
Full Name
Kristidel McGregor
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124 Lokey Education Bldg
College of Education
Curriculum & Teaching
Profile Section

Kristidel McGregor has been working in education for nearly two decades. She began teaching at West Anchorage High school in Alaska, and taught 7th, 9th, and 10th grade English Language Arts. In addition to teaching, Professor McGregor has also served as a department chair, an instructional coach, and instructor for continuing education. In her role as instructional coach, she helped teachers in non-English content areas, like science, math, and social studies, support their students’ literacy development. She also provided professional and continuing education for teachers in cooperation with the Anchorage School District and the University of Alaska.

Professor McGregor also spent five years out of the classroom, managing an Advanced Placement Equity Program grant called Project APpeal (Advanced Placement Programs for Every Able Learner). This grant worked to bring access to higher-level coursework to students across Alaska, from the urban high schools of Anchorage to the small rural villages of Kalsag and Aniak. She was responsible for coordinating and delivering grant activities, including teacher professional development, community outreach programs, and student and family support services.

Professor McGregor returned to school herself in 2015 to pursue a PhD in Critical and Sociocultural Studies in education, which she will complete in spring 2021. She teaches classes for the Education Studies department, both in undergraduate Education Foundations, and in the UOTeach Master's Program.


2015 –       PhD Candidate       University of Oregon
Critical and Sociocultural Studies in Education
Education Studies, College of Education
Dissertation: “Necessary Spaces: School Bathrooms and Student Learning”
Anticipated Defense: Spring 2021

2002                M.A.T.             Southern Oregon University
Secondary English Education
Action Research Project: “Using Metacognitive Strategies to Support Reading Comprehension”

2001    B.A.                 Southern Oregon University
English, Areas of Concentration: American Literature, Cultural Studies
Capstone Project: “Teaching Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet: Historical Context and Modern Media”

Honors and Awards

2017 - 2020     Graduate Employee Award of Excellence, Education Studies, College of Education, University of Oregon

2005                Teacher Technology Leader, Anchorage School District

2001                Outstanding Woman Graduate in English, American Association of University Women, Southern Oregon University


2019    Kristidel McGregor, Deanna Chappell Belcher & Katie S. Fitch (2019)
Reclaiming Your Time: Tools From Culturally Responsive Pedagogy (CRP) for Making General Interventions Local, The Educational Forum, 83:3, 266-277,


2019    McGregor, Kristidel. Towards a Phenomenology of the Material. Qualitative Inquiry, Special Issue: Unsettling Traditions of Phenomenology and Hermeneutics.


2018    McGregor, Kristidel. Material Flows: Patriarchal Structures and the Menstruating Teacher. Gender and Education.


Professor McGregor’s current project is studying how the material things and spaces of schools, specifically bathrooms, affect teaching and learning. She’s written about what lack of access to bathrooms means for teachers, and her current project looks at how bathrooms have influenced learning historically in the United States, as well as at her current field site, a middle school in Oregon.

She also writes about how to do this kind of research: what theoretical framing and methods make sense if we are trying to understand students’ and teachers’ experiences of a material place, particularly when that place is taboo? She draws on feminist phenomenologists (Alcoff, de Beauvoir, Mann, Marion Young) and feminist new materialists (Alaimo, Barad, Bennet, Haraway, Puar) to imagine a methodology that takes seriously how matter comes to matter.


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4 years 5 months