
Full Name
John Lind
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Administrative Faculty
Research Associate
357 Clinical Services Bldg
College of Education
Education Research and Outreach
Programs, Research and Outreach
Center on Human Development
Profile Section

Dr. John Lind is a Research Associate. As a former special education teacher, Dr. Lind has extensive experience developing and implementing strength based interventions for youth with disabilities including adolescents with emotional and behavior disabilities. More recently, he has worked as an educational consultant, providing training and technical assistance to national and state departments of education on issues related to IDEA, effective classroom management, and multi-tiered levels of support. Currently, he is the director of the SIGnetwork, a clearinghouse of resources for the OSEP funded State Personnel Development Grantees and is PI of an international inclusion project in Laos and a Goal-2 IES grant sub-contract focused on College and Career Readiness.


2014 Ph.D. Special Education, University of Oregon                                           

2008 M.S. Special Education, University of Oregon  

2004  B.A. Major, Psychology; Minor, Business; University of Oregon 

2002     A.A.       Lane Community College, Eugene 


Lindstrom, L., Lind, J., & Gee, K. (in press). Transitions into employment. In S. Hupp & J. Jewell (Eds), The Encyclopedia of Child and Adolescent Development. Wiley-Blackwell.

Lind, J., Poppen, M., & Murray, C. (2017). An intervention to promote positive teacher–student relationships and self-determination among adolescents with emotional disturbance. Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals

Lind, J. (2015). Student-teacher relationships and behaviorally at-risk students. In G. Scarlett (Ed.) The Sage encyclopedia of classroom management: An A-to-Z guide. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Pinkney, C., Murray, C., & Lind, J. (2012). Individual skill predictors of the school- and career-related adjustment of adolescents with disabilities. Career Development for Exceptional Individuals, 35, 39-49.


Dr . Lind is currently focusing his research on the transition to young adulthood among youth youth who are identified for special education, struggling in school or at-risk of academic failure, or those whose self-concept and ideas about the world of education and work may be restricted based on individual, family, school or community factors. In addition, Dr. Lind’s current research interests include professional development targeting effective instructional practices in international inclusive education environments.   



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