
Full Name
Joseph Stevens
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102E Lokey Education Bldg
College of Education
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**Professor Stevens is retired and not accepting graduate students.**

Joseph Stevens received his PhD in Psychology and Quantitative Methods from the University of Arizona. He is a Professor in Educational Methodology, Policy, and Leadership in the College of Education. He was formerly a Professor of Educational Psychology at the University of New Mexico. He also was a measurement statistician at Educational Testing Service. He teaches a variety of graduate courses in applied statistics and research methods. In upcoming years he will be primarily teaching EDLD 628 Hierarchical Linear Modeling I, EDLD 629 Hierarchical Linear Modeling II, EDLD 633 Structural Equation Modeling I, and EDLD 634 Structural Equation Modeling II.  His scholarly interests are in individual differences including exceptional children, school effects and accountability, measurement, validity, longitudinal modeling, and the evaluation of achievement gaps.  


PhD, 1983, University of Arizona
Major: Psychology and Quantitative Methods

M.A., 1976, University of Arizona
Major: Experimental Psychology

Fellowship, 1974-1976
National Institute of Mental Health Fellowship in Research

B.A. with distinction, 1974, University of Arizona
Major: Psychology
Minor: Sociology


Dr. Stevens’ research focuses on the application of advanced modeling methods to applied problems in educational assessment and accountability. Many of his current activities center on the work arising from a large, federally funded research center, the National Research and Development Center on Assessment and Accountability for Special Education (NCAASE; Gerald Tindal, Ann Schulte, Stephen Elliot, and Joseph Stevens, Co-Principal Investigators). As part of this work, Dr. Stevens is studying the longitudinal academic growth of students in mathematics and reading in Grades K to 8 with an emphasis on identifying growth trajectories for specific subgroups of students and examining the size of achievement gaps among student subgroups. NCAASE research is also examining the efficacy of alternative statistical models for estimating and representing teacher/classroom and school performance.


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6 years 2 months