
Full Name
Lauren Cycyk
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Associate Professor
269 Hedco Education Bldg
College of Education
Communication Disorders and Sciences
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Lauren M. Cycyk, PhD, CCC-SLP, is an Assistant Professor in Communication Disorders and Sciences. Her research focuses on sociocultural and environmental influences on the dual Spanish-English language development of young children from Latino backgrounds as well as caregiver-centered language interventions that promote positive communication and educational outcomes of Latino children from the earliest ages.  Lauren is a nationally-certified Speech-Language Pathologist who has served bilingual children and families in early intervention settings, elementary schools, hospitals, and private practice in both the United States and Mexico. She has been recognized for her work by the Office of Multicultural Affairs of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association and was selected as an Emerging Scholar by the Bridging the Word Gap National Research Network. She is also Co-Director of the Early Dual Language Development Laboratory ( and an affiliate of the Alliance for Language and Literacy (

PhD, 2016, Temple University
Major:  Communication Sciences and Disorders
MS, 2007, Arizona State University
Major: Communications Sciences and Disorders, Bilingual Specialization
BA, 2004,  George Washington University
Major:  Communication Sciences and Disorders
Honors and Awards

2015  Bridging the Word Gap Emerging Research Scholar, Bridging the Word Gap National Research Network

2014  Temple University Academic Achievement Fellowship, Temple University Graduate School

2014  CAPCSD Doctoral Leadership Scholarship, The Council of Academic Programs in Communication Sciences and Disorders

2014  Meritorious Award for Scientific Poster Presentation, Temple University, College of Health Professions and Social Work

2006  Marilyn Miller Quintana Moline Fellowship, Arizona State University, Department of Speech and Hearing Science

2001-2004  Presidential Academic Scholarship Recipient, The George Washington University


Cycyk, L. M., & Durán, L. (in press). Supporting young children with disabilities and their families from undocumented immigrant backgrounds: Recommendations for program leaders and practitioners. Young Exceptional Children. https://doi: 10.1177/1096250619864916

Larson, A. L., Cycyk, L. M., Carta, J., Hammer, C. S., Baralt, M., Uchikoshi, Y., An, Z. G., & Wood, C. (in press). A systematic review of language-focused interventions for children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. Early Childhood Research Quarterly.

Ramírez, R., Cycyk, L. M., Scarpino, S. E., López, L., & Hammer, C. S. (in press). Teachers’ beliefs regarding dual language learners in Head Start: An opportunity for enhancing professional development. NHSA Dialog.

Cycyk, L. M., & Hammer, C. S. (in press). Beliefs, values, and practices of Mexican immigrant families towards language and learning in toddlerhood: Setting the foundation for early childhood education. Early Childhood Research Quarterly.   

Soberón, A., Carlier, M. E. M., Jiménez, C., Harmony, T., & Cycyk, L. M. (2019). Programa de educación para padres sobre estimulación del desarrollo del lenguaje de lactantes prematuros con riesgo de daño cerebral. [Parent educational program for the stimulation of language development among premature infants at risk for brain damage]. Revista de Logopedia, Foniatría y Audiología, 39(1), 32-40.

Willard, J., Hammer, C. S., Bitetti, D., Cycyk, L. M., & Leyendecker, B. (2019). Mothers’ depressive symptoms and their children’s Turkish heritage language vocabulary development. International Journal of Bilingualism, 23(1), 71-86

Calderón-Carillo, M., Ricardo-Garcell, J., Cycyk, L. M., Jackson-Maldonado, D., Avecilla-Ramírez, G., & Harmony, T.  (2018). Los padres como promotores del desarrollo de lenguaje de bebés prematuros: propuesta de intervención temprana. [Parents as promoters of language development in premature babies: A proposal for early intervention]. Actualidades en Psicología, 32(124), 51-63. doi 10.15517/ap.v32i124.30449.

Sawyer, B., Cycyk, L. M., Sandilos, L., & Hammer, C. S. (2018). “So many books they don’t even fit on the bookshelf”: An examination of low-income mothers’ literacy practices, beliefs and influencing factors. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, 18(3), 331-372.

Sawyer, B. E., Hammer, C. S., Cycyk, L. M., López, L., Blair, C., Sandilos, L., & Komaroff, E. (2016). Preschool teachers' reported beliefs and observed practices with dual language learners. Bilingual Research Journal, 39, 35-49.

Cycyk, L.M., Bitetti, D., & Hammer, C.S. (2015) Maternal depressive symptomatology, social support, and language development of low-income bilingual preschoolers. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 24, 411-425.

Cycyk, L.M., & Iglesias, A. (2015). Parent programs for Latino families with young children: Social, cultural, and linguistic considerations. Seminars in Speech and Language, 36, 143-153.

Sandilos, L.E., Cycyk, L.M., Hammer, C.S., Sawyer, L.B., López, L., & Blair, C. (2015). Depressive symptomatology, control, and climate: An examination of factors impacting teaching quality in prekindergarten classrooms. Early Education and Development, 26, 1111-1127.

Cycyk, L.M., & Wright, H.H. (2008). Frontotemporal dementia: Its definition, differential diagnosis, and management. Aphasiology, 22, 422-444.



Sociocultural and environmental factors that influence early Spanish-English dual language development

Caregiver-centered interventions that promote positive communication and educational outcomes of young Spanish-English dual language learners (DLLs)


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