B.S., 1986, George Washington UniversityPh.D., 1991, California, Berkeley
Igneous petrology, volcanology, geochemistry.Earth Sciences faculty member since 2001.
Recent Publications: Rasmussen D, Plank T, Wallace PJ, Newcombe M., Lowenstern J. Vapor bubble growth in olivine-hosted melt inclusions. American Mineralogist, in press.Myers ML, Wallace PJ, Wilson CJN (2019) Inferring magma ascent timescales and reconstructing conduit processes in explosive rhyolitic eruptions using diffusive losses of hydrogen from melt inclusions. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 369, 95-112.Walowski, K.J., Wallace, P.J., Clynne, M.A., Rasmussen D.J., Weis D. (2016) Slab melting and magma formation beneath the southern Cascade Arc. Earth Planet Sci Lett 446, 100-112.Tuohy, RM, Wallace, PJ, Loewen MW, Swanson, D, Kent ARJ (2016) Magma transport and olivine crystallization depths in Kilauea’s East Rift Zone inferred from experimentally rehomogenized melt inclusions. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta 185, 232-250.
Current Graduate Students: Michelle Muth, Lissie Connors, Christina CauleyPrevious Students: Allan Lerner, Anne Fulton, Madison Myers, Kristina Walowski, Ellen Aster, Robin Tuohy (M.S., 2013), Lucy Walsh (M.S., 2012), Stan Mordensky (M.S., 2012), Stephanie Weaver (Ph.D., 2012), Dan Ruscitto (Ph.D., 2011), Emily Johnson (Ph.D., 2008), Nathalie Vigouroux (M.S., 2006, Julie Roberge (Ph.D., 2005), Stacey Hager (M.S., 2004)
Courses Taught:ERTH 201: Earth's Interior Heat & DynamicsERTH 332: Introduction to PetrologyERTH 450: Summer Geology Field CampERTH 471/571: Geochemical ThermodynamicsERTH 620 Advanced Igneous Petrology