
Curriculum Vitae
Full Name
Laura Lee McIntyre
First Name
Laura Lee
Last Name
Additional Title
Castle-McIntosh-Knight Professor
230 HEDCO Education Bldg
School Psychology
Profile Section

Laura Lee McIntyre is the Dean of the College of Education and Castle-McIntosh-Knight Professor. Prior to her appointment as dean, she served as interim dean of the COE, department head of Special Education and Clinical Sciences, director of the school psychology program and director of the Prevention Science Institute. McIntyre’s research focuses on children’s mental and behavioral health, special education, and prevention and intervention to promote child and family well-being in vulnerable and underserved populations. She is known for her work in early childhood, autism, family-centered interventions, and family–school partnerships for children with disabilities. Professor McIntyre is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA), certified school psychologist, and board licensed psychologist. She has professional experiences in both school and hospital settings. Prior to joining the faculty at the University of Oregon, Laura Lee McIntyre was a faculty member in the Psychology Department at Syracuse University and an affiliated faculty member in the Center for Development, Behavior, and Genetics in the Department of Pediatrics at SUNY Upstate Medical University. She has been at UO since 2009.

PhD, 2003, University of California, Riverside, 2003 
Major: School Psychology 
Co-Advisors: Frank M. Gresham & Jan Blacher 
Predoctoral Internship, 2002-2003, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine (Pediatrics) Kennedy Krieger Institute
Director of APA-accredited program: SungWoo Kahng 
MA, 2000, University of California, Riverside
Major: Special Education 
Advisor: Jan Blacher 
BA, 1997, La Sierra University, Riverside, CA
Major: Developmental Psychology Magna Cum Laude
Honors and Awards

Research Awards

2021 Castle-McIntosh-Knight Endowed Professor, College of Education, UO

2021  Tom Oakland Midcareer Scholarship Award, American Psychological Association (APA), Division 16, School Psychology 

2020  Fellow, American Psychological Association (APA), Division 16, School Psychology

2017  Catalyst Scholar, Society for the Study of School Psychology, School Psychology Research Collaboration Conference

2016  Fellow, American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities 

2015  Inducted Member, Society for the Study of School Psychology

2013  Fellow, American Psychological Association, Division 33, Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities 

2012  Fund for Faculty Excellence Award, University of Oregon  

2010  Sara S. Sparrow Early Career Research Award, Division 33 (Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities) of the American Psychological Association 

2010  Early Career Award, American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities 

2007  Rising Star Award, College of Arts & Sciences, La Sierra University 

2007  Early Career Scholar, Society for the Study of School Psychology, School Psychology Research Collaboration Conference

2006  Research Fellow, National Institutes of Health, Summer Institute on Randomized Clinical Trials involving Behavioral Interventions

2003  Dissertation Award, Academy on Mental Retardation

1998 - 2002  Academic Fellowship Recipient, University of California, Riverside 

Teaching/Mentoring Awards 

2008  Research Mentor Award, Department of Psychology, Syracuse University 

2008  Golden Apple Award, Teaching Excellence Award, Department of Psychology, Syracuse University 

2007  Golden Apple Award, Teaching Excellence Award, Department of Psychology, Syracuse University 

Professional/Leadership Awards 

2011  Excellence Award for Directors of Graduate Studies, University of Oregon, Graduate School 

2008  Professional Excellence Award, Families for Effective Autism Treatment of Central New York (FEAT of CNY) 

2002 - 2003  Training Fellow, Maternal & Child Health Bureau, Kennedy Krieger Institute 

2002 - 2003  Leadership Education Excellence in Caring for Children with Neurodevelopmental and Related Disabilities (LEND) Trainee, Kennedy Krieger Institute

1999  Next Generation Leader in Mental Retardation, President’s Committee on Mental Retardation, Clinton Administration



McIntyre, L. L., Santiago, R. T., & Sutherland, M., & Garbacz, S. A. (in press). Child risk factors and parental mental health as predictors of family–school partnerships in students with autism spectrum disorders. School Psychology.

McIntyre, L. L., & Kunze, M. (2021). Family-focused interventions as prevention and early intervention of behavioral problems in children with autism spectrum disorder. International Review of Research in Developmental Disabilities, 61, 159–191. https://doi.org/10.1016/bs.irrdd.2021.07.007

Garbacz, A. S., Lee, Y., Hall, G., Stormshak, E. A., & McIntyre, L. L. (2021). Initiating family–school collaboration in school mental health through a proactive and positive strengths and needs assessment. School Mental Health. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12310-021-09455-5

McIntyre, L. L., Neece, C. L., Sanner, C., Rodriguez, G., & Safer-Lichtenstein, J. (2021). Telehealth delivery of a behavioral parent training program to Spanish-speaking Latinx parents of young children with developmental delay: Applying an implementation framework approach. School Psychology Review. https://doi.org/10.1080/2372966X.2021.1902749

McIntyre, L. L. (2020). Family based practices to promote well-being. American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 125(5), 349–352. 

Neece, C. L., McIntyre, L. L., & Fenning, R. (2020). Examining the impact of COVID-19 in ethnically diverse families with young children with developmental delays. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 64(10), 739–749. https://doi.org/10.1111/jir.12769

Crnic, K. A., Neece, C. L., McIntyre, L. L., Blacher, J., & Baker, B. L. (2017). Intellectual disability and developmental risk: Promoting interventions to improve child and family well-being. Child Development. https://doi.org/10.1111/cdev.12740

Garbacz, S. A., McIntyre, L. L., Stormshak, E. A., & Kosty, D. B. (in press). The efficacy of the Family Check-Up on children’s emotional and behavior problems in early elementary school. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders.

Garbacz, S. A., Stormshak, E. A., McIntyre, L. L., & Kosty, D. B. (in press). Examining family-school engagement in a randomized controlled trial of the Family Check-Up. School Psychology Quarterly. DOI: 10.1037/spq0000284

Shahidullah, J. D., Azad, G. F., Mezher, K., McClain Verdoes, M. E., & McIntyre, L. L. (2018). Linking the medical and educational home to support children with autism spectrum disorder: Practice recommendations. Clinical Pediatrics. DOI: 10.1177/0009922818774344

Kurtz-Nelson, E. & McIntyre, L. L. (2017). Optimism and positive and negative feelings in Parents of young children with developmental delays. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research. doi: 10.1111/jir.12378

McIntyre, L. L., Pelham, W. E., III, Kim, M. H., Dishion, T. J., Shaw, D., & Wilson, M. (2017). A brief measure of language skills at age three and special education use in middle childhood. Journal of Pediatrics, 181, 189–194. doi: 10.1016/j.jpeds.2016.10.035.

Felver, J. C., Jones, R., Killam, M., Kryger, C., Race, K., & McIntyre, L. L. (2017). Contemplative intervention reduces physical interventions for children in residential psychiatric treatment. Prevention Science, 18(2). doi: 10.1007/s11121-016-0720-x

Crnic, K. A., Neece, C. L., McIntyre, L. L., Blacher, J., & Baker, B. L. (2017). Intellectual disability and devevlopmental risk: Promoting interventions to improve child and family well-being. Child Development. doi: 10.1111/cdev.12740


Laura Lee McIntyre's research involves early identification and treatment of childhood developmental and behavioral problems, with an emphasis on the multiple systems of care that support children (e.g., families, schools, healthcare). Within this broad framework, three specific lines of research emerge: (1) Parent training, education, and support, (2) transition to kindergarten, and (3) child risk factors and family well-being.

Over the past 20 years, McIntyre's work has focused on understanding and promoting parent and child well-being in families with children with developmental delays or disabilities, including autism spectrum disorder. Her professional background blends the fields of school psychology, special education, and pediatric child clinical psychology and centers on the early identification and treatment of childhood developmental and behavioral problems. Her work emphasizes developing parent–professional partnerships and working with a variety of caregivers who support children. She is especially interested in early intervention and prevention work with families who have young children with developmental problems who are at risk for negative social, emotional, and behavioral outcomes at home and at school. She has funding from the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NIH/NICHD), the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), the National Institute of Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR), and the U.S. Department of Education/Institute of Education Sciences (IES) to support this work.


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