
Full Name
Hill Walker
First Name
Last Name
Professor Emeritus
Additional Title
Co-Director, Institute on Violence and Destructive Behavior
351 Clinical Services Bldg
College of Education
Programs, Research and Outreach
Center on Human Development
Institute on Violence and Destructive Behavior
Profile Section

I have spent my entire academic career at the University of Oregon dating from 1967. My research career has focused on school-related behavior disorders among children and youth. My areas of research interest and expertise include universal screening, early intervention, school safety, antisocial behavior in youth, social skills, and delinquency.

I am the lead author and developer of the Systematic Screening for Behavior Disorders Procedure and the First Step Early Intervention Program. Both products have been the focus of numerous federally funded research grants.

I served as Director of the Center on Human Development for 26 years. I am the founder and co-director of the Institute on Violence and Destructive Behavior. I served as Associate Dean for Special Education and Rehabilitation for 14 years. In addition, I’ve served on numerous commissions and taskforces inside and outside the U of O.


B.A. 1962-Eastern Oregon University (Teacher Certification, English major and Spanish minor) cum laude

M.A. 1964-U of Oregon-Counseling Psychology

Ph.D. 1967-Special Education with honors

Honors and Awards

The U of O Presidential Medal for 2000

The CEC National Research Award for 1993

The U of O Inaugural Research Innovation Award for 2006

The Distinguished Achievement Award from the National Association of University Centers on Disabilities for 2008 and

The 2020 Research Award from the National Association of School Mental Health


I have a total of 235 publications including 20 published books as a lead author or coauthor. I have an additional book on school safety with Jeff Sprague that will be published in the fall. I am currently under contract to Guilford Publishing for a resource book on behavior management for general and special education teachers.


I look forward to continuing my research career with colleagues and pursuing grants to support same.


Member for

3 years 8 months