
Full Name
Hank Fien
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Associate Professor
343 HEDCO Education Bldg.
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Hank Fien, Ph.D., is principal and co-principal investigator on ten IES grants in the areas of early reading, adolescent reading, and early mathematics interventions for diverse learners in school settings. His research interests include reading and mathematics development in young children, instructional design, and empirically validated interventions aimed at preventing or ameliorating student academic problems. Dr. Fien's most recent work is focused on extending the learning environment from the physical classroom to include virtual environments (e.g., gaming platforms), and leveraging gaming technology to maximize instructional design and delivery principles. 

Ph.D., 2004, University of Oregon
Major: School Psychology
M.S., 2002, University of Oregon
Major: Special Education
B.A., 1992, Glassboro State College
Major: History
Honors and Awards

2011     Early Career Research Award, College of Education, Univeristy of Oregon

2008     Research Fellowship, Institue for Education Sciences, University of Oregon

Baker, S. K., Nelson, N. J., Stoolmiller, M., Kennedy, P., Turtura, J., Crone, D. A., & Fien, H. (in press). Intervening with struggling readers in seventh grade: Impact evidence from six school districts. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness.
Gearin, B., Fien, H., & Nelson, N. J. (in press). Mind wandering: A potentially generative idea for understanding the socioeconomic status academic achievement gap. Translational Issues in Psychological Science. 
Shanley, L., Clarke, B., Doabler, C. T., *Kurtz Nelson, E., & Fien, H. (in press). Measuring early mathematics knowledge via early number skills and task types. Mathematical Thinking and Learning. 
Doabler, C. T., Smith, J. L. M., Nelson, N. J., Clarke, B., Berg, T., & Fien, H. (in press). A guide for evaluating the mathematics programs used by special education teachers. Intervention in School and Clinic.
Clarke, B., Doabler, C. T., Smolkowski, K., Turtura, J., Kosty, D., Kurtz Nelson, E., Fien, H., Baker, S. K. (in press). Exploring the relationship between initial mathematics skill and the impact of a kindergarten mathematics intervention on student mathematics outcomes. Exceptional Children. 
Doabler, C. T., Stoolmiller, M., Kennedy, P., Nelson, N. J., Clarke, B., Gearin, B., Fien, H. Baker, S. K. (in press). Do components of explicit instruction explain the differential effectiveness of a core mathematics program for students with mathematics difficulties? Assessment for Effective Intervention. 
Crone, D. A., Stoolmiller, M., Baker, S. K., Fien, H., Turtura, J., Cary, M. S., Kennedy, P., Nelson, N. J., & Kame'enui, E. J. (2018). Addressing the practice-to-research gap: A rigorous evaluation of local education agency (LEA)-based interventions for struggling readers in sixth grade. Assessment for Effective Intervention. doi: 0.1177/1534508418756730 

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