile y la política de la memoria en la poesía de Raúl Zurita y el cine de Patricio Guzmán”


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