
Curriculum Vitae
Full Name
Jocelyn Hollander
First Name
Last Name
616 PLC, 1291 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1291
Office Hours
Winter 2025: Friday 11:30-1:30
Affiliated Departments
Women's Gender and Sexuality Studies
Gender, Social Psychology and Interaction, Qualitative Approaches
Profile Section

Professor Hollander received her B.A. in Linguistics from Stanford in 1987. She received an M.A. in 1991 and a Ph.D. in 1997 from the University of Washington. She joined the University of Oregon faculty in 1997. Professor Hollander is currently engaged in research on self-defense training and the prevention of violence against women.

Research Interests
  • sociological gender theory
  • sexual violence prevention
  • empowerment self-defense training
  • language and talk
Teaching Areas
  • gender
  • pedagogy
  • sociological research methods
  • gender-based violence
  • sociology of happiness
  • empowerment self-defense

Hollander, J., & Beaujolais, B. (2024). “‘I Have the Right to Defend Myself’: The Underlying Curriculum of Empowerment Self-Defense Training.Sex Roles, 90, 166-185.

2021     Hollander, Jocelyn A. “Unsettling Gender: Empowerment Self-Defense Training and Interactional Expectations.” Revue des Sciences Sociales 65:56-65.

2020     Hollander, Jocelyn A., and Jeanine Cunningham*. “Empowerment Self-Defense Training in a Community Population.” Psychology of Women Quarterly 44(2):187-202.

 2018     Hollander, Jocelyn A. “Interactional Accountability.” Pp. 173-184 in The Handbook of the Sociology of Gender, edited by Barbara J. Risman, Carissa Froyum, and William J. Scarborough. Springer.

2018     Hollander, Jocelyn A. “Empowerment Self-Defense.” Pp. 221-244 in Sexual Assault Risk Reduction and Resistance: Theory, Research and Practice, edited by Lindsay M. Orchowski and Christine A. Gidycz. Elsevier.

2018     Hollander, Jocelyn A. “Women’s Self-Defense and Sexual Assault Resistance: The State of the Field.” Sociology Compass 12(8):e12597.

2016     Hollander, Jocelyn A. “The Importance of Self-Defense Training for Sexual Violence Prevention.” Feminism & Psychology 26(2): 207-226.

2016     Pascoe, C.J., and Jocelyn A. Hollander. “Good Guys Don’t Rape: Gender, Domination, and Mobilizing Rape.” Gender & Society 30(1): 67-79.

2014     Hollander, Jocelyn A., and Miriam Abelson*. “Language and Talk.” Pp. 181-206 in Handbook of the Social Psychology of Inequality, edited by Jane McLeod, Michael Schwalbe, and Edward Lawler. Springer. (invited chapter)

2014     Hollander, Jocelyn A., and Katie Rodgers*. “Constructing Victims: The Erasure of Women’s Resistance to Sexual Assault.” Sociological Forum 29(2):342-364.

2014     Hollander, Jocelyn A. “Does Self-Defense Training Prevent Sexual Violence Against Women?” Violence Against Women 20(3):252-269.

2013     Hollander, Jocelyn A. “’I Demand More of People’: Interaction, Accountability, and Gender Change.” Gender & Society 27(1):5-29.

2011     Hollander, Jocelyn A., Judith A. Howard, and Daniel G. Renfrow. Gendered Situations, Gendered Selves: A Gender Lens on Social Psychology, 2nd edition. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield.

2004     Hollander, Jocelyn A.  “The Social Contexts of Focus Groups.” Journal of Contemporary Ethnography  33(5): 602–637.

2002     Hollander, Jocelyn A. “Resisting Vulnerability: The Social Reconstruction of Gender in Interaction.” Social Problems 49:474-496.


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