Susan Campbell Hall 332
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- Ph.D., Religious Studies, Duke University, 2015
- M.A., Asian Studies, Duke University, 2009
- B.A., Religion, Reed College, 2005
- REL 199 Paths to Nirvana
- REL 303 Japanese Religions
- REL 357 War, Terrorism, and Religion
- REL 359 Religion After Atheism
- REL 399 Religion and Climate Change
- REL 407/507 Modern Buddhas
- REL 411/511 Making Sense of Religion
- Oregon Humanities Center Ernest G. Moll Research Fellowship in Literary Studies, 2018-19
- Evan Frankel Fellowship, 2014-2015
- Japan Foundation Doctoral Fellowship, 2012-2013
- James B. Duke Fellowship, 2009
- University Scholarship, 2009
- Luce Scholarship, 2004