
Full Name
Maurice Hamington
First Name
Last Name
Courtesy Research Associate 2013-2016
Additional Title
Executive Dean, Lane Community College
303 883 0300
ethics, feminist philosophy, American pragmatism, care theory, Jane Addams
Profile Section

I am a feminist ethicist who incorporates American pragmatist approaches.  My primary research trajectory at this time is in care ethics.  My day job is as Executive Dean for Lane Community College.



Hamington, Maurice and Daniel Engster, Ed., Care Ethics and Political Theory, Oxford University Press, 2015 [under contract].

Hamington, Maurice, Revealing Philosophy [interactive e-textbook] Thinking Strings, 2013.

Hamington, Maurice and Celia Bardwell-Jones, Eds., Contemporary Feminist Pragmatism, Routledge Studies in Contemporary Philosophy Series, Routledge, April 2012.

Hamington, Maurice and Maureen Sander-Staudt, Eds., Applying Care Ethics to Business, Issues in Business Ethics Series, Springer, September 2011.

Hamington, Maurice, Ed., Feminism and Hospitality: Gender in the Host/Guest Relationship, Lexington Books (a Division of Rowman & Littlefield), August 2010.

Hamington, Maurice, Ed., Feminist Interpretations of Jane Addams, Re-Reading the Canon Series, Penn State Press, August 2010.

Hamington, Maurice, The Social Philosophy of Jane Addams, University of Illinois Press, November 2009.

Hamington, Maurice, and Dorothy C. Miller, Eds., Socializing Care: Feminist Ethics and Public Issues, Rowman and Littlefield, January 2006.

Hamington, Maurice, Embodied Care: Jane Addams, Maurice Merleau-Ponty and Feminist Ethics, University of Illinois Press, September 2004.

Hamington, Maurice, and Nancy Tuana, Eds., Revealing Male Bodies, Indiana University Press, March 2002.

Hamington, Maurice, Hail Mary? The Struggle for Ultimate Womanhood in Catholicism, Routledge, November 1995.


Articles in Refereed Journals

Hamington, Maurice, “Care Ethics and Confronting Intersectional Difference through the Body,” in Critical Philosophy of Race 3:1 (2015).

Hamington, Maurice, “Loyalty to Care:  Royce and a Political Approach to Feminist Care Ethics” in Pragmatism Today 5:1 (Summer 2014).

Hamington, Maurice, A Performative Approach to Teaching Care Ethics,” Feminist Teacher 23:1 (Fall 2013).

Hamington, Maurice, “Caring, Journalism, and the Power of Particularism,” Expositions: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities, Fall 2011 (published in 2012).

Hamington, Maurice, “Care Ethics and Corporeal Inquiry in Patient Relations,” International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 5:1 (Spring 2012): 52-69.

Hamingtion, Maurice with AnnJanette Alejano-Steele, Lunden MacDonald, Mark Potter, Shaun Schafer, Arlene Sgoutas, and Tara Tull, “From Difficult Dialogues to Critical Conversations: Intersectionality in Our Teaching and Professional Lives,” New Directions in Teaching and Learning, No. 125, Spring 2011.

Hamington, Maurice, Liberté, Égalité, Sororité: How Care Ethics Informs Social Justice,” Social Philosophy Today, 26:1, 2011.

Hamington, Maurice,Care Ethics, John Dewey’s ‘Dramatic Rehearsal’ and Moral Education,” Philosophy of Education Yearbook 2010.  Spring 2011.

Hamington, Maurice,The Will to Care: Performance, Expectation, and Imagination,” Hypatia, 25:3 (Summer 2010) 675 – 695.

Hamington, Maurice, “Toward a Theory of Feminist Hospitality,” Feminist Formations (formerly National Women’s Studies Association Journal), 22:1, April 2010.

Hamington, Maurice, “Hull House: Urban Epistemology and Social Action,” Southwest Philosophy Review, 26:1 (July 2009): 241-261.

Hamington, Maurice, “Feminist Prophetic Pragmatism,” Journal of Speculative Philosophy 23:2, 2009.

Hamington, Maurice, “Business is Not a Game: The Metaphoric Fallacy,” Journal of Business Ethics, 86:4, 2009.  Available online at

Hamington, Maurice, “Learning Ethics from Our Relationships with Animals: Moral Imagination,” International Journal of Applied Ethics, 22:2, Fall 2008.

Hamington, Maurice, “Care Ethics and International Justice: The Cosmopolitanism of Jane Addams and Kwame Anthony Appiah,” Social Philosophy Today, 23, 2008.

Hamington, Maurice, “Two Leaders, Two Utopias: Jane Addams and Dorothy Day,” National Women’s Studies Association Journal, 19:2, 2007.

Hamington, Maurice, “Touching the Other in Myself: Merleau-Ponty, Tactility, and Care Ethics,” Review Journal of Political Philosophy, 4:1, 2006.

Hamington, Maurice, “Jane Addams and Ida B. Wells on Lynching,” Journal of Speculative Philosophy, 19:2, 2005.

Hamington, Maurice, “Addams’ Radical Democracy: Beyond Rights,” Journal of Speculative Philosophy, 18:3, 2004.

Hamington, Maurice, “Jane Addams and the Politics of Embodied Care,” Journal of Speculative Philosophy, 15:2, Fall 2001.


Book Chapters

“Ethics and Experiential Learning: A Performative Approach to Care” in Julinna C. Oxley, ed., Philosophy Without Walls, Routledge, (accepted forthcoming)

“William James and the Will to Care for Unfamiliar Others” in Shannon Sullivan and Erin Tarver, eds., Feminist Interpretations of William James, Penn State Press, (accepted forthcoming)

“Care as Personal, Political, and Performative” in Gert Olthuis, Helen Kohlen, and Jorma Heier, eds., Moral Boundaries Redrawn: The Significance Of Joan Tronto’s Argument For Professional Ethics, Political Theory And Care Practice, Peeters in Leuven, Belgium, 2014.

“Feminist Care Ethics and Business Ethics” in Christoph Luetge, ed., Handbook of the Philosophical Foundations of Business Ethics, Springer, September 2012.

“Hospitality as Moral Inquiry: Sympathetic Knowledge in the Guest–Host Encounter” Hamington, Maurice and Celia Bardwell-Jones, Eds., Contemporary Feminist Pragmatism, Routledge Studies in Contemporary Philosophy Series, Routledge, April 2012.

“Tactility, Care Ethics, and Patient Relations” in Jeremy P. Wisnewski, Ed., Phenomenology and Ethics, Lexington Books, March 2012.


“Care Ethics, Knowledge Management, and the Learning Organization,” in Hamington, Maurice and Maureen Sander-Staudt, Eds., Applying Care Ethics to Business, Issues in Business Ethics Series, Springer, September 2011.“Care Ethics, Friendship, and Facebook” in Dylan Wittkower, Ed., Philosophy and Facebook, Open Court Publishing Company, Open Court, October 2010.

Caring Hospitality and Mexican ‘Illegal’ Immigrants,” in Maurice Hamington, Ed., Feminism and Hospitality: Gender in the Host/Guest Relationship, Lexington Books, August 2010.

“Community Organizing: Addams and Alinsky,” in Maurice Hamington, Ed., Feminist Interpretations of Jane Addams, Penn State Press, August 2010.

“Resources for Feminist Care Ethics in Merleau-Ponty’s Phenomenology of the Body,” in Gail Weiss, Ed., Intertwinings: Interdisciplinary Encounters with Merleau-Ponty, SUNY Press, 2008.

“An Inverted Home: Socializing Care at Hull-House,” in Maurice Hamington and Dorothy C. Miller, Eds., Socializing Care, University of Illinois Press, January 2006.

“Embodiment, Care Ethics, and Same-Sex Marriage Controversy,” in Robert M. Baird and Stuart E. Rosenbaum, Eds., Same-Sex Marriage: the Moral and Legal Debate (2nd Edition), Prometheus Books, September 2004.

“A Father’s Touch: Caring Embodiment and A Moral Revolution,” in Nancy Tuana, William Cowling, Maurice Hamington, Greg Johnson, and Terrance MacMullan, Eds., Revealing Male Bodies, Indiana University Press, March 2002.

“Gender and the Challenge of Social Construction: Mary, the Mother of Jesus,” in Roberta Rosenberg, Ed., Women’s Studies: An Interdisciplinary Anthology, Peter Lang Publishers, 2001.




Book Review Essays

Review of Two Shining Souls: Jane Addams, Leo Tolstoy, and the Quest for Global Peace for Slavonic & East European Review, Vol. 91, No. 4 (October 2013): 876-877.

Review of John J. Kaag, Idealism, Pragmatism and Feminism: The Philosophy of Ella Lyman Cabot for Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews: An Electronic Journal,, February, 2012.

Review of Laura Sjoberg, ed., Gender and International Security: Feminist Perspectives, for The European Legacy: Toward New Paradigms 17:4, 2012.

Review of Michael Slote, The Ethics of Care and Empathy, for Hypatia, 24:1, Winter 2009.

Review of Penny A. Weiss and Loretta Kensinger, Eds., Feminist Interpretations of Emma Goldman, for Teaching Philosophy, 31:4, December 2008.

Review of Jane Duran, “Eight Women Philosophers: Theory, Politics, and Feminism,” for American Philosophical Association Newsletter on Feminism and Philosophy, Fall 2006.

Review of Christina Stark and Rebecca Whisnant, Eds., Not for Sale: Feminists Resisting Prostitution and Pornography, Joyce Outshoom, Ed., The Politics of Prostitution: Women’s Movements, Democratic States and the Globilisation of Sex Commerce, and Denise Brennan, What’s Love Got to Do with It? Transnational Desires and Sex Tourism in the Dominican Republic,” for National Women’s Studies Association Journal, 18:2, Summer, 2006.

Review of Noddings, Nel, Starting at Home: Caring and Social Policy, for Hypatia, Volume 19, Number 3. Summer 2005.

Review of Erin McKenna, The Task of Utopia: A Pragmatist and Feminist Perspective” for Journal of Speculative Philosophy, Volume 17, Number 2, 2003.

Review of Charlene Haddock Seigfried, Feminist Interpretations of John Dewey, Shannon Sullivan, Living Across and Through Skins: Transactional Bodies, Pragmatism and Feminism, and James Livingston, Pragmatism, Feminism and Democracy, for National Women’s Studies Association Journal, 15:1, Spring 2003.

Review of Isaac D. Balbus, Emotional Rescue: The Theory and Practice of a Feminist Father, for Hypatia, Volume 17, Number 3, Summer 2002.

Review of Candice Fredrick and Camille Atkinson, Women, Ethics, and the Workplace for Business Ethic Quarterly, Volume 10, Number 4, October 2000.

Review of Charlene Haddock Seigfried, Pragmatism and Feminism, for National Women’s Studies Association Journal, Volume 10, Number 1, Spring 1998.

Review of Rachel Feldhay Brenner, Writing as Resistance: Four Women Confronting the Holocaust--Edith Stein, Simone Weil, Anne Frank, Etty Hillesum, for National Catholic Reporter, February 6, 1998.

Review of Martin Marty, The One and the Many: America’s Struggle for the Common Good, for National Catholic Reporter, September 5, 1997.

Review of Sally Cuneen, In Search of Mary: The Woman and the Symbol, and Helen Hackett, Virgin Mother, Maiden Queen: Elizabeth I and the Cult the Virgin Mary, for National Catholic Reporter, November 8, 1996.

Review of Susan Frank Parsons, Feminism and Christian Ethics, and Germain Kopaczynski,  No Higher Court, for National Catholic Reporter, September 6, 1996.

Review of June O’Connor, The Moral Vision of Dorothy Day, for Graduate Women’s Studies Bulletin, G.T.U., Berkeley, January 1994.


Encyclopedia Entries


Jupiter Hammon, Dictionary of Early American Philosophy, 2010.

George Moses Horton, Dictionary of Early American Philosophy, 2010.

Jane Addams, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (online), 2006 [major revision 2014].

Jane Addams, The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (online), 2006 [revised 2013].

Cesar Chavez, The Seventies in America, Salem Press, 2005.

Angela Davis, The Seventies in America, Salem Press, 2005.

Star Trek, The Seventies in America, Salem Press, 2005.

Rosa Parks, The Fifties in America, Salem Press, 2004.

Anna Garlin Spencer. Dictionary of Modern American Philosophers. Thoemmes Press, 2004.

Dual-Earner Families. Encyclopedia of Family Life. Salem Press, 1998.

Gender Inequality. Encyclopedia of Family Life. Salem Press, 1998.

Women’s Roles. Encyclopedia of Family Life, Salem Press. 1998.

Plastic Surgery, Encyclopedia of Multiculturalism. Salem Press, 1998.

Old Boys Network. Encyclopedia of Multiculturalism. Salem Press, 1998.

Roman Catholics. Encyclopedia of Civil Rights in America. Salem Press, 1997.

Father Charles Coughlin. Encyclopedia of Propaganda. Salem Press, 1997.

Christianity and Women. Ready Reference: Women’s Issues, Salem Press. 1996.

Humane Vitae. Ready Reference: Women’s Issues. Salem Press, 1996.

Women. Business & Corporations. Ready Reference: Women’s Issues, Salem Press. 1996.

Breast Implants. Ready Reference: Women’s Issues, Salem Press, 1996.

Adrienne Rich--Of Woman Born. Masterplots II: Women’s Literature. Salem Press, 1995.


Other Publications

“Forward,” Ethical Issues in E-Business: Models and Frameworks, Ed. Daniel E. Palmer, Advances in E-Business Research Series, IGI Global, 2010.


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