
Full Name
Randy Sullivan
First Name
Last Name
Senior Instructor Emeritus
154 Columbia Hall, 1253 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1205
Chemistry and Biochemistry
Programs, Research and Outreach
Undergraduate Programs
Teaching Level
Metacognition and problem-solving
Profile Section

M.S. in Natural Philosophy/Chemistry, 1989 - University of N. Texas, Denton, Texas.

B.S. in Secondary Education, 1982 - University of N. Texas, Denton, Texas.


Randy is a Senior Instructor in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry.  He performs lecture demonstrations for chemistry courses and assists instructors with other interactive learning activities including models and manipulatives.  In addition, he coordinates the departments supplementary education program, including Students Using Peer Resources in Chemistry (SUPeR Chem) and the Learning Chemistry program.

Randy’s areas of interest include supplementary education, peer and near-peer learning, learning theory, problem solving, and metacognitive strategies.



Deborah B. Exton, Thomas J. Greenbowe, Brandi Baldock, David R. Sullivan, “Active and collaborative learning modules for general chemistry,” Topics in Chemistry Education (Oral), ACS Northwest Regional Meeting, Oregon State University, June 25-28, 2017.

Brandi Baldock, David R. Sullivan, “Promoting Student Success via Supplemental Instruction Facilitated by Near Peers,” Mobile Summer Institute on Undergraduate Education, University of Oregon, August 8-12, 2016.

David R. Sullivan, "A Metacognitive Freshman Interest Group," Application of "Learning How to Learn" in the Chemistry Curriculum, Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, University of Northern Colorado, August 2, 2016.

Brandi Baldock, Deborah B. Exton, Thomas J. Greenbowe, David R. Sullivan, “Learning Chemistry: Program to assist students struggling in general chemistry,” Strategies in STEM Retention, Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, University of Northern Colorado, August 3, 2016.

Brandon Schabes, Brandi L. Baldock, Thomas Greenbowe, Deborah Exton, David Sullivan, “Learning chemistry: A program for imparting thinking and study skills to first-year general chemistry students," General posters—Classroom and laboratory activities in high school, physical, analytical, and general chemistry, Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, University of Northern Colorado, August 1, 2016.

Brandi Baldock, Brandon Schabes, Deborah B. Exton, Thomas J. Greenbowe, David R. Sullivan, “Learning Chemistry: A program to enhance student achievement in general chemistry.” Interactive forum on practical strategies and active learning approaches to teaching and learning general chemistry and organic chemistry, Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, University of Northern Colorado, July 31, 2016

David R. Sullivan, "Embedding learning theory instruction in a peer-learning program," Institutional Initiatives for Introductory Student Success, Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, Grand Valley State University, August 5, 2014.

David R. Sullivan, Deborah B. Exton, and Thomas J. Greenbowe, "Combining lecture demonstrations, computer simulations, clicker questions using a guided-inquiry approach to provide an opportunity for students to increase their conceptual understanding of topics in general chemistry," Demonstrations That Develop Conceptual Understanding in Chemistry, Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, Grand Valley State University, August 5, 2014.

David R. Sullivan, “Virtual discussion section: teaching problem solving skills using ''" Innovative Uses of Technology in Undergraduate Chemistry Courses, Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, The Pennsylvania State University, July 30, 2012.

David R. Sullivan, “Tabletop halogen reactivity series,”2012 BCCE Demos Extravaganza, Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, The Pennsylvania State University, July 31, 2010.

David R. Sullivan, “Classroom demos in green chemistry education,” Green Chemistry Education: What, Why, How, Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, University of North Texas, August 2, 2010.

David R. Sullivan, “Visualizing liquid CO2 and dancing alkanes,” Best of Chemistry Professors' Demonstrations, Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, University of North Texas, August 2, 2010.

David R. Sullivan, “Getting the administration on board: a model university approved demo outreach program,” Outreach and Inreach – What Are You Doing to Produce the Next Generation of Chemists?, Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, Indiana University, July 29, 2008.

David R. Sullivan, “Kitchen chemistry Fenton’s reaction: a doubly green demo,” Demo Extravaganza, Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, Indiana University, July 29, 2008.

David R. Sullivan and Deborah B. Exton, “Predict, observe, explain: pairing classroom response systems and lecture demonstrations to promote molecular understanding, “American Chemical Society National Meeting, New Orleans, LA, April 2008.

David R. Sullivan and Deborah Exton, “Migrating colors,” Demo Grand Prix, Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, Purdue University, August 1, 2006.





Member for

11 years