
Full Name
Young Eun Moon
First Name
Young Eun
Last Name
Doctoral Student
312 Allen Hall
Journalism Studies, Comparative political communication, Social media, East Asian Politics & Culture, Gender & Politics
Profile Section

YoungEun Moon is a PhD candidate in School of Journalism & Communication in University of Oregon. Her primary research interest is comparative political communication, journalism studies, and Women & Politics. Specifically, she studies journalistic conventions in South Korean newsroom which brought factionalism, and how different political culture embedded in journalistic writing perpetuate authoritarian regime's vestige. Currently, she serves as the editorial assistant for the Political Communication.

  • M. A., Communication & Media, Ewha Womans[sic] University, Seoul, South Korea
  • B. A., Journalism, Ewha Womans[sic] University, Seoul, South Korea
Honors and Awards
  • 2021 May Kappa Tau Alpha Honor Society, University of Oregon
  • 2021 Apr Lokey Doctoral Science Fellowship, University of Oregon
  • 2018-2019  P.E.O. International Peace Scholarship
  • 2017  Columbia Scholarship, University of Oregon
  • Moon, Y., Kim, H. & Park, D. (2021) Can I Become a True Feminist? An Interpretive Analysis on the Mirroring Experience of Young Korean Women. Feminist Media Studies (Accept with minor revisions)
  • Moon. Y. & Lawrence, R. (2021).Disseminator, Watchdog, and Neighbor?: Positioning Local Journalism in the 2018#FreePress Editorials Campaign. Journalism Practice. Online First.
  • Lawrence, R. & Moon, Y. (2021) "We Aren't Fake News": The Information Politics of the 2018 #FreePress Editorial Campaign. Journalism Studies, 22(2), 155-173.
  • Moon, Y., Morgoch, M. & Nah, S. (2020) A Systematic Review of Citizen Journalism Scholarship from 2000 to 2017. Iowa Journal of Communication, 52(2), 48-69.
  • Moon, Y. (2020). Sexual Assualt and the Media: Rape Shield Law & Media Self-Regulations in United States. Korean Press Arbitration Commission.
  • Moon, Y. & Kim, H. (2019). Chapter 6 in  Asian Women Leadership: A Cross-National and Cross-Sector Comparison. London: Routledge.
  • Moon, Y., Shim, J. & Park, D.(2017). "My Favorite Broadcasting Jockey is...": Interpretive Analysis on the Mukbang Viewing Experience, Media & Society (in Korea), 25(2), 58-101.

Works Under Review

  • Moon, Y. The Politics of Quotation: A Comparative Study of Political News in South Korea & United States. Under review.
  • Moon, Y., Newell, B. & Paterson, H. Data Protection and Data Jouranalism: The impact of the GDPR on Data-Driven Journalism Practices in the United States (with Dr. Bryce Newell & Hugh Paterson). Under review.
  • Moon, Y. & Lewis, S. Social Media as Commodifier or Homogenizer: A Comparative Study of Journalists' Use of Social Media in Individualistic and Collectivist Cultures. Under review.
  • J320 Gender, Media & Diversity
  • J211 Gateway to Media

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