
Curriculum Vitae
Full Name
Geoff Kennedy
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371 PLC
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Affiliated Departments
Political Science
European Studies, European Development, Contentious Politics, Labor Movements, Anti-Austerity Movements, Mediterranean Europe
Profile Section

Ph.D. (Political Science) York University, Toronto, Canada.

M. A. (Political Science) York University, Toronto, Canada.

B. A. (Political Science) University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada.



Dr. Kennedy's research focuses on the impact of austerity and neoliberal structural reforms on the labor markets and social structures of Southern Europe. His work brings together comparative political economy, economic sociology and global labor studies. He has held academic posts in Canada, England, Ireland and Cyprus. 

He is currently working on a book called Embedding Neoliberalism in Greece:  The Politics of Austerity in a Time of Crisis, that examines the contested process of embedding neoliberalism in Greece in the context of the Eurozone Crisis. His most recent publication, titled 'From Competitive Corporatism to Embedded Austerity: Neoliberalism and Structural Reform in Greece during the Eurozone Crisis,' is now out in the Journal of International and Comparative Labour Studies, 7: 1 (2018). He has another article, called ‘Austerity, Labour Market Reform and the Growth of Precarious Employment in Greece during the Eurozone Crisis,’ forthcoming in the autumn issue of the Global Labour Journal.

Dr. Kennedy is also the author of Diggers, Levellers, and Agrarian Capitalism: Radical Political Thought in Seventeenth Century England (2008), a study that looks at the emergence of grassroots movements in opposition to the development of agrarian capitalism in early modern England.


  • INTL 260: Culture, Capitalism and Globalization 
  • INTL 407/507: Development and Social Change in Europe 
  • INTL 407/507: Labor, Migration and Globalization
  • PS 321: Introduction to Political Economy 
  • PS 323: European Politics 
  • PS 199: Politics of Business

Forthcoming: 'Enduring Austerity: Memoranda Politics and its Impact on Labour in Greece,' co-authored with Maria Markantonatou, in Schmalz and Sommer, eds., Confronting Crisis and Precariousness: Organized Labour and Social Unrest in the European Union, Rowman and Littlefield (2019).

2018 'Austerity, Labour Market Reform and the Growth of Precarious Employment in Greece during the Eurozone Crisis,' Global Labour Journal 9: 3, 281-302.

2018 'From Competitive Corporatism to Embedded Austerity:  Neoliberalism and Structural Reform in Greece during the Eurozone Crisis,' Journal of International and Comparative Labour Studies 7: 1, 1-29.

2016 ‘Embedding Neoliberalism in Greece: Collective Bargaining and Labour Market Policy During the Eurozone Crisis,’ Studies in Political Economy 97: 3, 253-269.

2016 ‘Neoliberal Labour Governments and the Union Response,’ by Jason Schulman, New Political Science 38: 2.

2014 ‘Cicero, Roman Republicanism and the Contested Meaning of Libertas,’ Political Studies 62: 3 (2014), 488-501.

2014 ‘The Social Basis of Electoral Reform,’ review of Wrestling with Democracy, by Dennis Pilon, The Political Quarterly 85: 2.

2014 ‘Senatus Populusque Romanus against the Demos: Roman Republicanism versus Athenian Democracy,’ in Athenian Legacies: European Debates on Citizenship, Leo Olschki Publishers: Florence (2014), 69-94.

2013 'Free Men, Free Labour and Republican Discourses of Liberty in Early Modern England,' Contributions to the History of Concepts 8: 2 (2013).

2013 ‘The History of Democracy:  A Marxist Interpretation,’ Das Argument 303, 635-636.

2012 ‘Capitalism and Contextualization in C. B. Macpherson’s The Political Theory of Possessive Individualism,’ Journal of Intellectual History and Political Thought, 1: 1 (October 2012), 228-251.

2012 ‘Imperial Republics: Territorial Expansion from the English Civil War to the French Revolution,’ Canadian Journal of Political Science 45: 4 (2012), 977-978.

2012 ‘The American Road to Capitalism:  Studies in Class-Structure, Economic Development and Political Conflict, 1620-1877,’ Das Argument 299, 771-773.

2012 ‘The Invention of Market Freedom,’ Political Quarterly 83: 1, 189-191.

2011 ‘Citizens to Lords: A Review Essay.’ Historical Materialism 19: 1 (2011), 304-318.

2011 ‘The Neoliberal State,’ New Political Science 33: 3, 391-394.

2011 ‘Hobbes and Republican Liberty,’ Canadian Journal of Political Science 44: 1, 242-245.

2009 ‘The ‘Republican Dilemma’ and the Changing Social Context of Republicanism in the Early Modern Period,’ The European Journal of Political Theory, 8: 3 (July 2009), 313-338.

2009 ‘Republican Discourses and Imperial Projects: Empire and Liberty in American Political Discourse,’ Spectrum:  Journal of Global Studies 1: 1 (April 2009), 53-68.

2008 Diggers, Levellers and Agrarian Capitalism: Radical Political Thought in Seventeenth Century England (Lexington Books 2008).

2007 ‘Radicalism and Revisionism in the English Civil War,’ in M. Haynes and J. Wolfreys, eds., History and Revolution:Refuting Revisionism (London:  Verso Publishers, 2007), 25-50.

2006 ‘Digger Radicalism and Agrarian Capitalism,’ Historical Materialism 14: 3 (Fall 2006), 112-143.

2006 ‘Reflections on Political Theory,’ Historical Materialism 14: 3 (Fall 2006), 314-329.

2002 ‘State, Civil Society and Social Context in Hegel’s Philosophy of Right,’ Problematique 8 (Fall 2002), 56-77.

2001 ‘Ehud’s Dagger: Class Struggle in the English Revolution,’ Problematique 7.

1999 ‘The Origins of Capitalism,’ Labour/le Travail 44.


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