
Full Name
Norman Sundberg
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In Memoriam
Clinical, Community
Profile Section
Research Interests and Publications

Sad news, Norman Sundberg passed away on Saturday, 12/6/2014, at the age of 92. Norm was a faculty member in our department from 1952 to 1993 (41 years!).

Norm worked broadly on issues related to clinical and community psychology and he began looking into cross-cultural differences, long before it became a hot topic. He also did empirical work on the concept of "boredom", which could be seen as an early precursor to work on mind wandering.

Even after his retirement, he continued to take a strong interest in the department and its history. This interest is also expressed through the Norman Sundberg Fellowship Fund, which is directed at graduate students working in clinical or community psychology.

People in the department who have known Norm from his pre-retirement years remember him as an important promotor of the clinical program and as a kind and gentle individual who was very supportive of young faculty.

Ulrich Mayr, Department Head, 12/11/2014.

Norman's most recent research bio:

Since arriving at the University of Oregon, Sundberg had published on cross cultural studies, boredom, life history assessment and analysis, creativity, nonverbal communication, values, and future time perspectives. He had also written extensively on general clinical, personality, and community topics.

Selected publications:

Sundberg, N.D. (2006) Chance and choice, change and continuity. In S. Strack & B.N. Kinder (Eds.) Pioneers of personality science: Autobiographical perspectives. (pp. 355-386). New York: Springer Publishing Co.

Arrow, H. & Sundberg, N.D. (2004) International identity: Definitions, development, and some implications for global conflict and peace. In B.N. Setiadi, A. Supratiknya, W.J. Lonner & Y.H. Poortinga (Eds.), Ongoing themes in psychology and culture: Selected papers from the Sixteenth Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, July 15-19, 2002. (pp. 55-69). IACCP, Yogyakarta: Kanisius.

Sundberg, N.D., Winebarger, A.W., & Taplin, J.R. (2002). Clinical Psychology: Evolving theory, practice and research. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall. (Russian translation, 2006)

Sundberg, N.D., Hadiyono, J.P., Latkin, C.A., & Padilla, J. (1995). Cross-cultural prevention program transfer: Questions regarding developing countries. Journal of Primary Prevention, 15(4), 361-376.

Sundberg, N.D., Laktin, C.A., Farmer, R.F., & Saoud, J. (1991). Boredom in young adults: Gender and cultural comparisons. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 22, 209-223.




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