
Full Name
Luke Habberstad
First Name
Last Name
Associate Professor, Early Chinese Literature and Religion
Additional Title
Program Head & Director of Asian Studies Program
401 Friendly Hall, 1248 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1248
Office Hours
Tuesdays, 2-4 pm
Asian Studies
East Asian Languages
Religious Studies
School of Global Studies and Languages
Affiliated Departments
Asian Studies
Profile Section

Research Interests
Literature, religion, and material culture of early China (5th century BCE-3rd century CE); early Chinese historical writing; excavated texts; politics and cultures of dynastic and monarchical courts; ancient empires; religious ritual.


B.A., Yale University

M.A. (Asian Studies), University of California, Berkeley

Ph.D. (History), University of California, Berkeley



Forming the Early Chinese Court: Rituals, Spaces, Roles. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2018.

Articles (earliest to latest):

"The Sage and His Associates: Confucius and His Disciples Across Early Texts." In The Norton Critical Edition of The Analects. Edited by Michael Nylan. Translated by Simon Leys. New York: Norton, 2014. 178-91.

"Text, Performance, and Spectacle: The Funeral Procession of Marquis Yi of Zeng, 433 BC." Early China 37 (2014): 181-219.

"Recasting the Court in Late Western Han: Rank, Duty, and Alliances in the Process of Institutional Change." In Chang'an 26 BCE: An Augustan Age in China, edited by Michael Nylan and Griet Vankeerberghen. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2015. 239-62.

"How and Why Do We Praise the Emperor? Debating and Depicting a Late Western Han Court Audience." Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient. 60.5 (2017): 683-714.

"A Government in Verse: Bureaucratic Aesthetics and Voice in Han and post-Han Admonitions (zhen 箴)." Oriens Extremus 58 (2018-2019) [in print, 2020], 231-66. 

"Water Control and Policy-Making in the Shiji and Hanshu." In Technical Arts in the Han Histories: Tables and Treatises in the Shiji and Hanshu. Edited by Michael Nylan and Mark Csikszentmihlayi. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 2021. 101-34. 

“Forms and Narratives of Sovereignty in Early Imperial China: Beyond Heaven's Mandate, All-Under-Heaven, and So Forth." In Sovereignty: A Global Perspective (Proceedings of the British Academy, 253). Edited by Christopher Smith. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022. 99-119. 

"Notes on the Note (Ji 記) in Early Administrative Texts." Early China 45 (2022): 135-65. 

"Leaking Rulers and Confidential Officials: Secrecy and Status in Early Chinese Political Culture." Journal of Chinese History 8.1 (2024): 1-22. 

"Local Administration, History, and Geography in the Han and Roman Empires: Ban Gu's 'Dili zhi' and Strabo's Geographika." In Place and Performance in Ancient Greece, Rome, and ChinaEdited by Hans Beck and Griet Vankeerberghen. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2024. 59-86. 

Book reviews (earliest to latest):

Savage Exchange: Han Imperialism, Chinese Literary Style, and the Economic Imagination, by Tamara Chin. Journal of the American Oriental Society 135.2 (2015). 

The Collapse of China's Later Han Dynasty, 25-220 CE: The Northwest Borderlands and the Edge of Empire, by Wicky W. K. Tse. Journal of Chinese Military History 10 (2021): 73-6. 

The Politics of the Past in Early China, by Vincent S. Leung. Journal of Chinese History 6 (2022): 377-80. 

Honor and Shame in Early China, by Mark Edward Lewis. Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 83.2 (2023, in print 2024): 175-80. 






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