
Curriculum Vitae
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Paul Koomson
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Doctoral Student
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Paul Koomson is a Ph.D. Candidate with specialization in Public Relations and Strategic Communication. Paul's research interests revolve around power dynamics in message creation, delivery, reception, and processing. In his dissertation, he looks at how power perceptions and expressions of power shape the communicative practices of actors in climate change adaptation planning (and other participatory development initiatives) in rural contexts and the leveraging of local ecological knowledge in such processes. Paul investigates the communicative practices of regulatory agencies and the power dynamics therein. His other research interests focus on participatory CSR design and sustainable development, ethics in the interplay between journalism and the promotional industries (PR and Advertising), and the place of local (and indigenous) communication systems and resources in community mobilization. 

 As a GTF, Paul assists in and teaches strategic communication courses like Principles of Public Relations and Strategic Communication Research Methods. He also teaches Media and Communication theory courses like Media and Society


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