B.A., Geography, California State University, Fresno (1985); M.S., Geography, University of Wisconsin (1987); Ph.D., Urban Planning, University of California, Los Angeles (1991).
I am a qualitative social scientist who works at the intersection of geography and critical ethnic studies, especially Chicanx Studies. My interest in these fields began as a young child fascinated by maps, landscapes, nature, and places. At the same time, everyday life taught me that we live in a racial, class and gender hierarchy that shapes our lives. Through my research and teaching I explore how these processes shape places and how places inform racial and economic processes.
Most of my work explores the various ways in which racial inequality is actively produced, as well as the various means by which it is denied. I am particularly interested in how these processes operate in terms of environmental justice, landscape, cultural memory and political activism.
Selected Publications
Woods, Clyde (2017) Development Drowned and Reborn: The Blues and Bourbon Restoration in Post-Katrina New Orleans. Edited and posthumously completed by Laura Pulido and Jordan Camp. University of Georgia Press, Geographies of Justice series.
Pulido, Laura, Laura Barraclough and Wendy Cheng (2012) A People’s Guide to Los Angeles. University of California Press.
Pulido, Laura (2006) Black, Brown, Yellow and Left: Radical Activism in Los Angeles. University of California Press, American Crossroads Series.
Pulido, Laura (1996) Environmentalism and Economic Justice: Two Chicano Struggles in the Southwest. University of Arizona Press, Society, Place and Environment series.
Laura Pulido and Juan de Lara (2018) “Reimagining the ‘Justice’ in Environment Justice: Radical Ecologies, Decolonial Thought, and the Black Radical Tradition” Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space (1-2): 76-98.
Laura Pulido (2018) “Geographies of Race and Ethnicity III: Settler Colonialism and Nonnative People” Progress in Human Geography 42 (2): 309-318.
Pulido, Laura (2017) “Geographies of Race and Ethnicity II: Environmental Racism, Racial Capitalism and State-Sanctioned Violence” Progress in Human Geography 41 (4): 524-533.
Pulido, Laura (2016) “Checkered Choices, Political Assertions: The Unarticulated Racial Identity of the Asociación Nacional México-Americana” in Critical Ethnic Studies: A Reader. Edited by Nada Elia, David Hernandez, Jodi Kim, Shana Redmond, Dylan Rodriguez, and Sarita See. Duke University Press, pp. 463-476.
Pulido, Laura (2016) “Flint Michigan, Environmental Racism and Racial Capitalism” Capitalism Nature Socialism 27 (3): 1-16.
Pulido, Laura (2015) “Landscapes of Racial Violence,” in Latitudes: An Angeleno's Atlas. Edited by Patricia Wakida. Berkeley: Heydey Books, pp. 63-71.
Pulido, Laura (2015) “Geographies of Race and Ethnicity I: White Supremacy vs White Privilege in Environmental Racism Research” Progress in Human Geography 39 (6): 1-9.
Pulido, Laura and Manuel Pastor (2013) “Where in the World is Juan — and What Color is He? The Geography of Latina/o Racial Identity in Southern California” American Quarterly 65 (2): 309-341.
Pulido, Laura (2008) “FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions on Being a Scholar/Activist.” In Engaging Contradictions: Theory, Politics and Methods of Activist Scholarship. Edited by Charles Hale. Berkeley: University of California Press, pp. 341-366.
Guggenheim Fellowship, 2016
Enhancing Diversity Award, Association of American Geographers, 2013
Carey McWilliams Award, California Studies Association, 2013
Globe Book Award for Public Understanding Geography, Association of American Geographers, 2018 and 2013
Presidential Achievement Award, Association of American Geographers, 2012
Meridian Book Award for Outstanding Scholarly Book in Geography, Association of American Geographers, 2007