
Full Name
Jantina Clifford
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Senior Lecturer I
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Senior Research Associate I
303 Clinical Services Bldg
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Jantina Clifford is a senior research associate, senior lecturer, academic advisor, and program coordinator for the Early Intervention Master's/Licensure program. She currently teaches two of the program’s core courses including SPED 681 Foundations in Early Childhood/Early Intervention and SPED 682 Assessment and Evaluation in Early Intervention. Dr. Clifford is also involved in several research studies focused on the development of parent-completed assessment measures and a curriculum focused on social-emotional development for young children with special needs. In addition to her work at the University of Oregon, Dr. Clifford provides technical assistance and outreach on several assessment tools including the Ages & Stages Questionnaires, Ages & Stages Questionnaires: Social-Emotional, and the Social-Emotional Assessment/Evaluation Measure. Dr. Clifford is a native of Oregon’s Willamette Valley and served as an early childhood educator for eight years prior to pursuing an academic career in Early Intervention.


Ph.D., 2006, University of Oregon
Major: Early Intervention

M.S., 1999, University of Oregon
Major: Early Intervention

M.A., 1988, University of Oregon
Major: French Literature

B.A., 1985, University of Oregon
Major: French

Honors and Awards

2012  Hope Baney Fund Award for development of two online courses for Early Intervention Program master's students, University of Oregon

2011  Judson and Elise Taylor Award for International Outreach and Collaboration in Vietnam, University of Oregon

2005  Bricker-Davis Research Award for Doctoral Students, University of Oregon, 2005.


Nozadi, S., Li, L., Clifford, J., Du, R., Murphy, K. et al., (2019). Use of Ages and Stages Questionnaires (ASQ) in a Navajo population: Comparison with US normative dataset. Child: Care, Health and Development. DOI:10.1111/cch.12704

Anunciação, L., Squires, J., Clifford, J., Landeira‐Fernandez, J. (2019). Confirmatory analysis and normative tables for the Brazilian Ages and Stages                      Questionnaires: Social–Emotional. Child: Care, Health and Development. DOI 10.1111/cch.12649

Clifford, J., Chen, C-I., Xie, H., Chen C-Y., Murphy, K., Ascetta, K., Frantz, R., Hansen, S. (2018). Examining the Technical Adequacy of the Ages & Stages Questionnaires: INVENTORY. Infants and Young Children.

Chen, C. Y., Xie, H. C., Clifford, J., Chen, C-I., Squires, J. (2018). Examining internal structures of a developmental measure using multidimensional item response theory. Journal of Early Intervention.

Xie, H., Clifford, J., Squires, J., Bian, X., Chen, C-Y, Qian, Y. (2017). Adapting and validating a developmental assessment on Chinese infants and toddlers: The Ages & Stages Questionnaires: INVENTORY. Infant Behavior and Development.

Clifford, J., Squires, J.K., & Murphy, K. (2017). Not lost in translation: Modifying the Ages & Stages Questionnaires for use in cross-cultural contexts. Current Developmental Disorders Report. DOI 10.1007/s40474-017-0121-2

Squires, J., Bricker, D., Waddell, M., Funk, K., Clifford, J., & Hoselton, R. (2014). Social-emotional assessment/evaluation measure (SEAM), Research Edition. Baltimore: Paul Brookes Publishing Co.

Squires, J., Waddell, M., Clifford, J., Funk, M., Hoselton, R.,& Chen, C. (2013). Psychometric study of the infant and toddler intervals of the social emotional assessment measure. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education. 33(2), 78-90.

Clifford, J., Squires, J., Yockelson, S., Twombly, E., & Bricker, D. (2011). Developmental screening in early childhood: Potential roadmaps for those considering the journey. In M. McLean & P. Snyder. Young Exceptional Children Monograph Series no. 13, Gathering information to make informed decisions: Contemporary perspectives about assessment in early intervention and early childhood special education. Missoula, MT:


Dr. Clifford’s research is focused on the development and evaluation of assessment measures that rely on parent completion and/or administration in order to evaluate the development of children ages birth to five in the U.S. as well as internationally. Recent research has also focused on the translation and adaptation of developmental screening measures in order to assist in the identification of children and families who may benefit from early intervention services worldwide. In addition, Dr. Clifford is engaged in the development and evaluation of a curriculum focused on enhancing the social-emotional development of infants and toddlers with disabilities.


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