Full Name
Ina Asim
First Name
Last Name
Associate Professor
317 McKenzie Hall
Asian Studies
Food Studies
Medieval Studies
Affiliated Departments
Asian Studies
Profile Section
Biographical information
- Associate Professor, Pre-Modern Chinese History
- M.A. 1982 Wuerzburg University Germany, Sinology, Japanology, German Literature
- 1985 Linguistic Information- and Textprocessing
- Dr. phil. 1992 Wuerzburg University, Sinology, Japanology, German Literature
- Dr. phil.habil. 2002 Wuerzburg University, Venia Legendi for Sinology
- With the U of O since 2002
- Authored Works
- Kluge Gattin, gute Mutter - oder Revolutionärin? Frauen und Frauenbildung in Vorstellungen und Biographien chinesischer Reformer des frühen 20. Jahrhunderts. (2002)
- Religiöse Landverträge aus der Song-Zeit.. (Religious Land Contracts from the Song Dynasty). (1993).
- In preparation for print
- 'Coiling Dragon,Crouching Tiger'. Urban Life in Late Ming Nanjing.
- Book publication "edited in cooperation with "Beamtentum und Wirtschaftspolitik in der Song-Dynastie (Officialdom
- and Economic Politics in the Song-Dynasty), hg. von Dieter Kuhn unter Mitarbeit von Ina Asim. (1995).
- "Antiquarianism". Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana. Storia della Scienza. Vol. III Le Scienze
- Extraeuropee. Sez. A. Science in China. [Encyclopedia of the history of science. History of Science in China.] (2002).
- "The Merchant Wang Zhen (1525-1593)". ( Kenneth J. Hammond, [ed.] The Human Tradition in Premodern China.
- (2002).
- "Decline of a Well- Ordered World: What Happened to Sartorial Regulations at the End of the Ming". Denise Gimpel and Melanie Hanz (eds.),
- Cheng - In All Sincerity. Festschrift in Honor of Monika Uebelhoer. (2002). Aspects of the Perception of Zhou Ideals in the Song Dynasty
- (960-1279)" (2001).
- "Weise Mutter, gute Gattin - oder Revolutionärin? Frauen in Biographie und Gedankenwelt des Reformers Cai Yuanpei (1868-1940)". ("Wise Mother, Good Wife - or Revolutionary? Women in the Biography and in the Thoughts
- of Cai Yuanpei (1868-1940")). (1999).
- "Status Symbol and Insurance Policy: Song Land Deeds for the Afterlife." (1994).
- "Die aristokratische Grabkultur des 7. und 8. Jahrhunderts" ("Aristocratic Tomb Culture in the 7th and 8th Centuries") (1993).
Current Research and Writing
- From Protocol to Fashion: The Decline of Sartorial Regulations in the Ming (1368-1644).
- Using the Past to Serve the Present: Aspects of Political Legitimation in Ming China
Fellowships, Grants, Honors
- Visiting scholar at the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation Center for Chinese Cultural and Institutional History, Columbia University (short term,
- 2002)
- Fellowship from the fund of the Special Programmes for Universities by the German Ministry of Education (200-01)
- Fellowship of the endowment-committee of Würzburg University for research at Princeton University (short term, 1998)
- Fellowship of the German Science Council for Research at Nanjing University (short term,1996)
- Award of the Committee of the Frankonian Memorial Foundation for Science (1994)
Film Projects
- The documentaries were produced as collaborations between the Institute of Sinology and the Language and Media Center of Würzburg
- University for the improvement in using new media in teaching.
- Chinas Goldenes Zeitalter. (China's Golden Age). 1993. 55 min.
- In cooperation with the Institute of Sinology, Leiden University, China Vision Project (Director: Prof.. Eric Zürcher):
- Die Papierrolle. Kalligraphie. (The Paper Scroll. Calligraphy). 1995. 10 min.