
Full Name
Nancy Nelson
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Research Associate Professor
1600 Millrace Dr., Ste 241
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Nancy J. Nelson, Ph.D., is a Research Assistant Professor at the Center on Teaching and Learning at the University of Oregon, and the Director of Clinic and Outreach Services. Dr. Nelson is a Co-Principal Investigator on the National Comprehensive Center on Improving Literacy for Students with Disabilities. She is also Co-Project Director and Principal Investigator of an OSEP Stepping Up Technology project to support teachers to more effectively integrate education technology in classrooms, Principal Investigator of a multi-million dollar contract to scale up evidence-based literacy and math practices in the US Virgin Islands, and has been Principal or Co-Principal Investigator on seven Institute of Education Sciences (IES) grants and one National Science Foundation (NSF) award to develop and evaluate math and reading interventions, K-8. Collectively, Dr. Nelson has managed more than 30 million dollars in external funds. Dr. Nelson has authored more than 50 conference presentations and 18 peer-reviewed publications, and teaches COE courses in reading interventions and field studies. Dr. Nelson is a licensed school psychologist in Oregon, a nationally certified school psychologist, and a licensed special education teacher in Oregon and California. She is a former middle and high school special education math teacher with expertise in reading, math, and technology-based interventions for students at risk for disabilities and the use of assessment to inform intervention in multi-tiered systems of supports. Dr. Nelson has extensive experience working with direct observation systems and measuring implementation of evidence-based practices in classrooms, and experience training pre- and in-service teachers to work in diverse, urban schools.


Ph.D., 2011, University of Oregon, School Psychology

M.A., 2006, San Francisco State University, Special Education

B.A., 2002, Willamette University, Psychology


Doabler, C.T., Nelson, N. J., Stoolmiller, M., Kennedy, P., Fien, H., Clarke, B., Smolkowski, K., Gearin, B., & Baker, S. (under review). Using latent variable modeling to test the impact of a core mathematics program on observed explicit instructional interactions.. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness.

Baker, S. K, Nelson, N. J., Stoolmiller, M., Kennedy, P., Turtura, J., Crone, D. A., & Fien, H. (under review). Intervening with struggling readers in seventh grade: Impact evidence from six school districts. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness.

Crone, D. A., Stoolmiller, M., Baker, S. K., Fien, H., Turtura, J., Cary, M. S., Kennedy, P., Nelson, N. J., & Kame’enui, E. J. (under review). Addressing the practice-to-research gap: A rigorous evaluation of local education agency (LEA)-based interventions for struggling readers in sixth grade. Assessment for Effective Intervention.

Smith, J. L. M., Nelson, N. J., Smolkowski, K., Fien, H., Kosty, D., & Baker, S. (in press). Predicting differential response to explicit reading intervention in first grade. Elementary School Journal.

Nelson, N. J., Fien, H., Doabler, C. T., & Clarke, B. (2016). Considerations for realizing the promise of educational technology. TEACHING Exceptional Children, 48(6), 293-300.

Doabler, C. T., Nelson, N.J., & Clarke, B. (2016). Adapting evidence-Based Practices to Meet the Needs of English Learners With Mathematics Difficulties. TEACHING Exceptional Children, 48(6), 301-310.

Nelson, N. J., Smith, J. L. M., Fien, H., Crone, D. A., Baker, S. K., Kame’enui, E. J. (2016). Researcher-practitioner partnerships: Lessons learned from the first year of the middle school intervention project (MSIP). Journal of Special Education Leadership, 29(1), 1-13.


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