
Full Name
Robert Mittermann
First Name
R. Glenn
Last Name
Pro Tempore Instructor
Knight Law Center
Programs, Research and Outreach
Legal Studies
Profile Section

R. Glenn Mittermann practiced law in Eugene from 1976 to 1984.  After taking an MA degree in international development, he worked for several United Nations agencies over a 22 year career including the UN Environment Programme (UNEP); the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC); the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS); and the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA).  During his UN career he was posted to Nairobi, Kenya; Vienna, Austria; and Geneva, Switzerland and travelled to over 30 countries in connection with his work.  His work included helping to develop an international treaty on the control of hazardous wastes; providing technical advice to developing countries on international drug policy and national drug control legislation; leading technical cooperation strategic planning and project monitoring and evaluation; managing UNAIDS’ unified budget and work plan; coordinating development of UNOCHA’s inter-agency joint work programme for disaster risk reduction; and managing a global conference on disaster risk reduction.

He retired from the UN in 2009 and returned to Eugene.  Since then he has been an adjunct instructor at the U of O in the International Studies Department (now Global Studies) and Legal Studies.  Courses which he has taught include: Perspectives on International Development; Global Smuggling; Global Health and Development; the United Nations and Global Change; International Cooperation for Global Health; and Transitional Justice.

Mittermann holds a BS (Business Administration and Political Science) from the University of Kansas, a JD from the KU Law School, and an MA (International Studies focusing on international development) from the U of O.


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11 years 11 months