B.Sc. Adv. Hons., Monash University (Doug MacFarlane and Ekaterina Izgorodina), AUS, 2011.
Ph.D., University of Bath (Aron Walsh), UK, 2015.
A complete publication list is available on Google Scholar or my group website.
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=k1erO3EAAAAJ&hl=en
Our group has expertise in both Materials Theory, and Edible Chemical Physics. We sit at the interface between inorganic materials chemistry and physical chemistry, and develop models of chemical systems and use high-performance computation to provide numerical insights into reaction mechanisms, charge and vibrational conduction, and defect formation in complex solids. We are highly collaborative and work with many experimental groups both within UO and beyond. Our lab also specializes in experimental coffee science, with an emphasis on isolating important kinetic and thermodynamic parameters that affect flavor generation.
Our group accepts students from both synthetic and theoretical backgrounds.