
Full Name
Robert Weiss
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Robert L.
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Professor Emerit
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Dr. Weiss's clinical research focuses on assessment and intervention in intimate relationships, most notably dysfunctional marital relationships. Studies are concerned both with basic processes in marital relationships (e.g., behavior-cognition interface, insider-outsider perceptions of behavior, withdrawal, and attributional processes), treatment of distressed couples.  Past research has produced assessment techniques now in wide use with couples, including behavioral observation coding systems. The latter serve as vehicles for answering questions about the nature of distressed and nondistressed interactions. For further information, visit Dr. Weiss’s website at http://www.uoregon.edu/~rlweiss/.

Dr. Weiss is no longer accepting new students.

Weiss, R.L. (2005). A critical view of marital satisfaction. In W. Pinsof and J. Lebow (Eds.)  Family Psychology: The Art of the Science. Oxford University Press.

Weiss, R. L., & Arrow, H. (2004). With these Equations I Do Thee Wed.  Review of The Mathematics of Marriage: Dynamic Nonlinear Models, by  John M. Gottman, James D. Murray, Catherine Swanson, Rebecca Tyson, Kristin R. Swanson, Contemporary Psychology, 49, 604-606.

Weiss, R. L., & Heyman, R. E. (2004) Couples Observational Research: An impertinent, critical overview. In P. K. Kerig & D. H. Baucom (Eds.) Couple observational Coding Systems. (pp. 11-26). Mahwah, NJ.Lawrence Erlbaum  Associates

Weiss, R.L., & Perry, B.A. (2002). Behavioral couples therapy. In T. Patterson (Ed.), Comprehensive Handbook of Psychotherapy: (Vol. Two) Cognitive Behavioral Approaches. (pp. 395-420) New York: Wiley.

De Koning, E., & Weiss, R.L. (2002). The Relational Humor Inventory: Functions of humor in close relationships. The American Journal of Family Therapy, 30, 1-18.

Weiss, R.L., & Heyman, R.E. (1997). Marital interaction. In W. Halford and H. Markman (Eds.), Clinical handbook of marriage and marital interaction (pp. 113-35). New York: Wiley.



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