
Curriculum Vitae
Full Name
Dave DeGarmo
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Research Professor
1600 Millrace, Ste 106
College of Education
Prevention Science
Profile Section

Dr. DeGarmo will be accepting new PhD students in Prevention Science but will not be accepting new PhD students in Counseling Psychology for the 2025-2026 academic year.

Dr. Dave DeGarmo is a research professor and a prevention science methodologist at the UO Prevention Science Institute and the Department of Counseling Psychology and Human Services. Dave teaches prevention methodology courses on intervention design and evaluation, structural equation modeling, and multilevel modeling in the College of Education. He is former director of the Center for Assessment, Statistics and Evaluation (CASE) at the University of Oregon and has coauthored more than 40 efficacy and effectiveness evaluations. He is a former postdoctoral fellow of the NIMH Family Research Consortium of the National Institute on Mental Health and affiliated scientist of the Oregon Social Learning Center. He earned a joint doctorate in 1993 from the University of Akron and Kent State University, Department of Sociology.

Commitment to Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

I have maintained a commitment to conducting research with underrepresented communities and in understanding the impact of, and mitigating factors for, socially disadvantaged contexts and their relation to parenting behaviors and family adjustment. As a first-generation college graduate, I have a deep appreciation for potential visible and invisible identities that can be strengths or barriers for doctoral students navigating their programs. I take pride in formal, and more so, informal mentoring of students. I am particularly proud of the OSJP staff (Oregon Saludable Juntos Podemos and the collaborative state-wide research conducted during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic funded by the NIH RADxUP initiative (Rapid Acceleration of Diagnostics – Underserved Populations) led by Drs. Leve and Cresko at the UO.

Meet Dr. Dave DeGarmo


Ph.D., 1993, University of Akron, Akron, Ohio Major: Sociology
Specialization: Methodology and Family Sociology
Major Professor: Gay C. Kitson

M.A., 1989, University of Akron, Akron, Ohio
Major: Sociology
Major Professor: Kathryn M. Feltey

B.A., 1987, Lock Haven University, Lock Haven, PA
Major: Sociology


Dr. DeGarmo has a substantive focus on family stress models, preventive interventions for families at-risk for compromised parenting with an emphasis on fathering processes. 

Dr. DeGarmo is currently MPI of the NICHD project ‘Investigating the impacts of COVID-19 school closures on long-term adjustment in youth with or at risk for disability’ (McIntyre, DeGarmo), MPI of the RADx-UP ‘Optimizing SARS-CoV-2 Testing and Promotores Interventions to Serve Latinx Communities’ 3P50DA048756-03S3 (Leve, Cresko, DeGarmo),  and PI of the UO Data Science Core for the P50 DA048756-01 (Leve, Fisher) centers of excellence Center on Parents and Opioids. I have expertise in personal and environmental risk and resilience factors associated with social and behavioral interventions.


DeGarmo, D. S., De Anda, S., Cioffi, C. C., Tavalire, H. F., Searcy, J. A., Budd, E. L., McWhirter, E. H., Mauricio, A. M., Halverson, S., Beck, E. A., Fernandez, L., Curry, M. c., Ramírez, García, J., Cresko, W. A., & Leve, L. D. (2022). Effectiveness of a COVID-19 Testing Outreach Intervention for Latinx Communities: A Cluster Randomized Trial. JAMA network open, 5(6), e2216796-e2216796.

DeGarmo, D. S., Gewirtz, A. H., Li, L., Tavalire, H. F., & Cicchetti, D. (2022). The ADAPT Parenting Intervention Benefits Combat Exposed Fathers Genetically Susceptible to Problem Drinking. Prevention Science.

Metcalfe, R. E., Osa, M. L., Jones, J. A., & DeGarmo, D. S. (2022). Emotion regulation, coercive parenting, and child adjustment: A serial mediation clinical trial. Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology, 10(3), 295-306.

Cioffi, C. C., & DeGarmo, D. S. (2021). Improving parenting practices among fathers who misuse opioids: Fathering Through Change intervention. Frontiers in Psychology, 12(2419).

Parra-Cardona, R., Fuentes-Balderrama, J., Vanderziel, A., Lopez-Zeron, G., Domenech Rodriguez, M. M., DeGarmo, D. S., & Anthony, J. C. (2021). A Culturally Adapted Parenting Intervention for Mexican-Origin Immigrant Families with Adolescents: Integrating Science, Culture, and a Focus on Immigration-Related Adversity. Prevention Science.

Cioffi, C. C., DeGarmo, D. S., & Jones, J. A. (2021). Participation in the Fathering Through Change intervention reduces substance use among divorced and separated fathers. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 120.

Lindstrom, L., DeGarmo, D., Khurana, A., Hirano, K., & Leve, L. (2020). Paths 2 the Future: Evidence for the efficacy of a career development intervention for young women with disabilities. Exceptional Children, 87(1), 54-73.

DeGarmo, D. S., & Jones, J. A. (2019). Fathering Through Change (FTC) intervention for single fathers: Preventing coercive parenting and child problem behaviors. Developmental Psychopathology, 1-11.

Stormshak, E. A., DeGarmo, D. S., Chronister, K. M., Caruthers, A. S., Stapleton, J., & Falkenstein, C. A. (2019). The impact of substance use during middle school and young adulthood on parent-young adult relationships. Journal of Family Psychology, 33(7), 797-808.

DeGarmo, D. S., & Gewirtz, A. H. (2018). A recovery capital and stress-buffering model for post-deployed military parents. Frontiers in Psychology, 9(1832).

Full list of publications available at: ‪Dave DeGarmo - ‪Google Scholar

Honors and Awards

2021   Outstanding Accomplishment NTTF Research Award, Office of Research and Innovation, University of Oregon.

2013   “A confidant support and problem solving model of divorced fathers’ parenting” (DeGarmo & Forgatch, 2012) published in American Journal of Community Psychology featured in Psychology Progress, Center for Top Research in Psychology, January 16, 2013

2012   “Patterns and predictors of growth in divorced fathers’ health status and substance use” (DeGarmo et al., 2011) published in American Journal of Men's Health featured in USA Today article Being a dad could really alter men’s behaviors” June 14, 2012

2012   “Predictors of distinct trajectories of PTSD in Combat Exposed National Guard Soldiers” (Polusny et al., 2012).  American Psychological Association, Division 18 Spotlight Award for Special Achievement for an exceptional presentation in the area of Public Service Psychology, August 2012

19931996    Family Risk and Resilience Postdoctoral Fellowship, funded by the Family Research Consortium of the National Institute on Mental Health

1993   Graduate Student of the Year, Department of Sociology, The University of Akron

19921993    Rogler Merit Assistantship, The University of Akron, annual award to outstanding doctoral student


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6 years 1 month