
Curriculum Vitae
Full Name
Evlyn Gould
First Name
Last Name
Professor Emerita
Additional Title
College of Arts and Sciences Distinguished Professor in Humanities
Comparative Literature
Judaic Studies Program
Romance Languages
Affiliated Departments
European Studies
nineteenth century French studies,Jewish studies,European studies,interdisciplinary studies in literature, music, dance
Profile Section

B.A., 1975, California, Irvine; M.A., 1977, Ph.D., 1983, California, Berkeley. (1983)

Cantorial Smicha, 2020, Aleph Alliance for Jewish Renewal


19th-century French literature, history and culture with special emphasis on poetry, novel, and mixed genre studies; literature and the performing arts; Mallarmé, Kabbalah, and the Fin-de-siècle; Bohemia; psychoanalytic and philosophical approaches to literature; the literature of the Dreyfus Affair; Judaic Studies; European Studies.


Evlyn Gould is College of Arts and Sciences Distinguished Professor in the Humanities and Professor of French at the University of Oregon in Eugene, OR. Her work focuses on 19th century French literature, culture, and the performing arts, as well as issues in Jewish and European Studies. She is the author of Virtual Theater from Diderot to Mallarmé (Johns Hopkins University Press, 1989), The Fate of Carmen (Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996; 2001); and co-author and co-editor of Engaging Europe: Rethinking a Continent in Change (Rowman and Littlefield, 2006; 2007). Her most recent book, Dreyfus and the Literature of the Third Republic: Secularism and Tolerance in Zola, Barrès, Lazare and Proust (McFarland Press, 2012), explores these four authors’ dramatic encounters with the "Jewish question" during the Dreyfus Affair in France, interrogating the moral turning of their deepest convictions in these encounters. Gould's latest work studies signs of Jewish influence in popular social gatherings of the late 19th Century. Tentatively titled, "Salons et cénacles," it considers religious and cultural traditions, aspects of material culture and the effects of mystical and spiritual thinking on late 19th century lyric. Gould also works part-time as a Hazzan or Cantor in Eugene, OR and Mt. Holly, NJ.


Books :

---. Dreyfus and the Literature of the Third Republic: Secularism and Tolerance in Zola, Barrès, Lazare and Proust.” McFarland Press, Jefferson, NC and London: McFarland Press, 2012.

---. Literature Matters, Romance Studies. Guest Editor. 2 vols. London: Maney Press, 2008.
---. Engaging Europe: Rethinking a Changing Continent. Paper Re-Edition Boulder, CO: Rowman and Littlefield, 2005; 2007. with George Sheridan, UO History.

---.The Fate of Carmen. Web-based electronic Re-Edition. Baltimore and London : Johns Hopkins University Press, 2001.
---. The Fate of Carmen. Baltimore and London: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996.

---. Virtual Theater from Diderot to Mallarmé. Baltimore and London: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1989.

(Recipient of the National Graduate Schools’ Gustave O. Arlt Award in the Humanities)

---. Beauty and the Beast: A Language/Film Study Guide. Wilmette: PMI Publications, 1984.

Selected Articles
---. “ Figures du ‘prêtre lyrique’”. Sand, Baudelaire, Mallarmé.” Écriture, performance et théâtralité dans l’œuvre de George Sand. Eds. Catherine Nesci and Olivier Bara. George Sand Studies, 2011.
---. “Dreyfus Affair,” Cambridge Dictionary of Jewish Religion, History, and Culture, Steven Zipperstein, sub-editor. London, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
---. “Literature Matters.” Preface, Literature Matters, Romance Studies, 2 vols, Maney Press, 2008.
---. “Levinas, Mallarmé, y las ethicas de los ‘Enjambres posibles,’ Lecturas Levinasianas, Mexico City, Mexico, 2007.

---. “Remaking Carmen for the International Market ,” Belles Lettres, Vol. VI, no. 1 (Sept/Dec 2005) ( Washington University, St. Louis): 33-35.

---. “From Happiness to Truth: Educating Consumers in Zola’s Au Bonheur des dames and Vérité,” New Approaches to Zola, ed. Hannah Thompson ( London, UK: The Emile Zola Society, 2003): 43-56.

---. “Models of Good Practice: Romance Languages at the University of Oregon,” Association of Departments of Foreign Languages Bulletin, Vol.35, no. 1 (Fall 2003), 64-68.

---. “Race, Culture, ‘Truth’: The ‘Jews,’ the Intellectuals, and the Dreyfus Affair,” Excavatio: Emile Zola and Naturalism, vol. XVI (Fall 2002): 1-22.

---. “Baudelaire en Europe,” 19th Century French Studies Web (October 2002) at http://frit.lss.wisc.edu/ncfs/ncfs.html

---. “Cleansing Jewish Gold: Mallarmé, Barr ès, Lazare,” French Forum, 25 (September 2000): 309-328.

---. "A Newly New Europe Waking After the Holocaust," The New Europe at the Crossroads. Ed. Ursula E. Beitter (New York, Berlin, Vienna: Peter Lang in collaboration with St. John's University, York, England, Die Deutsche Bibliothek, 1999): 79-89.

---. "George Sand's Forgotten Bohemia," Le Siècle de George Sand. Ed. David A. Powell (Amsterdam and Altanta, GA: Rodopi B. V., 1998): 357-366.

--. "Penciled in Paris: Le Festival de nos Vacances Parisiennes," Performing Arts Journal, 58 (January 1998): 48-54.

---. "Stéphane Mallarmé‚ and the Pleasures of Virtual Performance," Romance Languages Annual, 9 (1997): 62-67.

---. "Prosper Mérimée is Thinking the Revolution," The French Revolution of 1789 and Its Impact, Eds. Gail Schwab and John R. Jeanneney. Westport, CT and London: Greenwood Press, 1995. 135-145.

---. "Mallarmé's Spectacles or, Theater is in the Eye of the Beholder," Dalhousie French Studies, special issue on Mallarmé, 25 (Fall/Winter 1993): 1-11.

---. "Penciling and Erasing Mallarmé's `Ballets'," and "Ballets by Stéphane Mallarmé" (translation) Performing Arts Journal 4 (Fall 1993): 97-105, 106-110.

---. "Stendhal's Theaters," French Forum, 12.3 (Sept 1987): 289-301.2.1 (Fall 1987): 69-86.

---. "Why go to the Theater?" Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism, Vol II, no.1 (Fall 1987): 69-86.

---. "The Enigma of Woman and the Enigmas She Creates: On Sarah Kofman's L'Enigme de la femme," Discourse, 4 (Winter 1981/2): 32-6.

---. "As Such, Merce Cunningham," Enclitic, 4.1 (Spring 1980): 36-49.


2015       Ernest G. Moll Faculty research Fellowhip in Literary Studies for “Salons et Cénacles: the Theaters of Sarah Bernhardt”; 2014 Faculty Research Award for “Salons et Cénacles: The case of Catulle Mendès”; 2013 UO Provost & CAS Summer Stipend for Humanities and Creative Arts Faculty; 2010 University of Oregon Center for Intercultural Dialogue Small Projects Grant for “Sounds of the Sephardim”2006-07 Oregon Humanities Center Teaching Fellowship and Wulff Professorship, with Karen McPherson for “Great Romances: The World of Proust 2005-06 CAS Program Development Grant for RL International Conference “Literature Matters,” A Romance Studies international conference in Eugene, OR, Fall 2006. 2005 College of Arts and Sciences Distinguished Professor in the Humanities 2004 (Spring) Oregon Humanities Center Ernest G. Moll Faculty Research Fellowship in Literary Studies 2003 (Summer) University of Oregon Faculty Summer Research Award for "Turning around Dreyfus: The Case of Barrès” 1999-2003 University of Oregon “Pathways” initiative grant 1996 (Summer) University of Oregon Faculty Summer Research Grant for "Turning around Dreyfus: Educating Consumers during the Third Republic in France" 1997 (Spring) Oregon Humanities Center Research Fellowship for "Turning Around Dreyfus" 1992 Oregon Humanities Center Course Development Award and the Sherl K. Coleman-Margaret E. Guitteau Professorship in the Humanities for "The Idea of Europe" (with George Sheridan, History) 1992 (Summer) Oregon Council for the Humanities Research Grant for "The Imaginary Scenarios of Bohemia" 1991 (Fall) Oregon Humanities Center Research Fellowship for "The Fate of Bizet's Carmen" 1991 The National Association of Graduate Schools’ Gustave O. Arlt Award in the Humanities for Virtual Theater from Diderot to Mallarmé. 1989 NEH Summer Stipend Award for "The Fate of Carmen" 1987 NEH Summer Institute for the Combined Study of History and Literature: The Production of Deviancy in 19th Century France. University of Oregon, Eugene 1986 NEH Summer Institute: Changes in France from 1815-1880. UO, Eugene


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