1974 Ph.D., in Geology and Geophysics, University of Hawaii.
1969 M.Sc., in Geology, Syracuse University.
1967 B.A., in Geology, Queens College, City University of New York.
1963 New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro, New Mexico
Licensed Geologist, State of Washington # 1023
Registered Professional Archaeologist (RPA) # 989153
Johnson, Malia and M. Morgenstein. 2014. Using Portable EDXRF for Provenance of Third Century B.C. Through the First Century A.D. Ceramics from Morgantina, Sicily, Princeton University Press
Wolff, S., Johnson, M., and M. Morgenstein. In Review. Using Portable and Laboratory EDXRF with Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA) for Provenance of Bronze Age and Persian Period Ceramics from Tel Megadim, Israel.
Redmount, C. A. and M. Morgenstein. 2007 "Overview Of The Current State Of The Dynasty 21 Amun Temple At El-Hiba." Servant of Mut: Studies in Honor of Richard A. Fazzini. Ed. S.H. D'Auria. Brill, 2007. Brill E-Books. DOI:10.1163/ej.9789004158573.i-267.70
Emery, V. L. and M. Morgenstein. 2007. Portable EDXRF Analysis of a Mud Brick Necropolis Enclosure: Evidence of Work Organization, El-Hibeh Middle Egypt, Journal Arch. Sci.34, 111-122.
Pulvirenti, A. L., K. M. Needham, M. A. Adel-Hadadi, C. R. Marks, J. A. Gorman, M. E. Morgenstein, D. L. Shettel and A. Barkatt. 2007. Acid Generation upon Thermal Concentration of Natural Water: The Effects of Ionic Composition and Critical Water Content. Applied Geochem.
Morgenstein, M. 2006. Geochemical and Petrographic Approaches to Chert Tool Provenance Studies: Evidence from Two Western USA Holocene Archaeological Sites. In: Geomaterials in Cultural Heritage (Eds: Maggetti, M. & Messiga, B.) Geol. Soc of London, Spec. Pub. 257,307-321.
Morgenstein, M. and C. A. Redmount. 2005. Using Portable Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence (EDXRF) Analysis for On-Site Study of Ceramic Sherds at El-Hibeh, Egypt. Jour. Arch. Sci., 32 (11), p. 1613-1623.
Pulvirenti, A. L., Eddy, S. J., Calabrese, T. M., Adel-Hadadi, M. A., Barkatt, A., and M. Morgenstein, 2006. Interaction of Iron-Containing Silicate Glasses with Aqueous Salt Solutions. Jour. of Physics and Chemistry of Glass: European Journal Glass Technology Part B, V. 47 (1), 47-57.
Hockett, B., and M. Morgenstein, 2003. Ceramic Production, Fremont Foragers, and the Late Archaic Prehistory of the North-Central Great Basin. J. Utah Arch., 16(1), 1-36.
Kirch, P.V., O’Day, S., Coil, J., Morgenstein, M., Kawelu, K., and M. Millerstrom, 2003. The Kaupikiawa Rockshelter, Kalaupapa Peninsula, Molokai: New Investigations and Reinterpretation of its Significance for Hawaiian Prehistory. People of Culture in Oceania, 19, 1-27.
Morgenstein, M., Luo, S., Ku, The-Lung, and J. Feathers, 2003. Uranium-Series and Luminescence Dating of Volcanic Lithic Artefacts. Archaeometry 45(3), 513-528.
Phillips, S. and M. Morgenstein, 2002. A Plains Ceramic Clays Source Characterization by Comparative Geochemical and Petrographic Analysis: Results from the Calhan Paint Mines, Colorado, U.S.A. , Geoarchaeology, vol. 17, no. 6, p.579-599.
Morgenstein, M., and C. Redmount, 2000. Land and Soil. The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt, ed.: D. B. Redford, Volume I, Oxford University Press, New York, NY., p. 254 - 255.
Morgenstein, M., C. L. Wickert, and A. Barkett, 1999. Considerations of Hydration-Rind Dating of Glass Artifacts: Alteration Morphologies and Experimental Evidence of Hydrogeochemical Soil-Zone Pore Water Control. Jour. Archaeological Science, Vol. 26, p. 1193-1210. (Abstract 51st Annual Northwest Anthropological Conference, April 16- 18, 1998 Meeting, Missoula, Montana)
Morgenstein, M., and W. Latady, 1997. Proveniencing Intrusive, Trade and Local Pottery by Magnetic Susceptibility Measurements, Geochemical and Petrographic Analysis: The Coombs Site, 42GA34. Learning from the Land: The Grand Staircase-Escalante Natural Science Symposium, Nov. 1-5, 1997, Proceedings.
Morgenstein, M., and C. Redmount, 1998. Mud Brick Typology and Sedimentological Composition from Tell El-Muqdam, Egyptian Delta. JARCE, XXXV, 129-146.
Redmount, C. A. and M. Morgenstein, 1996. Major and Trace Element Analysis of Modern Egyptian Pottery; Jour. Archaeological Science, v. 23, 741-762.
Shettel, D. L. and M. Morgenstein, 1995. Radionuclide Releases from Borosilicate and Natural Glasses; 6th I.H.L.R.W.M. Conf. Proceedings, Amer. Nuclear Soc., Inc., La Grange Park, Ill.
Morgenstein, M. and D. L. Shettel, 1994. Volcanic Glass as a Natural Analog for Borosilicate Waste Glass; Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., vol. 333, p.605-615.
Morgenstein, M. and D. L. Shettel, Jr., 1993. Evaluation of Borosilicate Glass as a High-level Radioactive Waste Form; HLRWM, 4Th International Conference Proceedings, Amer. Nuclear Soc., Inc., La Grange Park, Ill.
Morgenstein, M., 1990. Hydration-Rind Dating of Basaltic Glass Artifacts: Reaction Dependence of Temperature and Chemistry; Asian Perspectives, vol. 27, no. 2, p. 68-71.
Burns, R. G., V. Wood, and M. Morgenstein, 1990. Sorption of Cesium and Strontium by Zeolite Single Crystals; Radionuclide Adsorption Workshop, Yucca Mountain Project, Sept 11- 12, 1990, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico.
Burns, R. G., T.S. Bowers, V.J. Wood, J. D. Blundy, and M.E. Morgenstein, 1989. Reactivity of zeolites forming in vitric tuffs in the unsaturated zone at Yucca Mountain, Nevada (Abstract), American Nuclear society and Geological Society of America FOCUS ‘89, Nuclear Waste Isolation in the Unsaturated Zone, 18 to 21 September 1989; pp. 101-112.
Morgenstein, M. and P. Rosendahl, 1976. Basaltic Glass Hydration Dating, In: Advances in Obsidian Glass Studies: Archaeological and Geological Perspectives, R. E. Taylor (Ed.), Park Ridge, New Jersey: Noyes Press; Chapter 8, pp. 141-164.
Burnett, W. C. and M. Morgenstein, 1976. Growth Rates of Pacific Manganese Nodules as Deduced by Uranium Series and Hydration-rind Dating Techniques; In: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 33, pp. 208-218.
Burnett, W. C., M. Morgenstein, and D. Z. Piper, 1975. Geochemistry and Age of a Ferromanganese Crust from the Galapagos Spreading Center, Eastern Pacific; In: EOS Trans. Am. Geophys., Union 56, p. 1000.
Morgenstein, M., 1975. Manganese Nodules and Crusts in the Hawaiian Archipelago; Statement of MEM, Dept. of Oceanography, Assoc. Director, State Ferromanganese Program, In. Hawaiian Native Claims Settlement Act Part 1: Hearings before the Subcommittee on Indian Affairs of the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, House of Representatives, Ninety-fourth Congress, first session on H.R. 1944, U.S. Gov. Printing Office, Serial No. 94-2, pp. 324-326.
Morgenstein, M. and T. J. Riley, 1974. Hydration-Rind Dating of Basaltic Glass: A New Method for Archaeological Chronologies; In: Asian Perspectives, vol. XVII, (2), p. 145-159.
Morgenstein, M., 1974. Dating Techniques for the Archaeologist Review, MIT Press; In: Asian Perspectives, vol. XVII (1).
Morgenstein, M., 1973. Sedimentary Diagenesis and Rates of Manganese Accretion on the Waho Shelf Kauai Channel, Hawaii; Abstract Program, American Geophysical Union, Washington, D. C..
Fein, C. and M. Morgenstein, 1973. Microprobe Analysis of Manganese Crusts from the Hawaiian Archipelago: Abstract A.G.U., Washington, D. C..
Morgenstein, M., 1973. Hawaii Institute of Geophysics Data Bank for Manganese collection and
Hydration-rind Dating, HIG 73-5, 187 p.
Landmeisser, C. W. and M. Morgenstein, 1973. Survey and Mapping of Manganese Deposits in
the Hawaiian Archipelago, In: The Origin and Distribution of Manganese Nodules in the Pacific and Prospects for Exploration (Ed: M. Morgenstein), Honolulu, Hawaii, p. 93- 101.
Morgenstein, M., Ed., 1973. The Origin and Distribution of Manganese Nodules in the Pacific and Prospect of Exploration, International Workshop and Symposium, Honolulu, Hawaii; NSF-IDOE, HIG of Univ. of Hawaii., State of Hawaii Marine Affairs Coordinator, State of Hawaii DPED., Preussag A.G.- Hanover, Salzgitter A.G., Bundes Ministerium fur Forschung und Technologie, Bonn , and AMR, 175 p.
Morgenstein, M., 1972. Manganese Accretion at the Sediment - Water Interface at 400 to 2400 meters Depth Hawaiian Archipelago; Office of the International Decade of Ocean Exploration, NSF, Conference, Manganese deposits on the Ocean Floor, Arden House, New York, p. 131-138.
Morgenstein, M., 1974. Sedimentary Diagenesis and Manganese Accretion on Submarine Platforms, Kauai Channel, Hawaii; University of Hawaii, Ph.D. Dissertation, 172 p.
Fein, C. and M. Morgenstein, 1974. New Artificial Reefs on Oahu; In: Proceedings of an International Conference on Artificial Reefs., L. Colunga & R. Stone Eds., TAMU-SG- 74-103, Center for Marine Resources,Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas.
Morgenstein, M. and W. C. Burnett, 1972. Geological Observations at an Agricultural Area in the Upper Makaha Valley, Makaha Valley Historical Project; Department of Anthropology, Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum, p. 95-112.
Morgenstein, M., 1972. Sideromelane-Palagonite Transition in Authigenic Marine Sediments [Abstract] Geological Society of America Meeting, Cordilleran Section, p. 203.
Morgenstein, M., 1972. Structural Analysis of Basaltic Glass Failure and Its Relationship to Palagonite Formation in the Marine Environment; [Abstract] Geological Society of America Meeting, Cordilleran Section, p. 203.
Morgenstein, M., 1971. A Study of the Growth Morphologies of Two Deep-sea Manganese Meganodules; Pacific Science, vol. 25, no. 3, p. 301-307.
Morgenstein, M. and J. Andrews, 1971. Manganese Resources in the Hawaiian Region, Marine Tech. Soc. Jour., vol. 5, no. 6, p. 27-30.
Morgenstein, M., 1967. Authigenic Cementation of Scoriaceous Deep-Sea Sediments West of the Society Ridge, South Pacific; Sedimentology, vol. 9, p. 105-118.
Morgenstein, M., 1969. The Composition and Development of Palagonite in Deep-sea Sediments from the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans; Syracuse University, New York, 137 p. (Master’s Thesis).
I focus on geoarchaeology and in specific provenance issues, age dating, sedimentation and stratigraphy, soils morphology, ceramic and stone tool petrography, site formation, and geophysics survey techniques.