
Full Name
Kevin Moore
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Senior Lecturer I
1600 Millrace, Ste 106
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IAL Program, 2013, University of Oregon
Educational Methodology, Policy and Leadership, University of Oregon

Ph.D., 1989, University of Oregon
Major: Special Education and Rehabilitation

M.A., 1983, California State University at Chico
Major:  Counseling Psychology/School Psychology

B.A., 1980, California State University at Chico

Major: Psychology/Developmental


Smolkowski, K., Seeley, J.R., Gau, J. M., Dishion, T. J., Stormshak, E. A., Moore, K.J., Falkenstein, C. A., Fosco, G. M., & Garbacz, S.A., (2017). Effectiveness evaluation of the Positive Family Support Intervention: A three-tiered public health delivery model for middle schools. Journal of School Psychology.

Moore, K. J., Garbacz, S. A., Gau, J. M., Dishion, T. J., Brown, K. L., Stormshak, E. A., & Seeley, J. R. (2016). Proactive parent engagement in public schools: Using a brief student strengths and needs assessment in a multiple-gating risk management strategy. Journal of Positive Behavior Intervention’s 18(4), 230-240. DOI: 10.1177/1098300716632590

Hine, K M., & Moore, K. J. (2015). Family care treatment for dispersed populations of children with behavioral challenges: Design, implementation, and initial outcomes of an evidence-informed treatment. Children and Youth Services Review. 58, 179-186.

Smith, J. D., Dishion, T. J., Moore, K.J., Shaw, D. S., & Wilson, M.N. (2013). Effects of video feedback on early coercive parent–child interactions: The intervening role of caregiver’s relational schemas. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 42(3), 1–13.

Moore, K. J., Dishion, T. J., & Shaw, D. S. (2012). The Family Check-Up in early childhood: A public health intervention to prevent long-term behavioral and emotional disorders (p.17). In Child Welfare 360: Using a developmental perspective in child welfare practice. Center for Advanced Studies in Child Welfare, Winter 2012.

Moore, K. J., & Patterson, G. R. (2005). Living with children: Treatment for out-of-control children and their families. Retrieved October 31, 2005, from

Soliday, E., Moore, K. J., & Lande, M. B. (2002). Daily reports and pooled time-series analysis. Pediatric psychology applications. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 27(1), 67–76.


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