
Full Name
Louis Moses
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Professor Emerit
Developmental, Social Cognitive Development, Theory of Mind, Executive Functioning, Prospective Memory, Moral Reasoning, Autism, Quantitative Methods
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Dr. Moses studies children's developing appreciation of mental states like belief, desire, and intention. He is particularly interested in how advances in executive functioning (e.g., inhibitory control, working memory) affect the emergence and expression of early theories of mind. His current work also examines the development of prospective memory and moral reasoning, as well as their relations to theories of mind. Much of his research is conducted with preschool children but he has also examined the early foundations of social cognition in infancy, the onset of constructivist theories of mind later in childhood, and the nature of theory of mind in individuals with autism. For further information visit Dr. Moses' website.

Dr. Moses is no longer accepting new graduate students.

Selected Publications:

Mahy, C.E.V., Moses, L.J., & Kliegel, M. (in press). The development of prospective memory in children: An executive framework. Developmental Review.

Tahiroglu, D., Moses, L.J., Carlson, S.M., Olofson, E., Mahy, C.E.V., & Sabbagh, M.A. (in press). The Children's Social Understanding Scale: Construction and Validation of a Parent-Report Theory-of-Mind Scale. Developmental Psychology.

Mahy, C.E.V., & Moses, L.J. (2011). Prospective memory and excutive function in young children. Cognitive Development, 26, 269-281.

Sabbagh, M.A., Xu, F. Carlson, S.M., Moses, L.J., & Lee, K. (2006). The development of executive functioning and theory-of-mind: A comparison of Chinese and U.S. preschoolers. Psychological Science, 17, 74-81.

Carlson, S.M., & Moses, L.J. (2001). Individual differences in inhibitory control and children's theory of mind. Child Development, 72, 1032-1053.

Malle, B.F., Moses, L.J., & Baldwin, D.A. (Eds.) (2001). Intentions and intentionality: Foundations of social cognition. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.



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