
Full Name
Robert Voelker-Morris
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Instructor, Arts & Admin
58 PLC
Arts & Admin
Comics and Cartoon Studies
Affiliated Departments
Comics and Cartoon Studies
Profile Section

Arts and Administration Program (AAD)
School of Architecture and Allied Arts (AAA)
University of Oregon

Visual Literacy, Comic Book Studies, Cinema Studies, New Media Studies, Museum Management, Exhibit Design, Popular Culture Studies

B.S., 1992, Oregon State University; M.S., 2003, University of Oregon

From my undergraduate work in Art History and Cinema Studies to my graduate work in Museum Management, I bring to my instruction and research a strong base of visual literacy and popular culture studies. I have been teaching Arts and Visual Literacy online since 2003 for the Arts Administration Program. This course combines the two tracks of comic book studies (and is part of the UO's Comic and Cartoon Studies program: http://comics.uoregon.edu/) and museum exhibition design studies. I am excited about the ways in which these two tracks allow students to have unique choices for their intellectual contribution to the two fields of study. Among other teaching opportunities I have been part of within other subject areas include collaborative teaching for the First Year seminars on the topics of 'Creative Collaborations' and 'From the First X-ray to Contemporary Pop Culture: Artistic Exhibition of Scientific Images', and in the more distant past facilitating a graduate level writing research proposals and co-facilitating a First Year seminar on 'zines and Do It Yourself Democracy'.

Additionally I work at the University of Oregon as a Faculty Technology Consultant for the Teaching Effectiveness Program (TEP). The merging of technology and education is an exciting combination of interests for me personally and professionally. Over the years I have worked in both areas, and with my work at TEP I have been able to combine the two into my consultant position. I enjoy the ways in which my TEP work allows me to share my knowledge and experience as well as learning from all the wonderful colleagues at the UO and from around the United States and the world.

Lastly I co-edit with Julie Voelker-Morris the Center for Community Arts and Cultural Policy (CCACP) online journal CultureWork (http://culturework.uoregon.edu/).

Courses Taught
AAD 251: Art and Visual Literacy
AAD 199: Creative Collaborations
AAD 199: From the First X-ray to Contemporary Pop Culture: Artistic Exhibition of Scientific Images


Member for

8 years 5 months